Voltaic Key

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Voltaic Key


, : Untap target artifact.

Profet93 on Hangry Boi Needs a Snack

2 months ago

Cloud key/artifact cost reducer + Sensei's + mystic forge = Infinite draw

Karn, the Great Creator + Mycosynth Lattice = Hard lock. Both are helpful in their own right.

Everflowing Chalice (4 counters) + Rings of Brighthearth + Voltaic Key =

Metalworker (2 artifacts in hand) + rings + voltaic =

Basalt Monolith + Forsaken monument =

Basalt + Rings + 2 mana = . Add top to make it infinite draw

Blinkmoth Well + Blinkmoth Urn = One sided ramp

Profet93 on Eldrazi 2.0

2 months ago

FYI, Library of Alexandria is banned. Not sure if ur group is okay with it, just wanted to let you know. Also, colorless decks are notorious for combos.

Cloud key/artifact cost reducer + Sensei's + mystic forge = Infinite draw

Karn, the Great Creator + Mycosynth Lattice = Hard lock. Both are helpful in their own right.

Everflowing Chalice (4 counters) + Rings of Brighthearth + Voltaic Key (manifold wont work) =

Metal worker (2 artifacts in hand) + rings + voltaic =

Basalt Monolith + Forsaken monument =

Basalt + Rings + 2 mana = . Add top to make it infinite draw

Scorched ruin + rings + Deserted Temple =

Blinkmoth Well + Blinkmoth Urn = One sided ramp

Phyrexia's Core - Sac outlet to prevent theft, exile and to remove The One Ring if it gets out of hand.

temeref on The Malevolent Sink Eater

2 months ago

Commander_JAR in the earlier versions of this build those were included, but despite how solid they usually are in mono on paper, they aren't a good fit in this list specifically! Rituals are the bomb when you have something you consistently want to use that mana on, but Shimatsu is extremely specific with their timing. Like, for 95% of the game they are detrimental to cast; that leaves normal rituals entirely reliant on the not-so-good card selection red has, and there's almost zero value in topdecking them. Over time I phased all rituals out (excluding Jeska's Will since it's still just good impulse draw) in favor of more artifact synergies like Voltaic Key. Mana Vault is already nice with Shimatsu since it's a solid "ritual" and can be sacrificed to avoid taking damage, and turns out once the list reached that critical mass of artifacts that liked being untapped, the keys were just waaaaaay better at providing the same if not more mana. Artifact count means the world for the list too and rituals don't help in that department.

Profet93 on I BEG YOUR F@CKING PARDON??!!! - Razaketh

3 months ago


Phyrexian tribute and gate to phyrexia were the main 2. The other options available are much more higher in CMC and I don't believe would be worth it. Should you still have issues with artifacts and enchantments after adding the above, then it might be potentially worth looking into.

Rings of Brighthearth is the enabler for them. It doubles your commander, if you add fetches it acts as ramp (urborg allowing you to keep them for later + shuffle effect). Some combos include Everflowing chalice (4x counter) + Rings + Voltaic Key = . I would recommend this combo only if you added more mana rocks.

My favorite, Rings + Deserted Temple + cabal coffers + swamps (urborg to make less) = . Temple is great for untapping your mass mana producing lands and can act as a political tool as well.

Not saying to add but worth noting - Zulaport Cutthroat/Blood Artist + Reassembling Skeleton + Carnival of Souls + Ashnod's Altar. Artist and cutthroat are decent at helping you regain the life you lose in general.

Imp's Mischief - Can "counter" counterspells and redirect targeted removal draw and extra turns! Such a versatile card for only 2 mana.

Dismember - Cheap instant speed removal

Syphon Mind - Draw 3, each opponent discards one.

Phyrexian Arena - Consistent draw

I can try to provide you with cuts as well, lmk!

Profet93 on Hold your colour

4 months ago


Buried Ruin - Recursion

Sanctum of Ugin - Tutor

Basalt Monolith + Forsaken monument =

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant + Emrakul = Good synergy. Hourglass helps with recursion from a vandablast.

Maybe a Vedalken Orrery/Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter/Skittering Cicada for flash so you don't overextend as easily? Colorless decks almost always have high cmc and lots of artifacts so any opponent worth their salt after a few games should recognize this and adjust their plan. This helps keep them guessing. Not necessary but nice to have.

Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith + 2 mana = + top = Cast your entire deck

Rings + Voltaic Key (swap out manifold) + everflowing chalice (4 counters) =

Metalworker + Rings + Voltaic key =

Card Draw - Colorless doesn't have too much, you already run both kozileks which is great. Commander is a value engine which is nice. You could add a Staff of Nin for more but IMO it's not needed. How do you feel your card situation is?

Removal - Colorless has expensive removal options, you have all the good ones. Everything seems solid.

Mana Curve - A bit high but understandable for a colorless deck, especially with your commander. You could add more ramp should you feel you need. I usually recommend the most ramp in Kozilek commander decks because your commander is a draw source but here I'm unsure. Your ramp seems sufficient, how do you feel?

Profet93 on Karn Mono

4 months ago


Voltaic Key + Rings of Brighthearth + everflowing chalice (4 counters) =

Forsaken Monument + Basalt =

Rings + Basalt + 2 mana = + top = Draw and cast your deck

Mystic forge + Top + artifact cost reducer = Draw your deck

Metalworker + Voltaic + Rings =

Mycosynth Lattice + Karn Creator = Hard Lock

Sanctum of Ugin - Tutor

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant + Emrakul, the Promised End = Fun times

Mystic forge + aetherflux + top + artifact cost reducer = Kill everyone

Cursed Totem has anti-synergy with 8 of your creatures, how has it been working for you?

Profet93 on Meria x Rocks

4 months ago

How has Pharaoh's statue been for you? Seems a bit expensive for what it does. Have you considered possibly swapping it for another card? Perhaps an Emrakul, the Promised End as an alt wincon + it has synergy with hourglass pendant?

Maybe even a Rings of Brighthearth? Rings can ramp you with fetchlands, draw extra cards with top and lots of other synergy with the deck. Moreover, if you were to potentially swap manifold with Voltaic Key you could have an infinite combo. Everflowing Chalice (4 counters) + rings + voltaic key =

Profet93 on Attic

5 months ago

Ghaileon +1 , void mirror + knowledge pool....that's one I haven't heard of. Note: You have your commander in your decklist, removing it allows you to get one more spot for one of the cards below....

Mystic Forge + Sensei's Divining Top + artifact cost reducer/Ugin, the Ineffable = Draw your whole deck

Basalt + forsaken = infinite

Basalt + Rings = infinite + top = Draw and cast your entire deck

Ancient Tomb - Ramp

Karn, the Great Creator + Lattice = Hard lock. Better than the void mirror + knowledge pool lock IMO as karn can act as artifact recursion (for the key pieces which will get exiled)

Everflowing Chalice (4 counters) + Voltaic Key + rings = infinite + top = draw your whole deck

Chromatic Orrery + Voltaic Key + rings = infinite

I had a couple questions regarding creature card choices like Cathodion, Chronomaton, Wall of Junk. Are these just cheap artifacts to increase your artifact count? Why not swap them out for something like Lightning Greaves which also add to your artifact count and protect your commander?

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant - Recover from wipes. Also goes well with Emrakul, the Promised End should you wish to add an eldrazi as an alt wincon.

Looking forward to hearing your response, great deck. Makes me want to build one

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