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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Put all creatures on the bottom of their owners' libraries.

Miracle [[symbol:W[[ (You may cast this card for its miracle cost when you draw it if it's the first card you drew this turn.)

kirbysan on Anikthea Hand of Erebos - Constellation Population

11 months ago

Goldbranner, so I bought a bunch of cards just to mess around with and there were a couple interactions I found fun that led to some blowouts but I haven't had enough testplay to see if they're worth a slot in your list.

You mentioned Pull from Eternity which I like a lot since it basically means no removal is permanently removed and you can get it back with Anikthea.

I stuck both Eternal Witness and Timeless Witness in some of my plays and ended up Eternalizing Timeless Witness and then populating her. This allowed me to grab back an instant that populates and just creating more tokens.

I've also tried all the protection spells like Heroic Intervention and Flawless Maneuver but I think the best few are Teferi's Protection obviously but also Clever Concealment and Eerie Interlude. Clever Concealment gets around all board wipe effects including Cyclonic Rift, Terminus, Toxic Deluge or Farewell which are played a ton in my pods. It also protects the token creatures and leaves them up for attacking on the next turn. Also, since it has convoke, we can go all out on a big turn with our lands but since we have creatures up we have enough to cast it. Eerie Interlude doesn't protect the tokens but it saves the enchantresses for the next turn without having to rebuild and can have some Witness triggers to protect the board again for when we go off. I'd typically reserve Eerie Interlude for an early to mid game build up and Clever Concealment for the late game right before we go for the alpha strike.

BlockTheWok on Rev Miracles

1 year ago

4 Counterspell cut any of the blue counter like stuff like charm cut Bonfire for 4th Terminus 3 Counterbalance for anything honestly Counterbalance seems like the big selling point the core of the deck counterbalance terminus and maybe entreat also all planeswalkers should be Jace, the Mind Sculptor

BlockTheWok on Rev Miracles

1 year ago

4 Counterspell cut any of the blue counter like stuff like charm cut Bonfire for 4th Terminus 3 Counterbalance for anything honestly Counterbalance seems like the big selling point the core of the deck counterbalance terminus and maybe entreat also all planeswalkers should be Jace, the Mind Sculptor

Votecat on Sliver Commander v.1.6

1 year ago

You are correct in that you must target an artifact or enchantment even if yours are the only ones in play. In practice I’ve found that I can almost always remove it through targeted removal or a sacrifice outlet such as Basal Sliver or Ashnod's Altar both of which are combo pieces that you’d be searching for anyways. Overall the value in synergy offsets the drawbacks, at least for me. Have you thought about using Ruinous Ultimatum rather than Terminus? Some targeted removal such as Swords to Plowshares and protection such as Heroic Intervention or Teferi's Protection would probably be good

FolkOccult on Cathars of Innistrad

1 year ago

You're not wrong, though with cards like Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip blending in to the Cathar churches to recruit cultists, Eldritch Evolution depicting the horror of Emrakul's arrival, I kept Growth Spasm which is a Zendikar set card, only because of its eldrazi involvement, and that it looks eerily similar to Deathbonnet Sprout  Flip in the center of the artwork. I've made this deck entirely, foils, pre releases, alt arts; and found for the sake of functioning, with the necessity of ramp and draw for the table's I play at, I permitted Tarkir cards like Shamanic Revelation and Inspiring Call because they happened to be printed in the pre-con, but serve little to no use lore wise, sadly. I wish every set was treated like the warhammer commanders, with every card sporting a specific art to the theme of the plane.

I took out Entreat the Angels for Increasing Devotion in favor of humans; wanting the deck to very much be human focused, that being that rise and downfall of most of Innistrad. Cults within churches, Mikaeus, the Lunarch being one of the first humans to turn corrupt for the likes of evil.

