Alseid of Life's Bounty

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Alseid of Life's Bounty

Enchantment Creature — Nymph


, Sacrifice Alseid of Life's Bounty: Target creature or enchantment you control gains protection from the colour of your choice until end of turn. ((Remember the acronym debt.) This creature can't be damaged, enchanted, equipped, blocked or targeted by anything of the chosen colour. Anything of the chosen colour attached to this creature immediately falls off.)

EDH 0 / 0
Liliana, Death's Majesty feature for Athreos

Taida on You've been gnomed

4 months ago

plainsrunner I completely forgot I included Alseid of Life's Bounty. Originally I had 4 Selfless Savior, but I do not know why did I change them. Maybe I should, but it is true that protection from a color covers more scenarios than indestructible. I will still test it to see what works, so thanks!

plainsrunner on You've been gnomed

4 months ago

I notice you mention protection without manacost and specifically call out Alseid of Life's Bounty, but the alseid's ability requires one mana to activate, so you're still going to want to wait until turn four if you want to guarantee protection.

IXALAN_Crazy on

1 year ago

Alseid of Life's Bounty might be a good choice to keep your important things safe.

MorbidDrop on Alseid of Life's Bounty + …

1 year ago

New Player: I know that Alseid of Life's Bounty causes aura cards on the selected card with matching color to the color chosen to provide protection from being removed, does this still apply because Gladecover Scout has hexproof? For example, if I sacrifice Life's bounty to give Gladecover scout protection from white and Sentinel's Eyes is attached to Gladecover Scout, does that card have to be discarded?

AstroAA on Punching in Pillow Fights

2 years ago

I appreciate the compliment, thanks!

I use On Thin Ice with only 7 basics in my deck and it works fine, albeit I run fetches like Prismatic Vista, Windswept Heath, Wooded Foothills, etc so I can easily filter for basics if/when I need them.

As for enchantments that do 'control'ing things; I'd urge you to look at my deck. It's designed to control they game and grind it to a halt. However, I'm afraid that's a completely different deck than what you've got going on here. With your deck, you're trying to use auras in order to make one to two creatures as scary as possible to beat your opponents into submission - not lock them out of the game and preventing them from being able to play Magic. If you diversify your strategy too much, your deck would just become a mess - I'd recommend picking one approach and sticking with it.

On that note, you're quite vulnerable as well if someone deals with your aura-fied creature. Consider running things like the following to help protect your creatures:

Also, if you aren't wanting to add any more creatures due to wanting more enchantments, consider adding enchantment creatures. They also draw you cards whenever you play them since they're still enchantments. A good basic list of stuff you should consider is:

IHATENAMES on Bant Teferi Bogles

2 years ago

to do much better i think u need to explain your meta. what do you lose against? burn? put in more lifegain/removal Alseid of Life's Bounty as an idea. combo troubling you do something combo specific or more counterspells. someone hating on enchantments Sterling Grove might protect you a little

IHATENAMES on No Pain No Lifegain

2 years ago

On one hand. This is what magic was meant to be. I havent played a few of these cards since i first put a deck together. Crusade. won't even show the image.. That is a discussion for another time...

Suggested additions

Loyal Warhound ramp in white

Skullclamp card draw

Sun Titan recursion

Abzan Falconer can give mass evasion

Some amount of board wipes my favorites atm are Tragic Arrogance Martial Coup Vanquish the Horde Ondu Inversion  Flip .

Cathars' Crusade it wins games. You may want to not use this so you focus on lifegain but this cards does work

Crested Sunmare lifegain payoff

Crovax, Ascendant Hero Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite

Soul of Eternity Celestial Mantle Axis of Mortalitykinda slow for my meta but might work for you.

Dawn of Hope card draw and can make tokens

Alseid of Life's Bounty protection w/ lifelink

Well of Lost Dreams card draw

Shattered Angel Angel of Vitality to keep with the angels if u want

Palace Jailer monarch is card draw also fun. and removal

Ajani's Pridemate lifegian payoff. its gets huge here because each attacking creature has its own trigger to grow the pridemate. i think 1 or 2 cards make essentially copies of this card. they might be worth looking for

Blind Obedience staxy and lifegain

Moon-Blessed Cleric you run a lot of enchantments your enchantress sub theme can be supported with this

Akroma's Will protection/ finisher

Noble Purpose unnoticed lifegain card that would be good here maybe

Lunarch Veteran  Flip Soul Warden Soul's Attendant Daxos, Blessed by the Sun Suture Priestlifegain dorks

Katilda, Dawnhart Martyr  Flip lifegain with enchantment payoff as well

now how do u win? atm you focus on going wide with weenies but have a focus on gaining life. Possible ideas Aetherflux Reservoir Archangel of Thune Felidar Sovereign Serra Avatar Starfield of Nyx Nykthos Paragon True Conviction

this is just some ranting. Its up to you how you want to build your deck! Other areas you should look at it your mana base (use tech lands you have almost all basics), ramp to your bigger stuff and card draw in general.

Omniscience_is_life on Historic Mill--Because Mill

2 years ago

So far, this is my experience with the Arena Historic meta:

Lifegain, both GW and W: your life total is of no importance to me! This is probably our best matchup, although getting hit by Maul of the Skyclaves is a bit of a tough clock to beat. Our Winds of Rebuke pale in the light of Alseid of Life's Bounty, but seeing as the Maul usually comes down T3, we can usually hit the threat before they get mana to activate. Not an issue.

5c: there seem to be a lot of 5-color variants in the format, between Niv, Jodah, Slivers, etc. Slivers seem to do well against us, even with their cascading from The First Sliver thinning their deck. Lavabelly Sliver has lead to most of our few defeats.

Elves: have gave us some close games, but I think we're the better deck. The Allosaurus Shepherds give some trouble for Anticognition-ing Hoofs, but as long as we have Winds of Rebuke we should be fine.

Merfolk: Master of the Pearl Trident hurts! Probably the only reason we've taken an L to them before. The other creatures they have are certainly efficient, but bouncing a lord or two allows for great blocks with our Walls and such. Winnable matchup.

Hammertime: I struggle to win against Hammertime, but they almost always have 1-5 cards left in library at the end of the game. I think I've been unlucky on missing interaction in our games, since the deck has no protection and gets hosed by bounce. Again, winnable.

Control, both Grixis and Jeskai: another good matchup for us, since we can protect our crabs with bounce spells and Tests. Mill is a very grindy deck anyway, so having longer matchups just works in our favor. And we can hit most big finishers with Anticognition, since it can hit creatures AND PWers, so that's not a problem.

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