Damping Sphere

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Damping Sphere


If a land is tapped for two or more mana, it produces instead of any other type and amount.

Each spell a player casts costs more to cast for each other spell that player has cast this turn.

wallisface on Black and White Soul Sisters - MODERN

1 month ago

With the upcoming Mh3, there’s two cards you may want to consider fitting into this brew: Sorin of House Markov  Flip, and Guide of Souls.

I really strongly feel like your mainboard needs 22 (maybe even 23?) lands instead of 21.

As far as your sideboard goes, it feels like you are particularly weak to the opponents interaction and/or combo strategies. In that vein i’d run something like:


In relation to some of the cards already in your sideboard selection, i’d suggest against them for the following reasons:

  • Stony Silence doesn’t do enough to artifacts decks, as many don’t use activated abilities too often - namely this hurts Scales, but not-really Affinity.

  • Inquisition of Kozilek is good against control and some kinds of combo. But only being able to hit 3-or-less mana makes this awkward against both. Combo decks you should already have answers for with my above suggestions. I don’t see this deck beating control whatever it does, so i don’t think there’s point trying to fight it with this card.

  • Kor Firewalker is only useful versus burn. Your deck should have absolutely no problem beating burn naturally, so this isn’t needed.

  • Sanctifier en-Vec feels like overkill if you’re already running Rest in Peace. Furthermore, it’s more red-hate in a deck already generally positioned well against a lot if red gameplans

  • Ghost Quarter i’m not sure why you’re running this? I assume for tron, but this really won’t slow them down enough to matter, and is more likely to mess with your own tempo.

  • Surgical Extraction is generally only good versus combo, but requires being in a deck with a LOT if ways to force discard/mill so you can reliably exile what you need to.

IHATENAMES on CoCo Grimalkin (Naya)

4 months ago

Pick Your Poison might be better than Atraxa's Fall

Wild Nacatl 1 drop cats are important for curving out

Qasali Pridemage Sideboard cat idea

Dismember Damping Sphere Sideboard tech vs rhino cascade

Happy brewing!

BioProfDude on Mono White Vigilance

7 months ago

I think if you have the budget, you need to at least upgrade the mana. Include 2x Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire, 1x or maybe 2x Castle Ardenvale, 1x Shefet Dunes (you'd be surprised at how effective that +1/+1 thing can be at istant speed!), and maybe 1x Cave of the Frost Dragon as a place to sink mana for attacking if you get wrathed.

Guardian of Faith also nicely fits your theme and is an underrated card that can be extremely useful. I get that you're trying to stick with humans, but I think there's already a really, really good humans deck, so I would exploit the vigiliance and worry less about the humans aspect (see below).

On that note, Reidane, God of the Worthy  Flip would be a solid addition, if at least for the sideboard.

While it doesn't have vigilance when activated, maybe Smuggler's Copter? Ha! I know, we're jamming it in every deck to see if it will work, but in this type of aggro deck it just might and it provides you a nice way to draw some cards.

Last suggestions for the main are Brave the Elements and maybe something like Temporary Lockdown or Ossification in the main board. I get that you have humans, but I think these are just better than Sanctuary Lockdown or Collective Effort. Even Get Lost would be a great addition, or possibly Declaration in Stone in the sideboard.

Your sideboard should probably include Rest in Peace to deal with Izzet Phoenix and Amalia Combo, and probably should have Damping Sphere to deal with Lotus Combo. Containment Priest is also another solid sideboard consideration.

Oh, a fun card that might be cool would be Rally the Ancestors (or Return to the Ranks, maybe). For surprise blocking? Just a thought.

Cool deck idea! +1 from me!

CandiedRats on White Heroic deck

8 months ago

It looks like you’re going for a budget deck. A budget upgrade would be replacing x4 Plains with x4 Flagstones of Trokair These will help thin your deck out in mid to late game.

Fabled Hero also seems a little slow to run as a 4 of. A little more pricey upgrade would be replacing it with x4 Kor Spiritdancer adding card advantage from cast triggers of auras. She’s not heroic, but her ability feels similar.

Livewire Lash is another cut. I think the “shock” effect can be useful, but cards like Hyena Umbra, Sentinel's Eyes, Ethereal Armor would all be choice upgrades as a x1, x2, or x3 of any combination in its place.

Past that a sideboard can be extremely useful in modern. A fairly standard sideboard for the current meta that is fairly budget is.

4x Mana Tithe 4x Pithing Needle 4x Damping Sphere 3x Tormod's Crypt Or 3x Stone of Erech

Hope any of these suggestions helped!

Icbrgr on Naya Zookeepers (1st place RCQ)

11 months ago

Nice! speaking of Mono Green devotion; was Alpine Moon/Damping Sphere not worth it? is Lotus Field/Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx not as prevalent? Or are you just able to stableize/outrace those decks?

Profet93 on The Inevitable Annihilation

1 year ago


Interesting changes, Damping Sphere stops about 6-9 of your lands, including scorched ruins but damn, that card is a powerhouse! Stops storm, coffers, nkythos, cradle and more! Hope they work out well. I love seeing this deck evolve and progress. Kudos

Squee_Spirit_Guide on FNM - First Time Playing …

1 year ago

I haven't played competitively in a while, but when I did I got a lot of mileage out of Damping Sphere and Crumble to Dust out of the board. Granted, I was playing Scapeshift and kept coming up against tron... But both are cheap and hopefully pretty easy to pick up if they match the meta!

legendofa on Help me torture

1 year ago

Hand = hurting: Black Vise, Ebony Owl Netsuke, Iron Maiden, Misers' Cage, Sword of War and Peace

Bounce: Blood Clock, Crystal Shard, Surgical Skullbomb, Umbilicus

Standard stax/tax effects: Smokestack, Tangle Wire, Winter Orb, Thorn of Amethyst, God-Pharaoh's Statue, Damping Sphere, Trinisphere, Sphere of Resistance, Cursed Totem, Static Orb, Meekstone, Norn's Annex, Mindlock Orb

Artifact creatures with these effects: Viseling, Neurok Replica, Esper Sentinel

Pulled mostly from EDHrec, and I only hit the highlights. https://edhrec.com/themes/stax

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