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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Legendary Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has trample and lifelink.

: Permanents your opponents control lose hexproof and indestructible until end of turn.

Equip (: Attach this to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This enters the battlefield unattached and stays on the battlefield if the creature this card is attached to leaves the battlefield.)

TheOfficialCreator on Equip

1 week ago

You need Hammer of Nazahn, Grafted Exoskeleton, Shadowspear and Open the Armory. Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, and Mox Opal if possible.


Adaptive Automaton (clunky, what are you choosing??)

Benalish Marshal (too mana intensive for so little impact)

Bladegraft Aspirant (same)

Burnished Hart (too slow)

Chief of the Foundry (too much mana for so little impact)

Eivor, Battle-Ready (way too expensive)

Kassandra, Eagle Bearer (not really cost efficient since you don't have the spear)

Militia Bugler (not good)

Mother of Runes -> Giver of Runes

Novice Knight (not good)

Thraben Inspector (not really refined for your game plan)

Darksteel Plate -> Mithril Coat

Explorer's Scope (not good)

Haunted Plate Mail (not good)

Ring of Thune (not good)

Sword of Hours (not good)

Sword of the Paruns (not very good)

Hieromancer's Cage -> Borrowed Time

Pacifism (not good)

Stasis Snare -> Grasp of Fate

Council's Judgment (this card sucks)

Visions of Ruin -> Vandalblast

TheOfficialCreator on Bant SWAT Team

2 weeks ago

Angelic Benediction is EXTREMELY overcosted, especially since you have a lot of removal/evasion in the deck. Akrasan Squire accomplishes much the same effect for three less mana. Maybe even Sighted-Caste Sorcerer over Sigiled Paladin, but that's a matter of personal taste and gameplay style.

Shadowspear is a great option but very pricey so I definitely understand not going for it. Audacity is a budget option that fills a similar niche.

And a bit of a strange suggestion, but Bant Charm is a little mana intensive, and not super effective (unless you've seen success with it!), may I suggest something like Winds of Abandon? It's a Path to Exile and more depending on your situation.

Definitely a fun deck, I love Rafiq!

wallisface on Jund Saga

3 months ago

As far as decent 1-mana artifacts that you can add as 1-ofs for Saga, the normal go-tos are Haywire Mite and Shadowspear (both which you're already running), and then Springleaf Drum, Nihil Spellbomb, Pithing Needle, Pyrite Spellbomb. I'm not sure how many of those you'd actually want to run mainboard, as many are more useful as sideboard options - I think the combination of Haywire Mite, Shadowspear, and Mishra's Bauble is already a good mix :)

Rhadamanthus on Losing and Gaining Abilities

4 months ago

Some more details behind sergiodelrio's answer: If an effect from a resolving spell or activated/triggered ability (Shadowspear, Bonds of Mortality, etc.) changes the characteristics of objects, the set of objects it affects is "locked in" at the time it resolves. If new objects appear later on, they aren't affected. On the other hand, an effect from a static ability (Archetype of Endurance, etc.) continuously updates the set of objects it affects as new things show up.

Another note: If an effect from a resolving spell or activated/triggered ability changes the rules of the game (e.g. "creatures can't block this turn") then the set of objects it affects is not locked in on resolution and it will still apply to new objects that show up later in its duration.

TehGrief on Losing and Gaining Abilities

4 months ago

Player A controls a creature with Hexproof; Uril, the Miststalker. Player B controls an ability like Shadowspear or Bonds of Mortality, where it can remove the Hexproof from player A's creature.

Since these abilities are not worded in the same way as Archetype of Endurance, if player A was to Flicker their Uril, the Miststalker, it would regain Hexproof?

TheoryCrafter on Akiri, Fearless equipment

4 months ago

Have you considered more artifacts with Reconfigure? While I think all of them would work, Lion Sash and Cloudsteel Kirin should be auto includes.

Another card to consider is Paradise Mantle since its practically a mana rock.

If you find yourself with some budget space, Shadowspear is definitely worth consideration.

Also, to make it easier to activate Puresteel Paladin's Metalcraft ability(which gives your equipment creatures with reconfigure equip as well), you may want to consider artifact lands. This includes, but is not limited to, Great Furnace, Rustvale Bridge and Scene of the Crime.

This is all I have for you for now. Thank you for reading me out. I hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

wallisface on Timely tokens

5 months ago

Some thoughts:

Malsorn on Rakdos Spellslingin'

5 months ago

Fear, Fire, Foes!, Everlasting Torment , Shadowspear, Smite the Deathless, Sudden Spoiling, Leyline of Punishment. Good ways to get around protection, indestructible, and similarly annoying mechanics!

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