Mystic Forge

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mystic Forge


You may look at the top card of your library at any time.

You may cast artifact spells and colourless spells from the top of your library.

, Pay 1 life: Exile the top card of your library.

nuperokaso on Affinity and what to cut

1 month ago

You will need to remove 18 card to get to 60: - 2 Mystic Forge and 4 Deadly Dispute - Affinity is an aggro deck; it wants to put additional creatures on board, not just draw cards. You may leave Thoughtcast and Thought Monitor. That will also rid you of black color entirely. - 4 Mistvault Bridge - 22 lands is too much for a 60 card deck that mostly plays free spells. You also don't want to draw multiple tapped lands. - 2 Shrapnel Blast - You don't want multiples in your opening hand, because then you won't have enough artifacts to cast your spells. You are also playing another sacrifice outlet (Arcbound Ravager) and too many sacrifice effect have diminishing returns. - 2 Myr Enforcer - You were playing 12 7 mana spells, that's simply too much. You can't keep opening hand with 4 of them. - 4 Lotus Petal - The only card in your deck that was not Modern legal. Also it's useless in longer game.

After these cuts, your deck has 60 card. However, 10 of them are non-artifacts, which may be more than you would like.

I will also give you a few other tips: - If you are too low on 0 mana cost cards, try Memnite or Welding Jar. Jar does something even in longer game, unlike your original Lotus Petal. - Nettlecyst - Acts similarly to the Cranial Plating, but comes with a body and has a good toughness. If you would play it, I suggest that you replace them for Arcbound Ravager, as they are doing opposite things.

IHATENAMES on Platinum Darksteel Artifact

2 months ago

So... a few thoughts. This needs focus.

I'd ask these questions. What powerful thing are you doing to win the game? How are you interacting. What is your plan b. And is there a better way or is your pivot worth looking into.

My suggestion look up mud decks in legacy for a base. Then adjust the top end to get closer to what you want. Most of your 1 ofs aren't worth it in legacy and it's going to be too slow. Other ideas that may drop the artifact only theme is like This affinity deck

What stands out to me as a potential powerful thing you can focusmore on is Mystic Forge for card advantage and Lodestone Golem for slowing down your opponent. Going all artifact based is a cool idea but to build it needs a better payoff.

Profet93 on Rumblin' Bumblin' Stumblin'

3 months ago


Blinkmoth Well - Synergy with blinkmoth urn + politics

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant - To recover after a wipe.

Mystic Forge - "Draw"

Although not on theme, given the lack of draw, perhaps a Kozilek, the Great Distortion?

Kagiyama on Hold your colour

4 months ago

Hi Profet93! Thanks for your reply. I think I want advice on overall deck balancing (mana curve, deck composition, removal/wrath/card advantage) and some combos. I know Mystic Forge and Sensei's Divining Top can be quite good

Profet93 on Affinity for Rubber Chickens (Chiss-Goria EDH)

4 months ago


Mystic Forge + Top + artifact cost reducer = Draw your deck. Forge is great "draw" so to speak as well.

Ugin, the Ineffable - "Draw", removal and ramp

Buried Ruin/Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant - Recursion

Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter/Vedalken Orrery - Flash. Might be anti-synergstic with the haste commander but mitigates over-extending and allows your "trigger each turn" card to trigger more often. Plus, isn't it cool to be like the blue player?

Maybe Strionic Resonator - Double attack and ETB's, also note Lithoform Engine for flexibility

Mycosynth Lattice

Profet93 on Titans, The Clean-Up Crew

5 months ago

darkemoji +1

Mystic Forge + artifact cost reducer + Sensei's Divining Top = Draw your entire deck

Chromatic Orrery/Everflowing Chalice (4 Counters) + Voltaic key + rings =

Blinkmoth Well + winter orb = You untap, others don't. Should you enjoy having some mild stax, Storage Matrix is a potential consideration which works as well.

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant - Synergy with emrakrul. It's great to flash in after a vandablast

Karn, the Great Creator - One sided nullrod which can recur exiled artifacts and can animate opposing artifacts for you to destroy. Adding Myconsith lattice to it would be a hard lock.

Buried Ruin - Recursion

UltimateRoxas40 on Glissa, Traitor of Mirrodin [Artifact Primer]

5 months ago

Profet93 Finally got my hands on a Mystic Forge, which took the place of Phyrexian Fleshgorger. I'm a little sad to lose one of my two Phyrexian Wurms haha, but the Forge is much more useful. I also ended up slotting in Heroic Intervention in exchange for Haunted Mire. The average CMC of this deck is low enough that I don't mind going to 33 lands. Thanks again for the suggestion!

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