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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Any player may play creature cards with converted mana cost 3 or less without paying their mana cost and as though they had flash.

AstroAA on All the combos

3 weeks ago

Personally I'm a massive fan of anything involving the card Aluren. In addition, Enduring Renewal is a pretty funny card to use with sac outlets like Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar. Pair all the cards together with a creature less than three CMC you can get infinite mana, ETBs, death triggers, etc.

SpammyV on Modern Horizons 3

2 months ago

It's funny to me that they gave us energy-themed takes on Recurring Nightmare and Aluren but then they seemed like they were worried that players wouldn't be able to figure out combos to break those cards so we have Guide of Souls (Gain 1 life and 1 E when a creature ETBs) and Metastatic Evangel (proliferate when a creature ETBs) just to make sure you can do some nonsense... With Aluren and Nightmare.

jarncards on Sleeping Elves Kill

8 months ago

Also, Aluren and Realmwalker could be fun if you want break the game.

AstroAA on Karametra’s Landstorm

1 year ago

I would recommend adding Aluren so you can get an infinite number of casts off on cards that bounce themselves, like Whitemane Lion or Kor Skyfisher, then getting out every plains/forest in your deck in one turn.

Dencoan on Kitten Mittens

1 year ago

king-saproling I originally had Qasali Slingers in there but i was worried the average cmc was getting to high and replace it. After a handful of games I might end up adding it back in.

I swear I had Fleetfoot Panther in the deck, Im going to have to work that back in.

Aluren is very tempting but I fear it would be a lightning rod

king-saproling on Kitten Mittens

1 year ago

You might like these: Fleetfoot Panther, Aluren, Qasali Slingers

AstroAA on How Many EDH Decks Do …

1 year ago

I keep seven assembled, albeit I really only play one to two. I only really get to play once a week, and I've been having far too much fun with one of my decks lately that it's all I've really played for the last five or six months. I run the following:

  • Sythis, Harvest's Hand - This was my main deck for around a year. It's a prison deck focused on preventing your opponents from playing Magic. High power to borderline cEDH.
  • Titania, Protector of Argoth - My favorite deck I have assembled right now and in contention for my favorite deck I've ever played. It's a land combo deck based around Aluren + Temur Sabertooth + Eternal Witness combos. This is the deck I play the most right now. High power.
  • Adeline, Resplendent Cathar - I recently put this deck back together. It's human tribal, and is explosive but folds over easily. Medium to high power.
  • Kaalia of the Vast - I have played this deck once since putting it together. It's a mix of Angel Tribal and Kaalia goodstuff. High power.
  • Oona, Queen of the Fae - This was a degenerate combo deck, but I wanted to include more faeries. A mix of degenerative combo and tribal faerie. High power.
  • Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain - Artifact storm. Can win turn one but is also the most glass cannon deck I've ever built. I don't play this much because this deck is pure solitaire. High power.
  • Celestial Kirin - This is a $100 budget deck. It's a tribal spirit/boardwipe deck that isn't very good, but I keep it around for the memes. Low power.

I prefer the high power field of play. It's much more open than cEDH and you have a lot more variety in commanders and viability in other wincons that aren't Demonic Consultation into Thassa's Oracle or Underworld Breach lines.

AstroAA on Need help with Karametra God …

1 year ago

I used to play Karametra, God of Harvests as somewhat of a storm commander. She wasn't storm in the typical sense of building up to something like Grapeshot, but was built off of abusing Paradox Engine back when it wasn't banned to get infinite mana off of tapping and untapping mana dorks into using Whitemane Lion and Temur Sabertooth to recast Craterhoof Behemoth an arbitrarily large number of times. I've since rebuilt the list, but it doesn't work nearly as well as it did.

Now, it's based off of abusing Aluren to cast Whitemane Lion-esque cards an infinite amount of times. Then, paired with Cloudstone Curio, casting cards like Wall of Blossoms or Hanged Executioner an arbitrarily large number of times because you can get an additional bounce off of a Whitemane Lion cast with the Cloudstone Curio.

My list can be found here, but keep in mind - it's very outdated and I don't really intend on updating it.

[EDH][PRIMER] Karametra's Garden of Eden

Commander / EDH* AstroAA


If you have any other questions about Karametra, feel free to ask.

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