I find Cryptolith Rite a suitable spell as it shows what fear drove humans to do, due to Nahiri, the Harbinger and her personal grudge. The cards I really want to get rid of, if I had Innistrad arts and watermarks to just swap with that'd be even better, but due to lore-specific conflicts; Shamanic Revelation (shaman of Tarkir), Unbreakable Formation (Azorius Guildmates from Ravnica) , Inspiring Call (Khans of Tarkir), Worldly Tutor (Yisan of Shandalar, but as a wandering bard... he might have made it Innistrad, the centipede in his card looks the same as what's been printed in Innistrad for sure), Wild Beastmaster (depicting a Selesnya guild member), Growth Spasm feels more akin to this deck's lore and flavor, seeing as Nahiri brought Eldrazi to the plane, and it getting an Innistrad watermark makes it feel a bit more at home, but were I to intentionally make this a Sigardian (good) humans only deck, I'd switch Cryptolith with Fork in the Road, and Growth Spasm with Reclusive Taxidermist or Avacyn's Pilgrim, Descend upon the Sinful with Terminus, Mikaeus, the Lunarch with Hamlet Captain, Wild Beastmaster with Mentor of the Meek; and several other cards, but the power just isn't there. I had this deck kitted out similarly and against my table, without some leeway for proper play, it bricks if I don't hit any ramp.

Sorry if that sounded preachy, your suggestion is 1000% solid, though I'd slot it in with a different card for the CMC to not vary too much, then replace Cryptolith Rite with another ramp spell so that I'm not missing any slots that could otherwise be used, hell, it still bugs me that I have Moonsilver Key and Avacyn, Angel of Hope who is canonically dead and then some, in the same deck. If you look at my Halana and Alena, Totally Just Roommates and In memory of the Weatherlight. these conflicts in lore occur quite a bit, similarly with my Sacrificial Splicer deck, much to my chagrin; but due to these constraints I find myself having quite a lot of fun building around this challenge when conceptualizing the deck itself.

I just wish some cards that would otherwise be integral to certain strategies had artworks to compliment the commander's they're most often used for, Thornbite Staff & Atla Palani, Nest Tender is a big one for myself, if it had a reprint, it'd be fairly harmless with Sun Empire-specific artwork. Or Impact Tremors that actually has Krenko, Mob Boss's goblins on it. Ashnod's Altar given alternate art that changes its name and makes the art specific to certain lore would be a dream of mine. But that's why we have alts I suppose, and commissioning one isn't the worst, but the wait sure can be murder on your sanity.

Grubbernaut on UW Control to stomp the …

2 years ago

Between the budget and insistence on playing pet cards, you're probably not going to be crushing meta decks, my man.

Fateful Absence is pretty bad in a world of 1cmc threats; you could consider Portable Hole. Doomskar isn't very good, but Terminus could be "okay" if you definitely want maindeck sweepers. 6 walkers is also a lot, you might cut that some.

Some general cards to consider: manabase, Fire / Ice splashing red, Shark Typhoon, Castle Vantress

Overall, control feels like it's in a fairly rough spot in the current meta.

DreadKhan on Seoul Sista!

2 years ago

Really sweet deck! Would Terminus be useful? It's pretty easy to cast for 1 in a deck that never draws any extra cards. It's dead in hand compared to Scour which is itself potentially unplayable if drawn after your hand is small (or if you just draw lots of land), and you can maybe afford to Interlude your creatures. Really hard to think of anything reasonable that would improve this list!

keizerbuns on Milking a Miracle

2 years ago

As always thanks for the feedback zapyourtumor! After playtesting this deck some more I'm starting to see your point. I think, like you said, cutting the blinks entirely is the right choice and I should focus more on the drawing/scrying and dumping cards into my graveyard.

I am trying to keep this deck as budget as I can so unfortunately that puts Jace, the Mind Sculptor and maybe even Path to Exile out. The only reason I have some expensive lands in here is because I already had them sitting around haha. I will add a couple Terminus and play around with the Considers and Thought Scours to see which one I like best.

My thinking with Dictate of Kruphix was that it would let me draw into my deck further each turn so that I can draw past the miracle I would be putting back on top of my deck every turn. That's not an issue anymore with all the cantrips and scrying cards I have now so I'll take those out too. I would take Double Vision out as well but I think it's a lot of fun so for now I'm gonna leave them in. Also, my thinking with Test of Talents was that it got more value out of it than the average counter spell and anything it can't counter I can just bounce or kill anyways, but I think you're right about swapping it out for Counterspell. Although I'll still hold on to Test in my side board.

Thanks again for the suggestions and feedback, I always appreciate them coming from you! :D

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