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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Counter target instant or sorcery spell unless its controller pays .

Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell cast before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)

LordDonato on The Queen's Egg

1 month ago

Mortlocke and Flodes,

To jump in on this, I recently picked up the Flusterstorm you mentioned and have been trying to fit it into this list somewhere. Strix Serenade was also on my radar, as it rounds out Swan Song nicely. This is the primary deck I play, and the cards on the chopping block for me are Cyclonic Rift and Pact of Negation. Rift is underwhelming unless overloaded and the Pact upkeep cost (unless protecting your win on your turn) is basically a time walk. 5 or 6 open mana is coming close on win-con range, so it seems less than ideal to leave that open or spend it on upkeep. Choosing one I would probably replace Cyclonic Rift with Flusterstorm, but I may give the Serenade a chance as well.

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

1 month ago


Hibernation Sliver is a deterrent. It boasts to my opponents that their removal is useless as a targeted "problem sliver" will simply show up again. The truth is i've never found myself wanting to use this ability simply because there are better alternatives in the deck in the form of Crystalline Sliver or a simple Counterspell. Additionally, I've owned Deadly Rollickfoil since it was released because I absolutely love the art. It's evocative of the earlier days in magic when the art was dark, sinister, and seductive. Speaking of seductive - Judith is hot. The art absolutely speaks to me - and what it says I'm sure I can't say in public.

Side Rant - I took this deck to a tournament over the weekend. It was advertised as a Commander tournament with prizes and no restrictions outside of the standard Commander banlist. Additionally, once you used a deck you had to stick with it throughout the whole tournament. Unbeknownst to me, a herd of cEDH players showed up and were crushing tables on turns 2 to 3 with regular consistency - they assumed it was a cEDH tournament, according to on of my opponents. After having one very exciting game I realized that while this deck is decidedly not one of the archetypes, it could at least leave an impact on a cEDH game. So I think I want to squeeze in some more interaction just to ensure that this deck could at least consistently hang at a cEDH table. So, that's the other reason why I wanted to slot in Deadly Rollick. Also i'm trying to slot in a copy of Flusterstorm. It's a great spell and just got the foil old borderfoil treatment in MH3 as a buy a box promo. I'm trying to decide on what to slot it in for, but i'm having a tough time deciding on what to cut. Do you have any ideas Flodes?

That's the end of my long rant, thanks again for commenting.

Edit: Made a few changes due to bad grammar/spelling

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

1 month ago


Hibernation Sliver is a deterrent. It boasts to my opponents that their removal is useless as a targeted "problem sliver" will simply show up again. But, I've never used once while owning the deck. I've never found myself wanting to use this ability simply because there are already better alternatives in the deck in the form of Crystalline Sliver or a simple Counterspell. Additionally, I've owned Deadly Rollick since it was released because I absolutely love the art. It's evocative of the earlier days in magic when the art was dark, sinister, and seductive. Speaking of seductive - Judith is hot. The art absolutely speaks to me - and what it says I'm sure I can't say in public.

Side Rant - I took this deck to a tournament over the weekend. It was advertised as a Commander tournament with prizes and no restrictions outside of the standard Commander banlist. Additionally, once you used a deck you had to stick with it throughout the whole tournament. Unbeknownst to me, a herd of cEDH players showed up and were crushing tables on turns 2 to 3 with regular consistency - they assumed it was a cEDH tournament, according to on of my opponents. After having one very exciting game I realized that while this deck is decidedly not one of the archetypes, it could at least leave an impact on a cEDH game. So I think I want to squeeze in some more interaction just to ensure that this deck could at least consistently hang at a cEDH table. So, that's the other reason why I wanted to slot in Deadly Rollick. Also i'm trying to slot in a copy of Flusterstorm. That spell is pretty cool, and in MH3 a foil old borderfoil copy was printed. I'm trying to decide on what to slot it in for, but i'm having a tough time deciding on what to cut. Do you have any ideas Flodes? That's the end of my long rant, thanks again for commenting.

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

1 month ago


Long story so buckle up - I took this deck to a tournament over the weekend. It was advertised as a Commander tournament with prizes and no restrictions outside of the normal banlist. Also, once you used a deck you had to stick with it throughout the whole tournament. Unbeknownst to me, a herd of cEDH players showed up and were crushing tables on turns 2 to 3 with regular consistency. This almost happened to me, but between me and the rest of the table we had enough interaction to stop it. Then I realized - while this deck is decidedly not a cEDH archetype, it could at least hang at the table and leave an impact on the game - but I need more interaction.

