Order of the Sacred Torch

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Order of the Sacred Torch

Creature — Human Knight

Tap, Pay 1 life: Counter target black spell.

lukecwolf on Share your hidden gems

3 months ago

I love older cards that still have niche relevance.

  • Order of the Sacred Torch is something I've always wanted to add to my Winota or Heliod cEDH. It's just so weird that it just counters any black spell.

  • Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is my favorite weird combo. Yes, it gets consistency, but it can run in any deck and you can add Spreading Algae for land destruction like some do in Modern. And then there's weird cards that care about Swamps like Angry Mob and Kormus Bell.

  • Titania's Song was a weird stax piece I like in Mono Green. I've seen people shotgun to kill it because they want their artifacts and stuff.

  • For newer cards, Powerbalance is a new favorite of mine as it gets pseudo card advantage if most players are playing low numbers.

  • Banding is iffy. I'm a little on the fence about that banding thread in the comments, but I won't add to the fire.

DreadKhan on Band of Kjeldor

1 year ago

I like decks based around a block, so I kept my suggestions to stuff from Ice Age block (minus Homelands which has nothing to do with Ice Age).

Why no Swords to Plowshares? When I playtested this vs my Oldschool deck (which uses Fallen Empires very heavily) your deck felt like it wanted Swords to kill off my fatties in such a way that it can't be reanimated, there is also Exile I guess if Swords is too pricey? More flying might work well too if you have lots of Banding creatures with First Strike out, maybe x1 or x2 Skycaptain? Maybe a couple Wild Aesthirs? I think you could get away with a couple Order of the White Shield in here, you have tons of creatures with Banding already, they can protect your pump knight very well.

If you ever develop the budget for it Kjeldoran Outpost is a nifty old card, there arguably isn't a better version of it even today, and it used to see plenty of play. Thawing Glaciers is another old card that could let you shave a few lands if you can fit x4 of it in somehow, if you can get a Glacier out you'll never be short of lands. Since you run so many creatures, maybe Inheritance?

For your sideboard have you thought about Order of the Sacred Torch? There is also Energy Storm to deal with flying heavy decks. Royal Decree is pretty nasty vs Red or Black decks.

LitchOubliette on Commander Staples Cube

4 years ago

Changelog (22/11/2020)








Mana Fixing

dingusdingo on How is Red Elemental Blast …

4 years ago

Mark Rosewater joined Magic in 1996, from Alliances forward. This means that there are a lot of counter spells in non-blue colors that predate him joining.


Artifact Blast


Red Elemental Blast


Avoid Fate




Nether Void

Stromgald Cabal

Thrull Wizard



Order of the Sacred Torch

There are also a handful of countering abilities in non-blue from pre-Rosewater sets


Brown Ouphe

Richard Garfield had intended colors besides blue to have access to counter spells. Garfield also built the game to have a greater focus on interactions between colors, with hosers such as Tsunami and Acid Rain being another example, or the frequent Protection from X Color cards that are rampant in the early sets. Maro has moved away from viewing the colors as interactions and relationships between colors and towards trying to define the colors in relation to themselves (a la color pie). Whether or not you agree with Garfield's vision for the game or Rosewater's, we can't ignore that Red Elemental Blast predates Rosewater even working for Wizards. Red Elemental Blast also predates Maro's theory of the color pie, which must be applied retroactively to REB.

We also have numerous examples of non-blue counter spells in sets even after Maro started designing cards or even becoming a lead set designer. I think that while counter spells and interacting with spells/abilities on the stack is primarily a blue ability, other colors need to have access to this powerful and necessary tool. While I agree that blue should be the market share, we need closer to 85-90% of counter spells printed as blue, instead of the current ~98%

Frd123 on All Hail West Theros

4 years ago

Thanks for the deck explanation on reddit and the updates. It surely helped me a lot in my monowhite own build with Mikaeus, the Lunarch.

My deck isnt entirely Cedh, because Mikaeus, but your ideas sure helped. Especially Order of the Sacred Torch, this card is so sweet. And even if it isnt in your list anymore, Apostle of Purifying Light did wonders in my playgroup.

DragonLordJippy on A Better Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle

4 years ago


Ahhh, thanks!


Yeah, the Deck is always evolving... Trying out a bunch of new tech. Some things are working, other's aren't. With the frequency of Ouphe's I'm seeing it has become absolutely necessary for Banisher Priest, so she's in now... Currently considering Juntu Stakes. This is kinda the perfect (excuse) list for it too.


