Tergrid's Lantern


Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tergrid's Lantern

Legendary Artifact

: Target player loses 3 life unless they sacrifice a nonland permanent or discard a card.

: Untap Tergrid's Lantern.

Chasmolinker on Rock Deck 2022

1 year ago

Tergrid's Lantern  Flip is a really nice finisher as well. It is a free piece of interaction each turn that you can sink mana into late game for repeatable activation. It's not something that every deck has removal for either.

LandoLRodriguez on OTJ - Grixis Control

2 years ago

Hello again! You'll probably hear from me fairly frequently, if you don't mind, since you and I are doing the same thing in the same colors, and I'll always be interested in the direction you take your deck. I put my list up here Arena Grixis Control if you'd like to take a look. I've been running it on arena since MID came out and while I miss Kroxa and Sharknado and such, it's still been pretty fun. We've certainly both zeroed in on some of the same new toys; Gisa fits in very nicely, considering how many of our opponents' creatures we'll be zapping every game. Yes, Smoldering Egg  Flip definitely deserves at least 2 slots! In principal, I want to be really minimal with creatures in this scheme and only really want big splashy ones, but the egg just accomplishes so much. Like you said, a 0/4 blocker early game is great to have, especially with all the aggro in the meta right now. It doesn't take too long to spend 7 mana on instants and sorceries and once the egg hatches and each one sends 2 damage anywhere (not to mention it's now a 4/4 flyer) it gets really fun. I'm running a couple copies of Tergrid  Flip because not only do I love how sacrifice removal like Soul Shatter and Umbral Juke (plus Totally not Liliana's -3) gets around both hexproof and indestructible (screw you, Toski), but I've had other folks drain me out with Tergrid's Lantern and thought "Hey, that's just mean enough to want to do myself". I hadn't really considered Lier; getting access to all the instants and sorceries in the graveyard is definitely great, but a lot of games have hinged on countering the right spell at the right time and I wouldn't want her taking that chance away. I still definitely recommend Xanathar, and would also encourage throwing at least 1 copy of Hall of Storm Giants in (it's proven really invaluable as both a threat when the battlefield is clear but I'm top decking for a closeout bomb, and as a nice fat blocker if the opponent has managed to keep some stuff). If there was one card I'd strongly recommend that perhaps you hadn't considered though, it's Geistflame Reservoir. Getting it out on turn 3, it doesn't take many turns before it's capable of doing a considerable amount of damage to any target for just 2 mana. Plus it can help dig through the library if necessary. I've loved it and will likely slot in a second one at some point. Anyway, that's probably enough for now. Enjoy your Grixising!

GrimlockVIII on Everything Has a Price

2 years ago


You can always play Tergrid's Lantern since you're either gonna force your opponent to lose life, discard a card, or sacc something. The constant life loss from the other spells puts pressure on them to choose to lose resources, and its untap ability is a good mana sink in the late-game, in turn giving it an advantage over Torment of Scarabs

DanMcSharp on Orzhov Control actually OKAY?

3 years ago

Yeah I ended up in the same position, I built the entire deck around Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip but eventually figured that it was still almost always better to use Tergrid's Lantern instead.

She still sees some play either as the 2nd copy I draw, or when brought back from by Elspeth Conquers Death though. Sometimes against deck with few or no removal she works wonders too. For what it's worth, running a must answer Rankle, Master of Pranks sometimes makes it more likely that she survives later as well.

As for what you could cut, I would also go with Doom Foretold mostly because I tend to cut 4x higher cmc first when I try to make room, and yeah cutting an Elderfang Disciple seems fine too since running 8 of those weak creatures that make the opponent discard can make for pretty weak top-decks eventually.

Btw, any reasons why you play 4 Vanishing Verse rather than maybe 2 of those and maybe 2 Heartless Act to have more removal conditions to work with?

MagicMarc on Cast Your Deck In 1 Turn in Kaldheim Standard!

3 years ago

It is pretty disgusting, huh? The really odd part is that I stumbled across the combo in a weird way.

I have seen some decks online that use the Mystic Reflection + Nyxbloom Ancient + Phylath, World Sculptor combo to make a lot of copies of the Nyxbloom Ancient . And then the decks just use it to make big shark tokens or to play out what they have in hand. Or to instantly resolve a Midnight Clock or similar.

So I decided to put the decks I saw online together and found out I only have one copy of Midnight Clock and 1 copy of the Nyxbloom Ancient . So I proxied the elemental because it's so expensive to get and I wanted to playtest for a while and decide if I wanted to invest in more copies of it. And I had to figure out another way in standard to dig into my library and fill my hand as good as the Midnight Clock or as close as I could get.

So I did a scryfall search for draw cards and found Niko Aris . The Shard tokens you create when you play Niko let you scry and draw. And I had gotten a playset of them for collecting reasons. So I put 1 Midnight Clock and 3 copies of Niko Aris in the deck. They were going to be placeholders until I got more copies of the clock! I still had not figured out what I had on my hands.

Then I started playtesting the deck and realized I can make an insane amount of Shard tokens that will let you scry and draw through your whole deck with the psycho mana this deck can produce.

I had already known the Epitaph Golem was in standard because I am a fan of using Reito Lantern with Sunforger as a kind of recursion engine in decks and had marked it as useful before. I found the Stonework Packbeast when looking for a way to funnel the mana the deck produces into for the Tergrid's Lantern before I decided that was an mean way to win.

Then I added the Archon of Sun's Grace when I realized the Nyxbloom Ancient and the Shard tokens were enchantments.

So the whole deck sort of developed just because I was playtesting a janky deck idea I did not have all the cardboard for.

cmurphy1321 on Sygg, River Nuisance

3 years ago


DuTogira on None

3 years ago

TriusMalarky The Rack and Shrieking Affliction both kill faster than Tergrid's Lantern . If you want to win faster in 8-rack, find more rack effects and build 12-rack. Lantern doesn’t consistently hurt the opponent, and if you end up out of cards in hand and out of permanents vs an 8-rack player (which is when the lantern finally starts helping you win faster), you’ve already lost.
For that matter, I genuinely can’t remember the last time I saw an 8-rack player with 4 lands in play...

MagicMarc on None

3 years ago

Not that it's a competitive deck for Modern but there's a not-quite infinite mana combo in Kaldheim Standard where you could use the Tergrid's Lantern as many times as you wanted in a single turn. Then it can win a game.

But, again, it's too slow for Modern or even Standard to be honest.

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