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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Until end of turn, target player can't cast instant or sorcery spells, and that player can't activate abilities that aren't mana abilities.

Draw a card.

Azoth2099 on Slingin' Counters

6 months ago

Hmmm...okay here are my recs I guess:

Allosaurus Shepherd, Destiny Spinner, Vexing Shusher, Pyroblast, Red Elemental Blast, Veil of Summer, Silence, Orim's Chant, Abeyance, Bone Sabres, Conqueror's Flail, Gamble, Worldly Tutor, Enlightened Tutor, Defiler of Vigor, Bloom Tender...I highkey have a lot more, but I'll stop here for now. Let me know how these are sounding to you!

Rhadamanthus on Grand Marshal Macie and how …

9 months ago

The kinds of effects Grand Marshal Macie interacts with are ones with a duration of "this turn" or "until end of turn". Effects like Brace for Impact, Silence and Abeyance will work, but Aetherflux Reservoir's first ability is a triggered ability that looks back at the turn for information, not an effect that lasts through the turn, so it can't be paused this way. Your notional "...for each creature that died this turn" effect would probably also be part of a kind of effect that Macie wouldn't interact with.

For your follow-up question with the Silence example: it's okay if Macie wasn't on the battlefield at the time the effect was created. If the effect's duration hasn't expired yet then it still exists, so she can see it and her ability can be used to pause it.

Whoodini on Grand Marshal Macie and how …

9 months ago

Grand Marshal Macie locks a "end of turn" or something like that Now what about lets say Brace for Impact would this act like an enchanment now (just to save me lots of typing)

What about abilitys .. cant think of a card "for each creature that died this turn" would the ability just keep triggering until i untap Marcie?

Or lets say Aetherflux Reservoir lets say i use it on it and now the counter of "one life for each card" never drops lower?

How about instands in general? Abeyance

Azoth2099 on Narset's Work Out Plan

1 year ago


This version of Narset looks so fun, man!

One thing that I feel is fundamental when remembering Narset, Enlightened Exile's function as a Commander is that her ability gives you Graveyard hate as well as pseudo card draw by giving you access to your opponent's Graveyards as well as your own, meaning that you will always have card advantage as long as you protect your Commander.

That being said, I would definitely find room for Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots, Mother of Runes, Giver of Runes, & an abundance of Counterspells. Personally, I don't like spending more than 1 Mana for a Counterspell these days. Red Elemental Blast, Pyroblast, Dispel, Swan Song & An Offer You Can't Refuse provide a crazy ceiling of value for a single Mana. If you wanted to roll with 2-drops for budget reasons, though, Delay, Arcane Denial, Dovin's Veto & Negate are all easy to cast, & throw a wide net. Misdirection & Bolt Bend are also options here.

Secondly, Narset, Enlightened Exile can only trigger on your own turn, & you need to ensure that everything is going to go as planned. Grand Abolisher & Conqueror's Flail will lock your opponents out of your turn without giving your opponents the same utility like cards like Teferi, Time Raveler & Defense Grid notoriously do. Silence, Revel in Silence  Flip, Abeyance & Orim's Chant can do something similar for 1-2 Mana.

Speaking of Stax, there are a few concise, utilitarian pieces that you may want to consider. Drannith Magistrate, Sanctum Prelate, Archon of Emeria, Lavinia, Azorious Renegade, Boromir, Warden of the Tower, Aven Mindcensor & Containment Priest shut down a LOT of strategies. You'd be surprised how little most decks can do once you take away their ability to cheat stuff in, Tutor and/or cast things for free. Personally, every deck I have is heavily handicapped by all of those pieces. I wouldn't even be able to target them with removal if you played your cards right.

For noncreature Stax, you've got Chalice of the Void, Cursed Totem, Thorn of Amethyst, Deafening Silence, Grafdigger's Cage (which your Commander's ability gets around btw, very strong here), & Rule of Law as a few solid options.

You do need quite a bit more card draw, though. Scroll Rack & Sensei's Divining Top are obviously great, but the level of toolbox utility they actually give you in practice is even better than it seems! Archivist of Oghma, Faerie Mastermind & Ledger Shredder all give you card draw that scales with what your opponents are doing, which is fantastic. Other things like Deep Gnome Terramancer & Wandering Archaic  Flip do the same thing, though they technically aren't card draw. Hell, might as well throw Monologue Tax out there too since I'm talking about scaling.

There's also Careful Study, Frantic Search, Tolarian Winds, Faithless Looting, Cathartic Reunion, Burning Inquiry, Thrill of Possibility & Dragon's Rage Channeler, which are great synergy here!

