Conjurer's Bauble

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Conjurer's Bauble


Tap, Sacrifice Conjurer's Bauble: Put up to one target card from your graveyard on the bottom of your library. Draw a card.

Infatuated_Amnesiac on ...Take 3?

7 months ago

sergiodelrio thanks for the suggestions! I love me a good Implement of Combustion and don't think I've ever seen Conjurer's Bauble. I should be giving Experimental Synthesizer an honest shot but definitely fall into the "but it's exiled and I have to use it immediately or lose it forever" mentality all too easily.

sergiodelrio on ...Take 3?

7 months ago

Here are some cards you might be interested in:

Experimental Synthesizer - this one is extra spicy, since it basically triggers twice, but suffers from the fact that it needs a sac outlet unless you wanna pay 3 extra mana.

Chromatic Star Chromatic Sphere - very similar to terrarion

Implement of Combustion

Conjurer's Bauble Mishra's Bauble

Also, since your deck is full of artifacts anyway, Galvanic Blast is a Lightning Bolt on steroids, you could put some at least in your sideboard if you ever feel like you need the interaction.

Another interesting card could be Lotus Bloom, maybe even as a 1-of to pair with Goblin Engineer.

So many possibilities - Happy brewing!

wallisface on Conjurer's Bauble with an invalid …

1 year ago

Conjurer's Bauble specifies “up to one” target, so you have 2 situations here:

  • you choose no targets. The ability resolves and you get to draw a card.

  • you choose a target. An opponent invalidates that target by exiling it. As the ability has now lost all of its valid targets, it fizzles. You don’t get to draw a card.

I would suggest that if the card draw is important to you, and your graveyard has no “must fetch” cards in it, to choose no targets, as this is a pretty foolproof option. If you do choose a target, you run the risk of the ability fizzling entirely if that target is lost.

pedroedmarcos on Conjurer's Bauble with an invalid …

1 year ago

Hey there,

So, If I activate Conjurer's Bauble and target an card, and the card in the graveyard gets exiled by an opponents effect. Do you can still draw a card with Conjurer's Bauble?

FormOverFunction on Need ideas for mishra

1 year ago

I’d look at one-time-use artifacts, or things of the like, as you’re getting a lot of free copies. Chromatic Star is a simple example, I guess, like Conjurer's Bauble but there might be more interesting effects. Maybe something fun like Goblin Boom Keg or Grinning Totem.

bryanedds on Godo for Shodo

2 years ago

Probably a good idea to get Conjurer's Bauble in here. It's quite ideal for the occasion.

Fury maybe.

Blast Zone for enchantment removal?

bryanedds on Godo for Shodo

2 years ago

Probably a good idea to get Conjurer's Bauble in here. It's quite ideal for the occasion.

Delphen7 on How to Handle Multiple 'Infinite' …

2 years ago

Player A has Spike Feeder and Heliod, Sun-Crowned.

Player B is playing eggs, and has managed to reach the point where they can loop Pyrite Spellbomb (via Faith's Reward, multiple Lotus Bloom, and Conjurer's Bauble)

Anytime Player B can put a lethal Spellbomb trigger on the stack, Player A can respond by gaining more life. Since both players are technically advancing their boardstates, but the game is going nowhere, what happens?

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