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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Shriekhorn enters the battlefield with three charge counters on it. {T}, Remove a charge counter from Shriekhorn: Target player puts the top two cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard.

jacobpmesser on
Self Mill Goyf
1 year ago
4 Stitcher's Supplier 4 Hedron Crab 3 Satyr Wayfinder 4 Urborg Lhurgoyf 4 Cruel Somnophage 4 Souls of the Lost 2 Nighthowler 3 Grist, the Hunger Tide 2 Wonder 4 Unearth 3 Brazen Borrower 1 Sidisi, Brood Tyrant 1 Glasspool Mimic Flip 1 Kazandu Mammoth Flip
That's a good base. Take what works and replace what you don't like.
Exp. I've been playing iterations of this for years now and eight one drops are important. You need to start filling your gy ASAP. These are the two best. If you don't want to go into blue, there are cards like Gnawing Vermin but for me, m2 isn't enough. The -1/-1 is helpful so there is some leeway based on META. If I dabble in other colors, Shriekhorn is my go-to.
Satyr's spot can be removed but I play a low land count due to the two modal lands (Glasspool/Mammoth). Mire Triton is another favorite because Deathtouch and gainlfie. It's also a META call. I don't like others like Skull Prophet. If I were playing The Mycotyrant I'd consider it because it 'mills over time' (MOT) but once your opp sees what youre on theyd kill it before you get a chance to use it.
So, in this list I'm 12 goyfs. Eight can self-mill (SM) and the other is useful (Souls) in getting Wonder out of your hand. You can also sac Stitcher to it if you're a T1 Stitcher T2 Souls. Every card in this deck is a permanent besides Unearth so if you fetched at all, you could have a T2 6/6-8/8 Souls of the Lost and that aint to shabby.
I have always played at least 1-2 Nighthowler. It makes those Stitchers, Crabs, and Satyrs a threat and more often than not, takes two spells to kill it (when it's bestowed).
I view this deck as a sort of aggro deck and keeping with 99% creature theme, Grist and Brazen Borrower are my interaction. You can bring in whatever you want (obviously) but it's also provides fliers for Nighthowler, Grist has a built in win-con and protects itself. I always play a Boseiju, Who Endures and if I play more, -1 Unearth for Life from the Loam and if I'm really frisky, I'll add a few more legends, play more of the Channel Lands and another Life/Loam. I've got a oops all Channel lands were all the other lands are Modal and I play Amulet of Vigor with Shriekhorn and use Emry, Lurker of the Loch as a self-mill recur piece. It's fun.
Sidisi is a MOT that can help you go wide. Every time you mill, you get a zombie. I use this in near every build when I'm in color. I've tested Blossoming Tortoise but save that for a Mosswort Bridge version I play and if I can't get that going I want to be able to cast the top end. Shigeki, Jukai Visionary, Molderhulk, Aether Vial + Dryad Arbor help get me there. But just playing the new Squirming Emergence is so much easier than playing all those other cards.
You can find a way to bring in draw, life, other interaction, etc.. it's on you. There are times were I play Jace, the Perfected Mind or Visions of Beyond for draw. Spellstutter Sprite and a few spots for other faeries like Likeness Looter (flying faerie goyfs!).
But that's the base. Do what you want.. because you can literally do anything. I've got a junk list focused on recur with Unearth, Renegade Rallier, Necropanther, Athreos, God of Passage... a jund/grixis list that uses Ob Nixilis, the Adversary and Orcish Bowmasters (sac goyf to etb Ob Nix, Token Ob forces opp to draw 7 for -7 life. Bowmasters deals another 6 plus you get a 6/6 orc token (+2 more for paper Ob +1 if they can't discard). That's a 15 point swing, not including attacks. Another Grixis list that plays Kroxa, Flamewake Phoenix, Seasoned Pyromancer and Ox.
My favorite - game 1, I'm a mill deck that sideboard converts into self-mill game 2. It still deals with the gy but game 1 youre spell heavy and game 2 youre creature heavy.
Anyway, have fun.
wallisface on
1 year ago
You currently have no easy way to start your milling process - you need a way to initially chuck cards into the graveyard quickly, so that you can start Dredging. Options include Satyr Wayfinder, Stitcher's Supplier, Glimpse the Unthinkable, Hedron Crab, Lotleth Troll, Tainted Indulgence, Otherworldly Gaze, Cathartic Reunion, Thrilling Discovery, Shriekhorn
jacobpmesser on
testing ideas
3 years ago
Hit Turn 8 a few times. Still got work.
Wondering if I should aim for Grist ult. I want Ashes to happen for huge self mill but not complete. Maybe Boneyard Wurm over Splinterfright or Old Stickfingers for a few two drop 'goyfs.
Will (+) Emry. I'm going to try Shriekhorn for another target for Chancellor G.
jacobpmesser on
Golgari Cemetery
3 years ago
the delve creatures mess w/ the 'goyfs.
Nighthowler says hi.
Anyway, I like 8 one drops that can mill. Shriekhorn is ok but Hedron Crab is better. Blue gives you Wonder, Laboratory Maniac, some others I can't think of.
