Leonin Arbiter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Leonin Arbiter

Creature — Cat Cleric

Players can't search libraries. Any player may pay for that player to ignore this effect until end of turn.

wallisface on Winter Moon

1 month ago

Icbrgr Yeah Winter Moon feels odd here in that it normally won't be doing a lot. None of these cards particularly shore-up any of Winter Moons shortcomings. And some cards will make Winter Moon appear even weaker than it is (particularly, it feels like land-destruction weakens the impact of Winter Moon, as it means that there are less lands the opponent is forced to have tapped. I'm probably wrong on that thought though).

Personally if I were trying to make a Winter Moon brew today, it would either be in a mono-white tax list with stuff like Leonin Arbiter and Archon of Emeria, or a mono-blue build with stuff like Ashiok, Dream Render and Vedalken Certarch... I haven't got any further in my own thought processes than that (i really think this card needs to know the meta its fighting to know how to fight it, so i'm waiting a few months for the post-mh3 meta to stabilize)... But I think however a Winter Moon deck is built, it has to cover for the cards shortcomings so that its actually reliably useful on-board.

kloac on Tax's Saga

6 months ago

GODKOFFIN19 hammertime is more competitive than this build. This is the original Death and Taxes deck, but without Leonin Arbiter and adding Urza's Saga. The idea of this deck is to slow the opponent’s strategy, incrementing his or her mana payment to cast spells or locking some interactions using Archon of Emeria.

Is a really fun deck to play, but it can be a bit complex to use at the beginning.

But, to sum up, hammertime is a tier 1 deck for sure, and this one maybe is a tier 2 (but I really enjoy playing original decks, so that’s why I like this build haha)

wallisface on Bow Down to Sheoldred

1 year ago

idfkgabe decent creatures in white and/or black are aplenty, but might depend on your budget. Some options include Giver of Runes, Esper Sentinel, Solitude, Dauthi Voidwalker, Orcish Bowmasters, Leonin Arbiter, Skyclave Apparition, Grief, Dark Confidant, Thraben Inspector, and Archon of Emeria

IXALAN_Crazy on Tokens and Protection

1 year ago

Yeah, those changes seem good. A lock or a tax would be something like Leonin Arbiter to hate on fetches, Blood Moon to hate on lands, Chalice of the Void to hate on everything, etc.

IHATENAMES on Life gain cat deck

1 year ago

I think this is a fun and interesting challenge to make lifegain cats good in modern. But first thing you should do is focus to clarify the identity of the deck. Leaning into Cats let's you better utilize a great lord. But you want multiple small cats maube tokens as there are a couple good ones to later pump for a lethal swing or tempo your opponent out makeing spot removal worse. Or lifegain which can play the Soul Warden effects and other noncat lifegain payoffs like your Ajani's Pridemate

Suggestions: I assume you are trying to stay budget most of these are a couple dollars. There might be a few more expensive cards that could be great with some deck building concessions like going green for more cats and Collected Company or focusing 1 2 and 3 drops and play Aether Vial

Kaheera, the Orphanguard pump cats. Can also be used as companion with some deck building restrictions

Leonin Arbiter All hail CAT JESUS. Seriously. It's a great card to slow combo decks otherwise it's a 2/2 body for 2. Worst case it deserves a Sideboard slot

Leonin Vanguard 1 drop. Gains 1 life a turn when you have 3 total creatures great curve starter for a cat deck

Regal Caracal create 2 cats. Then all your cats gain lifelink. Synergies for days

Ajani, Strength of the Pride - make Ajani's Pridemate ultimate is not impossible to clear the way so you can swing for game. +gains life. All great things.

Sideboard tech

Lion Sash graveyard hate on a cat. Or pump another creature

Felidar Retreat stick this vs control and it can take over a game

Seht's Tiger 4 drop neat vs damage based combos. Interesting but not great.

Magic_Aids on ▷ BEST Competitive【BUDGET】Deck of 2023 is!? ◁ ONE

1 year ago


Leonin Arbiter could work! Since the video was posted, mono-white decks like this have been exploding onto the metagame! Mostly because the original creator, @HankTheObese, keeps on dominating challenge tournaments with this deck! Some of the variants of the deck do deviate from Humans, and I remember seeing a few decks with Leonin Arbiter!

wallisface on ▷ BEST Competitive【BUDGET】Deck of 2023 is!? ◁ ONE

1 year ago

I like the list a lot - my only concern was Thalia, Guardian of Thraben as it seemed to trip you up about as often as it helped you. I’m wondering if Leonin Arbiter might be a better fit, as while it doesn’t benefit from being human, it will undoubtably cause a similar amount of disruption for any opponent using fetches.

Kaoru82 on Elesh Norn's Golems

1 year ago

I thank you for your recommendations and definitely agree about the Arcane Signet, I think I may have added it in as habit since I usually run multicolor decks. I swapped out Leonin Arbiter with Preston, the Vanisher you suggested, he's going to be fun. I wasn't sure about the Teleportation Circle since you have to do it, but looking at my cards I don't see it hurting any. I thank you, again!

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