Hey Bonjo! Happy to hear (read) this is your first (and potentially only) cEDH Deck. It is a lot to wrap your head around at first as there are various moving parts, but once you understand how the engines work it is easily the most rewarding Deck to play. To quickly go over some of your thoughts & questions: 1. Order of the Sacred Torch is a meta call. It's a solid all around Card, but not for this list. Too slow for the kinda interaction it provides. 2. Serenity is a must to get rid of pesky hate pieces, as RFC stated above. 3. Gustha's Scepter is one of my favorite Cards in this list. Let's just say you have a 0 Cost Artifact in Hand, a Grinding Station on Field and Gustha's Scepter. You have Junk Diver in Hand as well, but only enough Mana to Cast Teshar. Cast Teshar -> Throw Junk under Gustha -> Eat Gustha with Grinding Station -> Bury Junk & Gustha -> Cast the 0cmc Artifact, Teshar Trigger -> Junk Diver to Battlefield. Begin Combo'ing for 4 Mana (that Turn) 4. Teferi's Protection is fine. Overly priced for what it does. In this list, it's fine if things hit the Grave. The entire concept is centered around redundancies and recursion. We don't need it here. 5. No to Enduring Renewal, big no. The last clause ruins are Combo. 6. I've spoken on the fish bowl before... This is win more. Should not be in this list. We can Combo out and with with a variety of elements simply baked into this list. Please, do not use Aetherflux Reservoir. At any rate, hope all that info helps! Best of luck perfecting your own Teshar.

Idoneity on Big Tokens

4 years ago

Ah, tokens! Initiate the throng, then fulminate as such.

I have many suggestions.

Now, typically I am an advocate for running fewer lands in decks, however, this deck has an excruciatingly low amount of card draw. Either make way for lands or add a half-dozen cantrips.

Some of my favourite draw spells you could use are Once Upon a Time, Skullclamp, Adventurous Impulse, and Oath of Nissa. These dig for lands whilst having value late-game.

You have many anthems, some of which are quite lacking in my opinion. Syr Alin, the Lion's Claw, Kongming, "Sleeping Dragon", Selesnya Guildmage, Oakhame Ranger, Ahn-Crop Champion, Cultivator of Blades, Valor in Akros, Spear of Heliod, and Dragon Throne of Tarkir are all quite mana-hungry and little impact. They depend on a board state to work, and without one they verge on useless. I would like to call out Call for Unity in particular as being incredibly slow and capricious.

Haazda Marshal, Recruit the Worthy, and Oakhame Ranger are quite halacious in the aspect that they do not much.

Avoid Fate is interesting, but it doesn't do a lot. Many of the cards in here are restrictive depending on board state, thus I would cut this.

Painter's Servant is cute with your effects that care about colour, but I believe this to be rather inconsistent. Without Lifeforce or Order of the Sacred Torch, it's a two-mana 1/3.

I am unsure as to why Reito Lantern is even here. If you seek graveyard hate, Ground Seal replaces itself, Relic of Progenitus is awesome, as is Remorseful Cleric. Night Soil is on theme.

For what I would include, Rootborn Defenses defends the board, Druids' Repository adds far too much mana, Aura Shards and Aura Mutation shatter and batter, Hour of Reckoning kills many things, Increasing Devotion allows for rebounding eftsoons wrath, Master of the Wild Hunt is one I particularly enjoy, Sprout Swarm is difficult to interact with, Sigarda, Heron's Grace has early and late-game potential, and Devout Invocation creates tokens abound. Triumph of the Hordes can just wipe out an entire table.

This deck has almost no card draw. Mentor of the Meek, Skullclamp, and Huatli, Radiant Champion can draw many, many cards. When you get to it, Sylvan Library is fantastic. Harmonize, Slate of Ancestry, Shamanic Revelation, Collective Unconscious are ways to refill in preparation of a board wipe.

Beast Whisperer is just good value.

Swords to Plowshares, Kenrith's Transformation, and Path to Exile get problematic permanents out of the way at an excessively cheap cost.

I would recommend far more ramp. Llanowar Elves, Avacyn's Pilgrim, Fyndhorn Elves, Elvish Mystic, and/or Birds of Paradise. Incredibly quick if you get them out turn one, and oft set you far ahead enough that it doesn't matter when you get wrathed.

That shall be all from me. If you so wish, I have two swarm decks that you could reference for honing your build, each of which have tested well for the years I have had them.

The decklists: Eladamri, Leader of Skyshroud Beseeming Perfection

May fortune betide you, and the tokens your enemies. Farewell!

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