Hibernation Sliver is a deterrent. It boasts to my opponents that their removal is useless as said sliver will simply show up again. This ability I've never used once while owning this deck. I've never used it as a go-to because there are simply better options in the form of Crystalline Sliver or just a good ol' fashioned Counterspell. Besides, i've had full art foil Deadly Rollick (featuring Judith), and am trying to find a nice deck for it to call home. It's evocative of the earlier days in magic where the art was more evocative of something dark, sinister, and forbidden. Also, Judith is hot.

tl;dr - I need more interaction and I found Hibernation Sliver to not be as useful as I thought.

Additionally, MH3 introduced a gorgeous buy a box promo - a foil old border Flusterstormfoil. I got a copy and am definitely going to try and make a spot for it in the deck. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to cut. Maybe Swords to Plowshares?

Longer discussion note - I think that cEDH is a wonderful deck building meta, but it is something completely separate from your standard Commander or EDH meta. It was unfortunate that I and a portion of other players were very much caught off guard by the cEDH crowd and have to say that the planners need to make things clear when deciding on what the meta for the tournament will be. My personal thoughts are create a cEDH meta (which strictly uses cEDH deck archetypes) and a Commander meta (which explicitly does not use cEDH deck archetypes, and has games that are expected to end from turn 5 and beyond). I very much dislike weird and arbitrary bans on things like infinite combos or certain cards. Random rant, but I had those thoughts on my mind. Thanks for commenting again Flodes!

DreadKhan on Sisay- CEDH Build

2 months ago

I'm not sure if you should be running that many guild Signets, why not just run more Green ramp that is better at fixing your mana? Artifacts do better in cEDH than more casual games, but you'll be feeding Dockside. I'd even run Talismans over Signets if you feel desperate for 2 mana rocks, Talisman of Indulgence is a more useful card in most situations than Rakdos Signet. Also Fellwar Stone exists fwiw.

Similarly, I'm not sure if you should run ETB tapped Fetches in a cEDH deck, but I will admit the fixing is nice. Stuff like Rocky Tar Pit belong in more casual games, at least in my experience.

I can see you have tons of combos in here, but I can't help but mention Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, she synergizes incredibly well with Sisay, Emiel and a Haste source (like Samut), usually netting you infinite mana and as many cards as you want (by flickering your Sisay, who should be the strongest creature). I only mention it because I think you've got everything Selvala needs to work, and she's a Legendary mana dork that can make any colours of mana.

If you're hoping to play cEDH I would recommend you run at least a couple Counters, some relatively affordable ones (that still hit relevant stuff reliably) are Swan Song, An Offer You Can't Refuse, and maybe Pact of Negation or even Flusterstorm. If these are too pricey you can also try Arcane Denial or Dispel. I would definitely run Dispel over Lightning Greaves in a deck like this, people don't run Sorcery speed answers very often in cEDH, so they'll just wait until you're going to equip the Greaves and then Swords you.

Do you have a plan for Opposition Agent? I feel like if people resolve one you're going to be having a very bad time, unless I'm missing a bunch of removal, and people love Oppo in cEDH. You might consider some of the more versatile removal options, stuff like Generous Gift, Stroke of Midnight, and Beast Within can hit pretty near anything you need gone.

Azoth2099 on Bwatsizzle Maelstrom

6 months ago

Kalamax! Tight. Here's some recs:

Wandering Archaic  Flip, Flusterstorm, Flux Channeler, Twincast, Fork, Reverberate, Reiterate, Radstorm & Spellbinder.

I'd also recommend running some synergistic combos like Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal & Dualcaster Mage + Ghostly Flicker.

Good luck refining your list! Great commander choice.

