Aether Vial

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Aether Vial


At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put a charge counter on this.

: You may put a creature card with converted mana cost/mana value equal to the number of charge counters on this artifact from your hand onto the battlefield.

MagicMarc on Share your hidden gems

3 weeks ago

Some of my favorites;

Capsize:Its always got value in mid-late games and can deal with many different board-states. Once you get enough mana down, end-of-last-opponent's turn bounce can dominate gameplay. And when its down to you and one opponent it can force inevitable wins. Bouncing their best plays just creates huge tempo swings with little downside.
Crystal Shard:This card provides protection for your creatures while being a threat to inattentive players. It can go in any deck but works best in blue ones. It also lets you repeat ETB/LTBs and becomes a synergy engine when played with Aether Vialfoil.

wallisface on Is dour port mage completely …

1 month ago

Bookrook again I would disagree it being "an auto-include in any blink deck". In Modern, for example, there are a bunch of "blink" decks that will utilize cards like Ephemeratefoil or Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd, but not use Dour Port-Mage. As a value engine it's having to compete against the likes of Satoru, the Infiltrator, which also sees very little play, but which has a more easily abusable synergy with various strong creatures in the format (Solitude, Subtlety, Aether Vialfoil, Cryptic Coat).

Dour Port-Mage is by no means a weak card, but it is a looonng way away from being an auto-include in any deck. The only deck currently running this card in Modern is one where the deck is specifically built around it - whereas there are multiple other blinking strategies that ignore this card entirely.

Looking further on MtgGoldfish, there are exactly zero decks running this card in both Pioneer and Standard. It's probably the case that these formats just don't have the resources to make use of the card, but it's also a pretty strong sign that it's nowhere-near an all-star.

NonetheWeisser on Nazgûl Shapeshifters

2 months ago

I think this lost would benefit from Aether Vial due to the number of 3 drops.

SufferFromEDHD on Torbran's Goblin Hose

2 months ago

Just spitballing some ideas. Nothing more.

I agree with your card analysis and reasoning. The enchantment is winmore considering Torbran boost. Only card I'm gonna push back on is Aether Vial. This is an aggro deck. It is 1/3 creatures.

5 1-drops

9 2-drops

14 3-drops

Vial's upkeep is a MAY trigger. You keep the charge counters at 1,2 or 3. It guarantees an instant speed, uncounterable creature a turn while allowing you to keep mana open for whatever. I run Urza's Saga in my deck to find it.

SufferFromEDHD on Torbran's Goblin Hose

2 months ago

Interesting idea. Torbran definitely speeds up the goblin aggro clock.

Marton Stromgald the OG aggro lord. The commander for my goblin build (Torbran is in the 99)

Aether Vial your deck has that low Legacy curve

Needle Drop Torbrans can tripping Lightning Bolt

City on Fire speed up the clock

Hammer of Bogardan I really like this in my deck. It might not be appropriate in your build. You know what would be really interesting in yours...Thunderblade Charge! The Torbran boost might make this janky rares 5 graveyard cost worth it. Unique wording. As long as it doesn't get exiled you can do it every combat phase.

Icbrgr on MH3 Elves

4 months ago

I definitely underestimated Wirewood Symbiote and the value of ETB effects in elves. In my playtesting I have been leaning harder into Quirion Ranger and pursuing Tooth and Nail for my win condition. that Eladamri, Korvecdal absolutly seems amazing because it doesnt lock you into a creature type... I personally have been using Aether Vial to chuck out creatures from hand thinking that felt strong but the casting from the top of the library can just be absolutely busted i love it.

after watching the video I've come to these conclusions:

  • Shaman of the Pack will win the game via high Elf population; and that's pretty much all there is to it. Seems far and above to be the most consistent way for Elves to win.

  • Tooth and Nail needs a high elf population, a mana boon elf Priest of Titania/Elvish Archdruid that can as well as having targets for tooth and nail that are otherwise bricks/dead in your hand like Tyrant of Discord and Realm Razer (there are certainly better targets I just was having fun)

  • Craterhoof Behemoth is similar to tooth and nail for the requirements but can feel awkward because somtimes you can elves for mana and then suddenly not have enough attackers for lethal damage.

all in all im just kinda excited for elves in the upcoming near future... I think I wanna give them an honest try.

kamarupa on 5c Ally tribal

6 months ago

Kabira Evangel + Aether Vial on an opponent's turn means you can protect Harabaz Druid all the time so long as you have Allies to play.

Balaam__ on Legacy merfolk (Help)

6 months ago

I think this looks very solid considering working within the budget allotment. You have most of the important pieces, namely the lords and the utility Merfolk, so that frees up slots otherwise devoted to countermagic and the like.

Without altering the budget and wading into the deeper end of the expensive cardpool like the examples DreadKhan mentioned, there isn’t a whole lot more you can do without completely shifting strategies (not that you should, Aether Vial lords is viable and performs well).

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