Speaking of synergy, let's get into that! The foremost synergies for Narset, Enlightened Exile imho is Underworld Breach + Lion's Eye Diamond + Brain Freeze & Intuition, and much of the deck should be geared towards maximizing on that. They're all very easy to Tutor up via cards like Enlightened Tutor, Mystical Tutor, Idyllic Tutor, Solve the Equation, Fabricate, Reshape, Transmute Artifact, Reckless Handling, Goblin Engineer & Gamble, in addition to being easy to recur via your Commander's ability. It's actually absurd, truly busted. I wouldn't recommend throwing Wheels like Wheel of Fortune or Windfall into the mix, though. They're very overrated, & you can just run Brain Freeze for the combo instead. No need to give all of your opponents a bunch of cards for free if you don't have to! Queen Kayla bin-Kroog is for sure worth consideration, though, if you choose to run Artifact Stax.

Maximizing on Underworld Breach, however, means running Storm. I'd recommend Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip, Storm-Kiln Artist, Urabrask  Flip, Desperate Ritual, Pyretic Ritual & Seething Song to keep your Storm engine from shutting off. I personally don't condone Runaway Steam-Kin, as it's just too freaking slow & conditional compared to other options.

Additional Combat Phases would also be of great use here as opposed to trigger doublers like Strionic Resonator or something. Aggravated Assault, Waves of Aggression, World at War & Seize the Day are the only ones I'd consider running, though. You don't wanna load up on too many synergy effects when you can just Tutor for the best of them when the time's right, ya know?

Since you're running Dockside Extortionist, I'd also consider Cloudstone Curio. With one other Creature (like Spellseeker for example), you can produce infinite Treasures & ETBs with little effort, which is usually more than enough to get you to the finish line.

Your ramp package is looking solid enough, but I'd include 2 more Rocks as well as the rituals I named previously. Fellwar Stone is, functionally, a 5-color Rock for 2 Mana, which is absurd. I tend to not condone 3-drop rocks, with the exception of Chromatic Lantern, which was just reprinted recently and is currently super cheap.

Oh man, now that I think of it Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal gives your whole team infinite power and toughness via your Commander, as well as giving you infinite Mana if you have enough Rocks on the field. Maybe consider it lol.

Monastery Mentor seems to fit like glove here as well, offering some much needed redundancy and a surprising amount of board presence. It's kind of like Deep Gnome Terramancer or Wandering Archaic  Flip in the sense that it just provides waaaay more value while playtesting than you thought it was going to!

Also, consider giving yourself Hexproof with stuff like Witchbane Orb to protect your own Graveyard.

To summarize, I really think your best bet with this one is building a system that gets to either an Underworld Breach + Lion's Eye Diamond + Brain Freeze combo win or an Intuition win as quickly as possible, with other combos like Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter being strong potentialities on the way.


SufferFromEDHD on Kicking and Screaming

1 year ago

Abeyance and Telekinesis are some old school tech/protection.

Coalition Relic if tapped correctly is 2 colored mana for her kicker cost.

All those basic lands might as well run Land Tax/Scroll Rack/Back to Basics

acthompson on OG Akroma EDH

3 years ago

Update 6/9/21: Having played this deck several times, uneven play patterns started becoming apparent. First, turns were taking too long. This was not because of complexity but rather indecision. Should I play and activate Jayemdae Tome or play Akroma, Angel of Wrath ? Second, when Akroma, Angel of Wrath hit the battlefield I immediately became threat numero uno. Moreover, I couldn't maintain pressure without her. I had to rely too much on Akroma (although to be fair, let's all remember, it's OG mono-white so whatcha gonna do?). Third, while I could cycle though the deck it was at the cost of more impactful cards. Abeyance and Shelter are great but by themselves they don't do much.

Enter OG Akroma EDH v.2

plakjekaas on Overperforming Cards?

3 years ago

I second Sunforger . But I disagree about it not being that good. It protects your board with Teferi's Protection , Debt of Loyalty , Deflecting Swat and Boros Charm , it removes creatures with Swords to Plowshares , Path to Exile and my favorite: Settle the Wreckage , it kills other problematic permanents wit Disenchant , Chaos Warp or Wear / Tear , can shut players down with Silence , Abeyance or Orim's Chant , and in my deck, it wins the game by searching and casting both Gideon's Sacrifice and Arcbond on the same Indestructible creature. It will even find the Lightning Bolt to start the chain.

Sunforger is one of the best boros equipments, at least if you can cheat a bit on the equip cost. But we have Ardenn, Intrepid Archaeologist , Brass Squire , Puresteel Paladin , Sigarda's Aid , Halvar, God of Battle  Flip and a few others to help with that

AjMcGamer on Strixhaven color "balancing"

3 years ago

plakjekaas and Abeyance and Aura Blast have given white card draw for ages, all you did was prove my point that for most of the games history each colour has had its own identity, things it specialized in, while dipping its toes into other colour effects though never as good.

I used that example specifically because yes while blue has had access to direct damage in some sets its never been a mainstay of the colour or an expectation from those that play it. You don't hear people up in arms to increase these cards in blue either because it doesn't make sense for the colour. White does not draw cards efficiently... period, its just a fact of the colour (i dont mean to pick on white, its playerbase seem to be making the fuss though).

I agree that planeswalkers were the beginning of the end but I stopped beating that horse years ago lol, they are part of the game weather I like it or not.

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