Unexpectedly Absent

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Unexpectedly Absent


Put target nonland permanent underneath the top X cards of that owner's library.

TehGrief on Trigger ability resolve after source …

2 months ago

Player A's Storm Crow is equipped with Mage Slayer and attacks, on the attack trigger, Player A casts Unleash Fury on the Storm Crow. Horrified of the consequences, Player B casts Unexpectedly Absent targetting the Storm Crow after the Unleash Fury resolves.

With the Storm Crow no longer on the battlefield, how much damage (if any) does the Mage Slayer trigger cause?

rambunctiousOrator on it's a deck alright

2 years ago

Hey, sweet deck. Let's take a look at win conditions and lands. I've identified a problem with your deck: You aggressively want to control the board with your 1-3 drops. While other players are playing 6 mana bombs every turn your are trying to eke out board advantage with 3 or 4 creatures a turn.

  • You don't need board wipes in this deck, they actively go against your game-plan, and in no way help you win.
  • Less removal in general. I counted 18 pieces of removal in your instants and sorceries. Keep Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, and Damn and get rid of the rest. You ARE the threat, if your deck is running slowly to the point that you feel like you need removal, you need better creatures.

As for lands, use this mana base.


How would I change your win condition...well you are trying to do knight tribal...

Consider these cards:

Remove these cards:

-15 pieces of removal from instants and sorceries, keep Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, and Damn

Good luck, and happy hunting. Let me know if you want to continue the conversation or have questions

LitchOubliette on Commander Staples Cube

3 years ago

Changelog (22/11/2020)








Mana Fixing

billium813 on Donate To-Don'tRoastMe Defense Fund

4 years ago

I really like Flickerform, Gift of Immortality, Ephemerate, and Conjurer's Closet with Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves. Great ways of protecting him and getting reuse out of his enter the battlefield (ETB) ability!

I also really like Sword of the Paruns. Tolsimir usually wants you to play lots of wolves so that you can use his ability. You can use Sword of the Paruns to boost your wolves on defense when they ETB and fight!


I would recommend maybe replacing Gods Willing, Blessed Breath, Realms Uncharted, Unexpectedly Absent, Inspire Awe, & Stand Firm with Make a Stand, Unbreakable Formation, Rootborn Defenses, Brave the Elements, Swords to Plowshares, & Path to Exile

Seek the Horizon could be upgraded to Explosive Vegetation

Heraldic Banner fits the deck really well! Some other good cards in that vein would be Marshal's Anthem, Leonin Sun Standard, Adaptive Automaton, Spear of Heliod, or Vanquisher's Banner. You could replace Shriekhorn, Mindcrank, Conjurer's Bauble, Ghoulcaller's Bell, & Grindclock with the recommendations.

Enral on Mangara, The Diplomat EDH

4 years ago

Wow you're quick! Nice first draft. I'm wondering if the inclusion of Crested Sunmare is needed? Maybe include more interactions like Oblation/Flawless Maneuver/Unexpectedly Absent?

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