Mentor of the Meek

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mentor of the Meek

Creature — Human Soldier

Whenever another creature with a power of 2 or less enters the battlefield under your control, you may pay . If you do, draw a card.

Profet93 on Play EDH they said, it will be fun they said

4 months ago

Karn, the Great Creator > Kataki - One sided null rod with ability to animate artifacts and recur some of yours.

Mother of Runes - Protection

Mentor of the Meek - Draw. Don't necessarily need but I don't see a lot of draw in your list.

Land Tax - Lands/"Draw"

Darksteel Mutation > Mandate - Commander removal

Archivist of Oghma - Draw

Mangara, the Diplomat - Bit expensive but potentially worth it depending on meta

Aura of Silence - Fits perfectly into the deck

Generous Gift - Sometimes permanents just need to go away.

Sigong on Oozing with flavor

6 months ago

Unfortunately, I think tokens created by Slime Against Humanity will not cause you to draw cards from cards like Elemental Bond or Garruk's Uprising. The tokens enter as 0/0 creatures, then the counters are put on them. The upside to this is that cards like Mentor of the Meek will work because the tokens have 0 power when they enter the battlefield.

Edit: I asked a judge, and Tribute to the World Tree WILL cause you to draw a card, because it checks the creature's power when the ability resolves.

NV_1980 on Primal Genesis Upgrade

9 months ago

This looks great! I've always found Mycoloth to be one of my favorite token generators. Your list could also maybe consider some more draw. Mentor of the Meek comes to mind. In a deck that goes wide, Ohran Frostfang would also prove useful in that regard. Happy brewing!

butcher234 on Power ≤ 2 Tribal

11 months ago

I decided to give The Battle of Bywater a go. I ran into a tricky game recently featuring a souped up Crystalline Giant with Phyresis, and I kept wishing I had put it in the deck.

I've also added in Welcoming Vampire and Knight of Dawn's Light to help keep me in the game. I cut Mentor of the Meek got cut because it's just too mana-intensive, Ornithopter of Paradise because of its nombo with Collector Ouphe and Tymna the Weaver, and Stronghold Arena since its effect is largely replaced by Welcoming Vampire but with fewer hoops to jump through. I wonder how much I'll notice the decrease in card advantage, so we shall see how these swaps play out!

xram666 on EDH Karona, Fals God (Kithkin Tribal)

11 months ago

I count only 2 draw option:

So I would add at least another 5 draw options. Maybe:

Also I count only 2 ramp spells. Maybe also 5 other ones:

Also I would include Mirror Entity: Nice synergy and a good win option.

With the high number of tappers I would also include Siren's Call

Also the number of Mass Removal is to low. Some options:

kouzios on good for her

1 year ago

As is tradition, I will proceed to suggest a variety of cards that are likely not worth adding.

Akroma's Will sweet card, protection is very rude with master of cruelties as well

Boros Charm I know it's in your sideboard, but the card is really nice. Direct planeswalker damage is nice, only 2 mana for all permanents (not just creatures) get indestructible is great, double strike can be given to opposing creatures. Great card, for 2 mana it's a steal

Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle would be a nice additional source of graveyard recursion if you had more historic cards

Faith's Reward eh I used to be a bigger fan of this card than I am now, but it applies to non-creature permanents too so it's cute.

Rapacious Guest is a card i would cut to get to 100 cards in the deck, but it would probably be there before cuts.

Mentor of the Meek Another sideboard card, but a little surprised you don't have it in main. It's annoying that it sort-of feels like a self-tax card, but it's good draw in your colors, and a hit for your commander. I get why it would be cut though

Orcish Bowmasters if only it wasn't $30. Cheap, good hit, makes an extra creature on top of it, and a sort-of hate card.

Gray Merchant of Asphodel Look, it's not amazing for you, but it's power is 2 or less and i like the card.

Robber of the Rich is a hit for your commander, gives value, and has reach for some dumb reason. It's like a gonti.

Kheru Mind-Eater, well it's a hate card, value, and a commander hit. Not mind blowing, but hey.

Dockside Extortionist Jesus if it wasn't $70...

Esper Sentinel It's rhystic study on a creature, woo. Also not cheap, but hey.

Skyclave Apparition recursion friendly exile card, and it's "up to" so optional.

Mirror Entity Sometimes, hitting face is a nice win con too.

Drana, Liberator of Malakir another face-hitter, but it's flying first strike so it probably survives resurrection in combat, and it hitting first buffs your other creatures too. Little nonbo with your power 4 or greater board clear.

Duplicant I have to mention this card, it's 6 mana but if you just recur it who cares, it's a 2 power creature that exiles a creature then becomes that creature's power, so it attacks big (in theory).

To some degree I've ignored the "hate bear" theme here, but hey I'm just a little guy, what can I do.

wallisface on Life gain cat deck

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • I'm not sure why you've defaulted the view of this deck to be by "TCG player high price" - almost all of these cards can be acquired for well-under $1 (most under $0.50).

  • One thing to note is that Mentor of the Meek won't be doing much of anything while King of the Pride, as the King will make almost all of your creatures enter with more than 2 power. I'd suggest probably ditching Mentor.

  • Cards I'd suggest ditching are Pride Guardian (cards that only gain life and do nothing else are pretty universally bad), Ordeal of Heliod (its really slow and doesn't really do a lot), Cosmos Elixir (its a really bad effect for such a high mana cost), Revitalize (cards that only gain life and do nothing else are pretty universally bad), and maybe Scout's Warning (you don't really to be flashing-in any of your creatures, though I can see this is maybe just useful as a cantrip if you have nothing else to play).

FungalDominance on Millicent, Restless Revenant Upgraded Precon

1 year ago

gw1108 I think I agree on the mana ramp and lands. I'd like another 1 land and 2 ramp, just having a hard time deciding what to cut to get it.

However, devils advocate on the card draw, with Midnight Clock, Pull from Tomorrow, Bident of Thassa, Distant Melody, Skullclamp, Mentor of the Meek, Sire of the Storm, Ethereal Investigator, Bygone Bishop, Ghostly Pilferer, Drogskol Reaver, do I really need more card draw? Do the creatures not count as much for card draw since some of them have a bit higher CMC?

Thank you for the feedback, I look forward to your response!

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