Valakut Exploration

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Valakut Exploration


Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, exile the top card of your library. You may play that card as long as it remains exiled.

At the beginning of your end step, if there are cards exiled with Valakut Exploration, put them into their owner's graveyard, then Valakut Exploration deals that much damage to each opponent.

longmuiryan on Kool-Aid Man if He Knew Mitosis

3 months ago

As a deck that seeks to make a land drop every turn (if not more), I would consider adding more card draw/card advantage. Cards like Vorinclex  Flip, Valakut Exploration, and Rishkar's Expertise are all good inclusions IMO. I would consider removing cards like Sparkspitter and Lightning Mare

keizerbuns on Gate Fall

1 year ago

Neat deck, Landfall and Gates seem to go hand in hand very well! I can't think of that many great landfall or gate cards that you don't already have in here, but there are still a few that come to mind that might be worth looking into.

Dryad of the Ilysian Grove is an amazing mana fixer/mana ramper and I feel like it would be a perfect fit in this deck. Likewise, Chromatic Lantern is a great mana fixer too, but it doesn't offer any more than that so it might not be that great, but I think it's still worth considering.

Sakura-Tribe Scout is another great 1-drop mana-ramper that you could add in alongside Burgeoning and Exploration for additional early-game ramp.

A personal favorite landfall card of mine is Valakut Exploration. With all of the additional land drops you're getting per turn, Valakut can pop off hard and let you dig deep into your deck each turn.

Last, if you decide to add either Dryad of the Ilysian Grove or Chromatic Lantern, then you could also add Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle as an additional win-con for your deck.

Hopefully this was helpful!

shock7123 on Omnath Whole Lotta Lands

1 year ago

Finally, another 4c Omnath player!

Omnath, Locus of Creation is a fun commander that gives you access to the grand majority of all the landfall effects to ever come out in Magic. I will say, though, there are a few things you could add if you wanted to make this deck more competitive. Not sure if that was your plan or not, but here are some suggestions I would make:

Geode Rager can help keep your opponents off your back and swinging at each other, making it easier for you to win. As long as you have a couple landfall token generators out, it isn't too hard to win in a 1v1 situation with this commander.

Felidar Retreat + Kodama of the East Tree + Simic Growth Chamber is a combo that allows you to win the game with literal infinite landfall triggers and infinite tokens being created. You can sub out Simic Growth Chamber for any of the Ravnica bounce lands (of which you have access to 7 total in your colors, including Guildless Commons.) You can also swap out Felidar Retreat for any landfall token generator like Zendikar's Roil, Rampaging Baloths, heck, even Scute Swarm will work. You just need to create a token of some kind whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control.

Valakut Exploration is a great way to give yourself some temporary card advantage while also pinging your opponents for whatever you don't end up casting. Careful with this card, though, as if you don't cast whatever is exiled with it, you don't get it back.

Retreat to Coralhelm can let you tap down creatures you don't want attacking you or give you card selection via a ton of scry effects.

Nissa, Voice of Zendikar is a solid 3-drop walker that lets you get some chump blockers out early, pump any tokens you control, or gain a bunch of life and draw a bunch of cards.

Ancient Greenwarden is a solid effect. It lets you get your fetch lands out of your graveyard to find another land, easy two landfall triggers per turn with that. It also acts as a Panharmonicon for landfall, which is amazing in this deck. With just this, your commander, and a Myriad Landscape or Fabled Passage, you can gain 8 life and add 8 mana for free to your mana pool each turn.

Azusa, Lost but Seeking makes it so that you can consistently get three landfall triggers per turn with just a Ravnica bounce land in your hand. You may not grow the amount of lands in your deck, but it does allow you to get that 4 damage trigger off from your commander consistently.

Tireless Tracker and Tireless Provisioner are the GOAT in a landfall deck. All the treasures, food, or clues you could ever hope for.

Trench Behemoth is a solid value engine that lets you return lands to your hand to protect itself while also forcing a creature to attack whenever you get a landfall trigger. If you have enough tokens, you can take out their big threats if they decide to swing at you with it.

I love my Omnath deck, as I've had it since I pulled a foil version of him from a Zendikar Rising prerelease box. If you want other suggestions, I'm happy to help!

SufferFromEDHD on Keranos Lands

1 year ago

Such a clever concept. Big fan of "less is more" and this list is it. I too have an Izzet 43 Lands.dec list piloted by Keranos but my theme/gimmick was Legacy 43 lands.dec your glass cannon heavy land based combo is awesome!

I'm going to spit ball some ideas because your list got my creative juices flowing:

Cursed Scroll that many basics makes this efficient colorless damage.

Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle make something out of all those basic mountains.

Fiery Islet/Prismari Campus high quality filter and card draw.

Tolaria West tutor for the utility lands.

Burning Sands/Mana BreachOverburden I always try and sneak a stax tax or 2 in my combo decks. These similar cards are an irrelevant tax to you but brutal to aggro strategies.

Back to Basics brutal to greedy mana bases.

Retreat to Coralhelm/Valakut Exploration good value for playing lands.

Fathom Trawl cascade tutor. Treasure Hunt #2

Cut Tectonic Reformation. Add Trade Routes. The synergy with Seismic Assault is necessary to your strategy.

CommanderNeyo on Samurai

1 year ago

Welcome to Magic! I highly recommend watching this deck-building template from The Command Zone, it gives extremely helpful suggestions on how to put a deck together that will run smoothly and do what you want it to do:

Also, you could visit EDHREC to get some suggestions on what cards might be good in your deck based on what other people are playing.

Some suggestions I would make:

Add Boros Signet and Talisman of Conviction to help make sure you get your colors. Because of the extra combat steps, if your budget allows, you could also consider adding Sword of the Animist.

I would consider some cheap removal spells to answer opponents' threats, namely Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, and Wear / Tear.

I would add some more protection, such as Boros Charm and Eerie Interlude.

Card draw is key, and I would consider adding Valakut Exploration and Laelia, the Blade Reforged.

Some cuts I would make:

  • Anointer of Valor, because it is too much mana to use its ability.
  • Norika Yamazaki, the Poet, because you don't have that many enchantments, and its only useful if someone killed one you really needed.
  • Rummaging Goblin, because you could just replace this with card draw or pseudo-card draw.

multimedia on Rakdos, Lord of Riots Demon Tribal

1 year ago

Hey, with Rakdos as Commander then consider some effects that make an opponent lose life without attacking? Rakdos can't be cast without first an opponent losing life and effects that cost no additional mana as well as being repeatable are nice since you want to use your mana on your turn to cast Demons or draw. Get repeatable value while also making your opponent or each opponent lose life.

Cryptolith Fragment  Flip is ramp and an enabler for Rakdos. Plague Spitter is a hidden gem, repeatable 1 damage to each creature at your upkeep can wreck opponent token strategies especially Spirits who are flying blockers against Demons and opponent's green mana dorks. Lower mana cost options, less than 4 mana, are better since they can potentially be cast before Rakdos.

With Rakdos as Commander and playing Demons you need less ramp because he's a source of ramp for Demons. For this reason I would make draw more important then ramp. Still play some ramp, but more draw lets you draw Demons to cast using Rakdos mana cost reduction.

For more draw my advice is make cards with repeatable effects a priory for upgrades. Draw spells that are a single effect are fine too, having both is best. Seize the Spoils, Big Score and Unexpected Windfall is loot (draw and discard) and ramp with treasures, that's really helpful for Demons to get three effects with one card.

If you're interested I offer more advice in another comment. Would you like more advice?

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