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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Counter target spell.

Draw a card.

DemonDragonJ on Which Card Should Replace Plasm …

5 months ago

I have a copy of Plasm Capture in this EDH deck, here, but I plan to replace it, with another card, since its mana cost is too strict, and I am considering one of the following cards: Cryptic Command *list*, Countermand, Dismal Failure, or Dismiss; among those cards, Cryptic Command *list* is the most versatile, but it also has the strictest casting cost; Dismiss is simply a poor substitute for Cryptic Command *list*; Countermand is redundant with Psychic Strike and Thought Collapse; and Dismal Failure is quite nice, but it is also rather expensive for its effect. Also, I could forsake a counterspell and instead put Eureka Moment in this deck, although Gretchen Titchwillow has an ability that is essentially a repeatable version of that spell.

Therefore, I would like to ask everyone here for advice about this matter: which card should replace Plasm Capture in this deck?

Profet93 on ⧗ ⧖ ⧗ Charge Coun-turns ⧗ ⧖ ⧗

2 years ago

Pact of Negationfoil/Counterspell instead of Ojutai's Command - Life gain is irrelevant, you have few creature targets. The rest is just a Dismiss but worse. Not to mention, having to hold up 4 mana. Pact allows you to bluff and you can protect a wincon or your commander. With an extra turn, the upkeep requirement is much easier. If not pact, then perhaps a Misdirection as it can be ever better than countering a spell, and is within budget. Redirect targeted, draw, extra turn spells, removal, etc... What's better than countering their beast within or peer from the abyss than utilizing it for yourself.

+1, I just wish the background wasn't so bright. Nevertheless, good work. I like the style you added to your page.

mattzim666 on Muzzio, Visionary architect

3 years ago

Some cards which I think should be cut because I think they are not too great or have fallen out of love with them are: Inkwell Leviathan, Jhoira's Toolbox, Myr Battlesphere, Myr Enforcer, Scarecrone, Willbender, Brittle Effigy, Darksteel Ingot, Dreamstone Hedron, Lux Cannon (unless you have a way of getting counters more quickly), Staff of Nin, Tower of Fortunes, Trading Post, Dismiss, Dissipate, and Dream Fracture.

Xzorgoth on

4 years ago

Trois autres bonnes cartes qui pourraient êtres ajoutées sont Wheel of Fate, Reforge the Soul et Counterspell en échange de Soul Manipulation, True-Name Nemesis et Dismiss

Niemzi on

4 years ago

Grind Thank you for the Suggestions! I got myself a Teferi's Puzzle Box and a Magus of the Wheel. For Counterspells i got Mana Drain and Pact of Negation. I don't think the Card draw of Arcane Denial matters that much, but you are right that it's better than Dismiss.

TriusMalarky on Why Does WotC Continue to …

4 years ago

Harmonize and Beast Within have been printed into non-Standard sets rather often because they are good in EDH, although they do see some occasional Modern play.

Color pie breaks are weird, and they mostly exist because WotC wants to push boundaries. Pushing boundaries is fine, but in some cases they go overboard.

See, Beast Within is not an insanely powerful card in most formats. It would never be Standard playable, other than as a Sideboard card to allow Green to deal with Planeswalkers. Except in Standard, you just add blue and steal whatever's bothering you or add black and use Assassin's Trophy.

Where Best Within shines is formats where there are huge permanents that can singlehandedly win the game. I, for one, always prefer my opponent having a 3/3 than a Karn or Ugin or Eldrazi Titan. That's why it's good in EDH -- everybody is running giant game ending permanents. Beast makes sure Green is able to help out in the 'kill the guy with the OP board state' game. Without it, green wouldn't be much worse, but with it, it gives Green the ability to be more than "mana and John Cenasaurus", if only with one card. Beast doesn't break EDH, it helps it stay less broken, and it's not even all that amazing. is still a decent amount in EDH. It's like 1 mana in Modern, or 5 in Standard.

The opposite end of the spectrum is Veil of Summer. On the surface it's a "hey, maybe we can give green some control hate". In practice, it's Dismiss for that is restricted to Blue/Black instants and sorceries. 3 mana discount but the downside is it only hits half the color pie? It was maindeckable in 2 formats.

Another note is this: it's not hard to add another color if you have the $$ for the manabase. If you need a counterspell, you can splash blue for Spell Pierce any day. If you're a mono color deck, it's easy. A two color deck? Great, now you're 3 colors and out $50 for lands. Already 3 colors? Oh, well maybe it's a little more difficult.... At 4 colors you either don't try or you're already that color, and at 5 you're playing Humans or Slivers or Bring to Light. Color pie breaks don't really mean that the game is broken -- in fact, color pie breaks are often better for the budget player because they don't have to invest as much into lands.

Grind on

4 years ago

cool deck!
Teferi's Puzzle Box and Magus of the Wheel might be good.
and maybe Arcane Denial over Dismiss?

tpaul21 on Kess for Less

4 years ago


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