MusicGoat18 on UR Aggro Modern

8 months ago

Andramalech, I extremely appreciate the feedback! :) Your suggestions are nice however most of them probably won't make the cut. Other than potential synergy with Soul-Scar Mage, Adeliz is a bit slow due to it having a cmc of 3. I have Sprite Dragon in my maybeboard which has a similar effect but cheaper AND the buffs are permanent. Also, with Ingenious Prodigy, it was a good thought but it's also slow and requires a higher "X" value in its cost for effective drawing. I have DRC's which dumps my spells into the graveyard for card advantage fueling Underworld Breach. As for Stubborn Denial and Royal Treatment, I have slightly better cards in my sideboard for their type of ability: Flusterstorm, which triggers prowess with storm, and it isn't hard to "storm" it in this deck, and Veil of Summer, which prevents my stuff from being countered on top of the hexproof effect as well as the potential card draw. However, since I currently cannot afford Flusterstorms right now (lol), I will use stubborn denials or Spell Pierces in its place in my sideboard. Scale Up is a cool idea with the prowess effect, so I might consider tinkering with it, but since my mana base lacks green and my deck is more UR focused (most of my green spells have another way of casting) it probably won't make a spot in the deck.

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

10 months ago


I will post this comment then make the changes as specified in the list.

I have been studying a lot of cEDH meta, and found a lot of cards that I haven’t been using that are really great in Unesh. After a lot of consideration I have decided to pull the trigger on this revision.

  • Replace Mystic Sanctuary with Otawara, Soaring City. Mystic Sanctuary is used to retrieve interaction and put it on the top of your deck. This is anti-deck thinning which feels really bad in this deck. Instead, lets have the interaction printed on the land itself. What is great about Otawara is that this interaction is an ability, not a spell. So it can be used even while cards like Grand Abolisher are on the field. You can remove the abolisher and then interact with your opponent.
  • Replace Extraplanar Lens with Urza's Saga. The lens feels clunky. Sure it combos with Palinchron, but this combo requires lands to be on the field. Sacrificing a land has anti synergy with this. If the lens gets removed, you are out the double mana AND a land. It feels bad too often which is why it is getting cut. There are still 5 other combo pieces in the deck that you WILL see. You can even tutor for High Tide if you have to. Urza’s Saga is one of the best lands in the format and it isn’t hard to see why. More deck thinning. If its in your opening hand you guarantee Unesh by turn 3. Moonsilver Key seems to perform really well, so keeping this in as redundancy for this effect will turn out well I think.
  • Replace 2 Islands with Mox Opal and Mox Amber. This deck has a lot of lands in it for cEDH. Although Unesh doesn’t mind being mana flooded usually, the count is still a bit high especially after adding Urza’s Saga. Fast mana in these spots feels nice. They aren’t necessarily going to get Unesh on the table faster, BUT they can effectively make your Thassa's Oracle win con cheaper. While you are rolling through your deck after Rite of Replication resolves, you can pick up these pieces to gain mana to cast Thassa’s Oracle.
  • Replace Island with Gemstone Caverns. I goldfished this change a lot and found that Unesh will almost always prefer this in your opening hand over an Island. It makes early Unesh more likely, which is the primary goal of this deck.
  • Replaced Trickbind with Mental Misstep. Mental Misstep is too good in the format. There are a lot of awesome 1 cmc cards. Sol ring, carpet of flowers, swords to plowshares, mental misstep, other 1 cmc counters, mystic remora, and more. Trickbind is a great card against the right opponent(ie Kinnan), so for me this goes in the sideboard.

Sideboard revision 0

This is my first stab at a sideboard. So constructive criticism is very welcomed. The main goals of the sideboard is to change out the interaction package to fit the pod better, and to shift to more of a midrange strat than turbo if necessary.

  • Trickbind. Great interaction with other ability centered decks.
  • Grafdigger's Cage. Unesh can play this card without consequence pretty much, and it is an effective stax piece in the meta. This card might even weasel its way in to the main board.
  • Tormod's Crypt. More graveyard hate, nothing else to explain here.
  • Flusterstorm for a spell heavy pod.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse also for a spell heavy pod.
  • Pongify for a more creature heavy pod.
  • Lotus Petal for better odds to cast Unesh first, making the deck more turbo. I think this card is possibly better than 1 or more of the mox’s, but I will leave it in sideboard for now.
  • Perplexing Chimera. If you need to grind in the midrange more this guy can be a great option. Combining him with Homeward Path can be a good combo to soft lock your opponents in the mid game while you get to the bottom of your deck.
  • Homeward Path for the above card.
  • Ledger Shredder for making the deck more midrange with another card draw engine, allowing you to more likely get the interaction you need.
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