Anje's Ravager

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Anje's Ravager

Creature — Vampire Beserker

This attacks each combat if able.

Whenever this attacks, discard your hand, then draw three cards.

Madness (If you discard this card, you may cast this for the madness cost instead of putting this into your graveyard.)

IHATENAMES on Spells (don't) matter.

2 years ago

_emphasized text_List looks solid. A few ideas.

Anje's Ravager 2 mana draw 3 madness. Maybe good enough

Containment Construct can get lands

Anger easy to discard you have tons of tap effects on creatures

Brainstorm an additional way to tuck a card you want beyond leng

Underworld Breach for value or the win.

DrukenReaps on How do you create card-draw …

3 years ago

I'd be careful about having too much card draw that is reliant on your deck working. Having draw that just draws because it draws is often going to turn a game from not going well to being a little better.

In that vein I recommend Endless Atlas , Necropotence , Greed , Phyrexian Arena

To be more on theme the following work well Theater of Horrors , Stromkirk Occultist , Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion , Azra Oddsmaker , Anje's Ravager , Greven, Predator Captain

Take a look at a similar but more established commander for ideas too Kardur, Doomscourge

And there might be better options here than what I listed as I was mostly looking through my madness deck for some things to fit your needs Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant

I generally recommend around 15 card advantage total but you can go significantly lighter when your commander draws.

Cornonjacob07 on Never Break the Chain (Chainer, Nightmare Adept)

3 years ago


After further testing and time to parse through the upcoming Forgotten Realms regular and commander cards, I think you're right about the "discard hand, draw 3" model. While it sometimes works, it takes far too much commitment and loss of control to rely heavily on. I will keep Ox of Agonas as I still think its Escape mode is pretty great, but Anje's Ravager and any others are out. I'm also putting Stinkweed Imp back into the deck because being able to process 5 cards without spending mana, just a draw, is powerful.

I think for now, I should tighten my sources of card advantage. Though it adds a bit more consistency to have more smaller looting cards like Thrill of Possibility or the aforementioned Anje's Ravager , I could just be using those slots for more powerful cards that actually impact the board or are otherwise useful while consolidating the draw power to the heavy hitters like Magus of the Wheel , Vilis, Broker of Blood , or Disciple of Bolas for example. Specific tools and answers will be handled by the tutors I was adding anyway and the general system will be greased with odd cards like Squee, Goblin Nabob and Phyrexian Reclamation .

Everything else needs to be playtested rather than theorized about, but I think it's safe to say this is a core part of the deck that I should reconsider and upgrade. I'd also like to put forward the new Warlock Class as a possible replacement or partner to Archfiend of Despair and the possibility of Heartless Hidetsugu .

I'm also interested in the new Hurl Through Hell , Fevered Suspicion , and Orcus, Prince of Undeath . The former two I'm more optimistic about, and am willing to sacrifice a little reliability for their potential and because they look like a lot of fun, but I suspect Orcus will be one of those cards that look a lot better on paper than in practice.

As always, thanks for your suggestions and consultations. I hope Shenanigans and Hellkite Tyrant have been working for you as they have for me.

Idoneity on Lurid Revival

3 years ago

X-Factor11105 - Alright, round two.

So, Hagra Mauling  Flip has been a fantastic card. 'Tis an inefficient kill spell, but it acts as a land if it must. The instant speed makes it hit the only mark I have required in a removal slot, yet, being in a deck with a sparsity of lands, it suffices upon another front. I have been adding it to a lot of my black decks, just for the powerful and relevant utility.

Outpost Siege is a fantastic card that I run in a fair few decks, as it allows me an additional card each turn. Sometimes, it exiles a spell I cannot cast or a card that is inopportune for the time, but it primarily exists for me to hit land drops and have some sort of card advantage. I could run the newly-printed Valakut Exploration, which would put cards in the graveyard, but the Siege exists to find me lands, and Valakut Exploration requires lands to draw cards, thus I can no longer play a mana source for the turn. Overall, it is always fine and almost always gives me something I can play.

Upon the card draw lands, these purely exist for the moments in which I have nothing better to do with my mana, or if I have a sparse number of cards in hand. Being in Rakdos colours and being a player who loves drawing cards leaves me desirousof always have an answer or way of advancing my board. I am a player who likes something to always be happening, and these allow for an effectual use of my mana. Castle Locthwain is the first to go in the wake of better land options (looking at you, Blightstep Pathway  Flip), but I would recommend these for any deck that can suffer having a colourless land in the mana base.

Well, the Ox of Agonas has been severely average. The most typical course of action is it being discarded early in the game, whereupon it moulders in the graveyard until I have two lands in hand. It is fine card advantage when I need it, but can always be pitched with one of my rummaging effects. I must reiterate this point, rummaging allows me to put whatever I need in the bin whilst filtering through my library. The Ox has been perfectly fine, as I just exile all noncreature cards, but is probably better in a deck more centric to self-mill. I like it for the option is provides, more than anything. As for Anje's Ravager, I have tested with it. This deck tends to have five or six cards in hand most of the time, much due to my playstyle, so an aggressive creature that pitches my hand each turn is not exactly optimal. I prefer it in Canadian Highlander.

Ah, you see, I test around 600 cards whenever I build a deck, Azra Oddsmaker being amongst them. I discard a card, you see, target a creature, thereupon the creature dies to a Path. I am personally athwart to card disadvantage, and this card is overwhelmingly subject to it. The card draw only provided once I get a creature through combat, assuming a big idiot exists on the field or that it even survives the high chance of removal. By itself, a 3/3 gets outclassed incredibly quickly, and it cannot always provide advantage by itself. It requires additional support to be good, and Rummaging Goblin, however horrendous its stat line, always does its job. I played the card in a Canadian Highlander aggro list, and it was severely lacking, thus my opinion of it has carried to commander.

Another long comment, but I do hope this sates your queries.

Good day to you.

X-Factor11105 on Lurid Revival

3 years ago

Thanks for the responses! A few more questions / discussion items :)

  • Hagra Mauling  Flip: How has this played for you? As a super-conditional Murder and a tap-land I haven't felt compelled to include it.

  • Have you experienced a lot of "nonbo" moments with Outpost Siege and your large quantity of Dragons? I love the idea of finding card advantage in red and am wary of putting answers in exile, especially when we can't get them back.

  • In packing three "draw" lands of Bonders' Enclave, Castle Locthwain, and War Room, how have you felt about them? Have you ever playtested Mikokoro, Center of the Sea, or are you wanting to stay away from packing too many symmetrical effects?

  • PLEASE tell me Ox of Agonas has played well for you - I've loved this card ever since it came out in TBD, though I've never quite been comfortable including it in my build. Do you play it over Anje's Ravager because you have a bit more control over when its effect takes place?

  • How can I convince you to include Azra Oddsmaker in your build? It's performing incredibly well and you could swap it in for a slow rummaging creature - Rummaging Goblin has the worst stats of all of the dedicated rummaging creatures in your deck.

LitchOubliette on Commander Staples Cube

4 years ago

Changelog (22/11/2020)








Mana Fixing

Radical_Ace on incorrect legality

4 years ago

Tapped out has the following cards making my deck not Legacy legal. Every other source I can find including Gatherer all agree that these cards are legal in Legacy, Vintage, and Commander.

Anje Falkenrath Anje's Ravager Bone Miser Chainer, Nightmare Adept

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