Memory's Journey

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Memory's Journey


Target player shuffles up to three target cards from their graveyard into their library.

Flashback (You may cast this from your graveyard for this card's flashback cost. Then exile this.)

wallisface on U/G Mill

8 months ago

Some thoughts:

Megalomania on Kenrith, The God-King

2 years ago

For starters, i’d go with less tapped lands and more ramp spells. The Battlebond and Commander Legends “duals” are good option. Basics will also be fine especially if you have Signets to help with the mana fixing.

If you want this to be more focused on combos, you can lose the big creatures and replace them with tutors, board wipes and more disruption spells. Same goes with the more goodstuff type of cards like Voidwalker and Willbreaker.

Lastly, add recursion like Eternal Witness, Timeless Witness and Memory's Journey. It will make your life a whole lot easier.

OLucas on Budget Sultai Tormod combos

2 years ago

Added the cephalid breakfast self-mill combo with Cephalid Aristocrat, Cephalid Illusionist and Shuko. With Gaea's Blessing in the deck and Tormod, the Desecrator on the battlefield that's infinite zombies. Also added Memory's Journey as a way to shuffle Gaea's Blessing if its in the graveyard from drawing and discarding/casting.

Grafted Wargear and Lightning Greaves also serve the same function of Shuko in the combo. The greaves should definitedly be added for mtgo since it's cheap there.

legendofa on Card creation challenge

2 years ago



Target player mills six cards. Return a permanent card from your graveyard to your hand for each land card milled this way.


has always felt more self-mill to me. That's probably influenced by the original Innistrad, with stuff like Splinterfright, Boneyard Wurm, Tracker's Instincts, Memory's Journey...

Anyway, create a land card.

RambIe on Deck challange

3 years ago

1st play test on turn 6 i was able to put together Basalt Monolith & Mesmeric Orb
milled the deck flashback Memory's Journey targeting Thassa's Oracle and A Island
then flashback Deep Analysis played the island and casted oracle
kinda lame but got the job done, i'd call it good for a 1st draft built with two different minds

nathanielhebert on Devious Assembler -- Blue Tron Robots

3 years ago

Interesting deck idea, as I've been trying to find a home for the Self-Assembler .

While I don't own Devious Cover-Up , perhaps something like Quest for Ancient Secrets or Memory's Journey might fulfill a similar function — ah, just realized they're not common!

Hmmm, maybe a colourless Workshop Assistant in a pinch. I'll tinker away — kudos!

enpc on Top Cards From Strixhaven

3 years ago

I can see Sanctum of Eternity 's popularity getting driven up by Beledros Witherbloom . Especially if you just add an Aetherflux Reservoir .

The card I'm most excited for is actually Quandrix Command . It's a much more useful (in most scenarios) version of Memory's Journey (which forms a recursion loop with Noxious Revival ) and has a good amount of synergy with the rest of the deck (acts as temporary removal/counterspell and I run Incubation Druid ).

FreyTheMagicPlayer on Thrasios/Tymna cEDH Decklist

3 years ago


Hey! So there are actually various ways that this deck can win, and a lot of them don't require a whole lot of setup, just good tutoring and keeping the right cards. All 4 of the combos (Angel's Draw, Bomberman, Dramatic Scepter, and Thassa's Consultation), are win conditions. With Angel's Draw, you cast Angel's Grace first and just draw whatever you want with Ad Nauseam . Bomberman is an infinite mana combo because Auriok Salvagers lets you return Lion's Eye Diamond . Dramatic Scepter is also infinite mana as long as you have 3 mana in the form of mana rocks and mana dorks, you simply exile Dramatic Reversal with Isochron Scepter . Thassa's Consultation is (arguably) the easiest way to win the game, cause it only costs 3 mana and it's pretty hard to stop unless they have counterspells. Simply play Demonic Consultation and name a card that isn't in your deck, you'll exile your entire deck, and then play Thassa's Oracle and you win the game. Of course usually with infinite mana you'll just be drawing your entire deck out with Thrasios, Triton Hero and you'll usually be putting that infinite mana towards Walking Ballista .

Usually if you're wanting to win you'll be looking for 1-2 tutors in your hand, and a piece of a combo, that way you know how you're gonna do it. Aetherflux Reservoir isn't so much a win condition as it is a great way to bypass decks that eat at your life total, because you also tend to hurt yourself a lot. It just gives you some insurance so when you do finally cast that something big, if it gets stopped you at least have a backup.

As for ways to get to the combos, you'll be looking at any tutor of course, and Birthing Pod is an excellent choice for getting out a creature that you really don't wanna be countered. Usually before you win the game you'll want some form of insurance out on the battlefield, so if you have a win con in hand, the pod, and a one drop mana dork, I recommend using pod to get Grand Abolisher out, cause then they can't stop you from winning the game.

Finally, if you're in a situation where ballista isn't gonna win you the game and next turn you'll lose, or if you simply don't have a way to get oracle out or win by damage, there are ways to simply take over the game with things like Memory's Journey , Noxious Revival , and Windfall , or Timetwister . This is simply a combo that if you have infinite mana and Thrasios out, you'll be able to have infinite of every card in the deck, cause you get to shuffle your graveyard over and over again, and don't forget that if they destroy your infinite mana source at some point you can use Hullbreacher to generate some treasure tokens with this. All you have to do is use either Windfall or Timetwister, shuffle everything basically, draw your cards, use Noxious Revival to put it back on top of your library, draw it, use it again, then Memory's Journey to put Noxious and your card of choice back into the deck.

If you have any other questions, just let me know!

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