Also, the land Svogthos, the Restless Tomb (main) and Worm Harvest (side) are excellent vs control.
lagotripha on Help with my landfall deck
3 years ago
The two main things I'd look at for that list before running either of those is upping fetch numbers - if you're stuck on majority basics for budget reasons, Terramorphic Expanse and Evolving Wilds still get you triggers.
Fetches trigger crabs twice, and that is what makes crabs good. Same with other landfall effects.
Second, I'd be less worried about the life loss from fetches if you are just fetching basics or a triome. When you fetch a shockland you are basically lightning bolting yourself, which can need lifegain, but is usually offset by more reliable sideboard lifegain or mainboard control. Card draw from courser/tatyova is the reason to run them and they are great at that, but effects to keep your gameplan running are where to focus.
If you are looking at buried ruin, you need to run artifact/mill synergies beyond just crucible. Shriekhorn+Grinding Station can work, especially with some of the infinite combos that grinding station offers, but its something that needs to be built around. You are in the right colours for Shardless Agent if you're prepared to lean into speed + value rather than counterspells.
Probably the biggest utility lands you could run would be Bojuka Bog, but without primetime shenanigans it can be hard to hit the things you need with it - Ashiok, Dream Render type exile graveyard effects matter because it takes one 'shuffle your graveyard into library' eldrazi to shut down the mill plan otherwise. Tormod's Crypt, Nihil Spellbomb or Lantern of the Lost are cheap and helps solve the problem.
Best of luck brewing crabs - its a fun archetype and has some neat brews - I'm partial to 12 crab with the snowlands and ambush vipers, but it all works.
Niko9 on Advice For Olivia CMDR
3 years ago
I think RiotRunner789 is correct in saying that Olivia is probably not cEDH, but she can probably be very good.
Self mill seems like it would work well here. Necropotence can not only give you amazing draw and selection, but also allow you to discard good stuff to hand size that Olivia will come in and reanimate.
I play Bruna, the Fading Light Meld which is similar, but in black and red you can get better mill. There are artifact mill that might be useful here though. Mesmeric Orb is great but will draw almost instant removal. Things like Shriekhorn Grindclock Codex Shredder Altar of Dementia Grindstoneare good and especially so if you can recur artifacts or use them extra times with something like Unwinding Clock. The clock also plays really nice with artifact lands. Oh, and always remember that milling your opponents can kill top deck tutors. Keeping your mill artifacts open until it's coming back to your turn can kill a lot of these effects.
The Underworld Cookbook can also be really nice to get biggies in the graveyard if you draw them, and also bring back creatures late game. Trading Post is just lovely, and 4cmc seems like a lot, but it always does something great for you.
Artifact strategy with Inventors' Fair can be great here. Also, black reanimation like Unearth are always going to work wonders. In my experience, it's not too useful to focus on expensive reanimation because that's what your commander wants to do, but smaller reanimation for value can be good.
The one thing to remember if you do any mill strategy is that you are going to mill your bombs away. It's often better to have ways to get things back than it is to play things that are great but you have no way to get back.
I don't have a ton of experience with B/R in edh, so take it all with a grain of salt for sure. I just wonder if Olivia would be better for cEDH in the 99. Having access to more colors is always a plus, and I'd think that Olivia would be very nice in something like Kess, Dissident Mage. Kess can recur reanimation spells that can bring out a nice hasty Olivia who can swing in and bring back another creature. Plus you get access to blue and all the sweet blue instants.
One big issue with Olivia in competitive groups is that your bomb is always there in the command zone. Most blue decks will try to save a counter spell just for her if they can. You could play discard and hand disruption to target blue players to help with this.
Hope it helps :) Olivia is looking cooler than ever, and it's such a great card. I just don't know if she can keep up with the speed of TandT, Malcolm, food chain, or really fast ad naus decks in cEDH.
Sheldaconda on
The Forbidden Forest
3 years ago
jacobpmesser Thanks for all the great suggestions! Unearth, Shriekhorn, and Fiend Artisan are immediate adds. I'll do some play testing with the other cards and see if they fit in this deck. Would really prefer it stay Golgari, but I do know that there is a ton of great blue mill cards out there.
jacobpmesser on
The Forbidden Forest
3 years ago
You know what's better than exiling your own stuff? Bringing it back. Not budget but add a few fetches, Renegade Rallier and Lurrus of the Dream-Den. Maybe some Unearth. Then, Archfiend's Vessel because a 5/5 flier on t2 is awesome. You could Persist Vessel and still get the 5/5. I play blue w/ Satyr Wayfinder (prob your best self-mill after Stitcher w/o going into blue for Hedron Crab) There's also Shriekhorn. No Fiend Artisan? And then, if you self-mill, Laboratory Maniac and (I play blue) Lazav, the Multifarious in case it gets milled. Sidisi, Brood Tyrant, Splinterfright, Nighthowler. Collector Ouphe for art gy hate. I think Desecrated Tomb is kind of useless without a good recur-engine.