Caustic Caterpillar

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Caustic Caterpillar

Creature — Insect

, Sacrifice Caustic Caterpillar: Destroy target artifact or enchantment.

TannerP1997 on Ygra Consumes All

2 weeks ago

Caustic Caterpillar and similar artifact removal creatures function as destroy target permanent spells. Not instant speed, but for 3 mana you get removal and two triggers for Ygra’s counters.

Manglehorn is removal and forced tap.

Collector Ouphe stops opponents from sacrificing their food(may be too niche, but could be good against the right deck)

Cauldron Familiar + Experimental Confectioner + sac outlet is infinite. It also provides an instant speed sac from the graveyard.

Seeds of Innocence may seem rough off the life gain, but when you can wipe the board for 3 and have an unblocked Ygra with 20 counters it doesn’t matter much.

Collective Resistance doubles as removal and protection for Ygra.

Azoth2099 on

11 months ago


Hey dude! Gonna try to keep this brief and not go down a brewing rabbit hole lol.

Have you considered extra combat phases? Your Commander's strategy obviously hinges upon you being able to attack with it, so doing it multiple times a turn is the way to go imho.

Although I wouldn't go overboard with it, there are a few worth thinking over such as Aggravated Assault, Combat Celebrant, Breath of Fury (extra good if you're running creatures that want to be sacrificed on your way to drawing cards via your Commander, Cathodion for example), Seize the Day, Savage Beating & World at War.

Creatures that sacrifice themselves could also be great, stuff like Ball Lightning, Groundbreaker & Lightning Skelemental can do a lot of damage. Blood Pet, Goldhound, Reckless Barbarian, Generator Servant, Tinder Wall, Wild Cantor & Basal Thrull draw and ramp you at the same time, which is pretty neat. Eldrazi token generators like Sifter of Skulls, From Beyond & Awakening Zone can help you keep that engine running in longer games. Haywire Mite, Caustic Caterpillar &Cankerbloom draw, control the board and replace their presence on your own board for a great rate.

There are a few value pieces worth thinking about as well, like, Pitiless Plunderer & Korvold, Fae-Cursed King.

Lastly, you need a lot more mana dorks, my guy. As many as possible.

Sorry for being so long-winded! Cheers!

DreadKhan on Pariah's Stompy Gruul Deck

1 year ago

I noticed a few things you might want to take a look at while testing your deck out, first you run several examples of artifacts that ramp you, this is usually a questionable choice in any Green deck, but Gruul is very good at ramping in particular, it has the least need for artifact mana. Some people run artifact wipes like Bane of Progress to punish people who are stuck with artifact ramp. There are always more creatures that can be tapped for mana, but there are also cards like Farhaven Elf and Wood Elves that find a land, there are quite a few of these out there. At your budget I think you should be running Myriad Landscape and Blighted Woodland, and I would consider Guildless Commons as a way to sneak an extra land drop out of your hand (you could also just run more lands).

Second, I think you might want to include more answers to artifacts and enchantments, if not creatures. Gruul decks that run big creatures can look to fight effects to help pressure opponent's boards/kill stuff like Magus of the Moat, Domri Rade and Domri, Anarch of Bolas are budget options that can help make fights happen, Ulvenwald Tracker, Thorn Mammoth, and Gruul Ragebeast are creatures that can generate repeated fights. Beast Within, Chaos Warp and Wild Magic Surge are all pretty interesting cards for a Gruul deck to look at, but there are also cards like Reclamation Sage or Caustic Caterpillar/Thrashing Brontodon, as well as Conclave Naturalists or Indrik Stomphowler that can help deal with artifacts/enchantments that interfere with attacking, and anything that can be used at instant speed has value in disrupting combos. At your budget Road / Ruin might be good, it offers ramp and removal in one card.

Third, you might want more card draw, there are a variety of ways to do that in Gruul, but many of the better options are Green spells. If you consistently have a big enough creature out Return of the Wildspeaker is good, as is Rishkar's Expertise, Momentous Fall and Greater Good. I like Bonders' Enclave if you think you can count on having 4 power out, and War Room is pretty handy in a pinch. Regal Force can draw a bunch of cards if you have green creatures. Garruk's Uprising might be budget enough, but Toski, Bearer of Secrets and Ohran Frostfang are cards to think about if you ever want to upgrade, both are very strong, Frostfang's deathtouch is superb synergy with Trample. If you do go with more Fight effects, Neyith of the Dire Hunt can draw a card for each fight and has other synergies with the deck. Dragonborn Champion is cheaper than Frostfang or Toski, but it requires your creatures to be big and probably have trample, so it might be worth a look.

Here are a few cards that might help that don't fit into the above categories/aren't necessarily solving a problem, but I think are worth thinking about. War Cadence is an all time favorite of mine, you can use it on anyone's turn if you have spare mana, very handy to make it impossible for an archenemy to block, also handy when you get down to 1v1. Have you thought about a Breaker of Armies? When it attacks, that player has to block it with everything, but you technically get to assign damage as you see fit unless they have Banding, so this tends to clear out an opponent's board while letting your other creatures get in unblocked vs that opponent. With your relatively low land count I feel like Abundance would be decent. With so many sources of Trample in your deck Bow of Nylea would be a sweet addition, Deathtouch and Trample are very good together.

Hope some of this is helpful, Gruul stompy decks are a lot of fun!

DemonDragonJ on sac it to me (Mazirek EDH)

1 year ago

I would recommend Cankerbloom over Caustic Caterpillar, because, while the latter creature has a higher initial cost, the cost of using its ability is lower, which likely shall make a major different over the course of a game.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Put Caustic Caterpillar …

1 year ago

Abaques, yes, that is a very good suggestion, and the fact that its activated ability is less expensive than that of Caustic Caterpillar is highly relevant, since I can simply bypass its normal casting cost by reanimating it with Meren.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Put Caustic Caterpillar …

1 year ago

I am contemplating putting both Caustic Caterpillar and Deadly Brew into my Meren of Clan Nel Toth EDH deck, but I am not certain which cards I should replace with them, or if I should even do so, at all.

I imagine that Caustic Caterpillar could replace Abrupt Decay, because, while I fully acknowledge that Abrupt Decay is an awesome card, the caterpillar works better with the sacrifice theme that this deck has, and Deadly Brew could replace Village Rites, since I already have numerous cards that allow me to sacrifice creatures to draw cards.

What does everyone else say about this? Should I put Deadly Brew and Caustic Caterpillar into my Meren deck?

rekkim on Darkwood Elves

1 year ago

Replace Naturalize with one or another of Reclamation Sage, Viridian Zealot or Nullmage Shepherd? Slower, but they synergize.

I'm personally of the opinion that the sage is the best option because it isn't going to remove itself from the field and does what it needs to do as long as it resolves, but you might end up with dead draw if it's the only thing you can play and there's nothing to remove. The zealot's generically good, if strictly worse than Caustic Caterpillar, but I'm wary of sacrifice in such a tribal deck.

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