Doom Whisperer

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Doom Whisperer

Creature — Nightmare Demon

Flying, trample

Pay 2 life: Surveil 2. (Look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them into your graveyard and the rest on top of your library in any order.)

Belfore on Healing Therapy with Mr. Oloro

4 months ago

Things that can be useful with life gain. Kuro, Pitlord, Doom Whisperer, Greed, Staff of Compleation, Unspeakable Symbol, Vilis, Broker of Blood, Vona, Butcher of Magan. Just a few of the things I found with a quick search that could be interesting.

legendofa on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

5 months ago

Doom Whisperer is missing the Demon subtype.

UltimateRoxas40 on Eldritch Captain of the Deep [Lovecraftian Primer]

5 months ago

DeeLight Thanks for taking a look!

I've actually run Mindshrieker before, primarily back when this was helmed by Lazav, Dimir Mastermind. For this deck, if it were also a Horror, I'd include it in an instant, but for now, I don't think it has a place.

Doom Whisperer is a Nightmare Demon. I wish Nightmares and Horrors were the same creature type, there would be several more creatures I could add to this deck. But alas, it's not a Horror, so for now I'm not including it.

Ive thought about adding Lim-Dul's Vault for a while, since its got some good Lovecraftian vibes, but it never jumped out as being essential. What would you suggest I take out to add it in?

I'll be sure to check out your deck!

DeeLight on Eldritch Captain of the Deep [Lovecraftian Primer]

5 months ago

I'm a fan of the flavor, and look forward to sharing this around. Perhaps Doom Whisperer or Lim-Dul's Vault? Even something like Mindshrieker comes to idea. Either way, great work! Would be thrilled to have you check out my most themed deck.

Room 269 (Any WUB, or Custom) [Archenemy Primer]

Commander / EDH* DeeLight


wallisface on Leyline of the Land

10 months ago

I like this concept a lot, and from the look of the list it feels very easy to assemble.

My only thought is that there has to be more obnoxious permanents to cast for 5 mana… you’re not restricted by colour so you can just put any egregious nonsense into play pretty easily. Imo Titania, Protector of Argoth is only really any good in a deck running fetchlands.

I had a quick look through gatherer and the following might be worth considering:

77hi77 on Defile Me Daddy Rakdos

11 months ago

Rocketman988 thanks so much! I had a busy couple of weeks so am only just getting to digest everything you've suggested. This is fantastic, thank you again!

Originally I had most of the devil token sorceries you suggested, then I took them out for a similar reason to something we've talked about in your deck's discussions with big demons: it has to be able do something other than be a body. Burn Down the House was the only one that made sense after that, but I think now the deck is at the point where I don't have enough tokens. It's the bad middle ground between how you've built yours, where you're expecting a small board state, and how I was originally planning to go wide and sac things without disrupting my board state. So, you're right as always, I'll put those back in the deck. I had never heard of Carrion, that card is perfect! I love Wand of Orcus, it's in my zombie deck; I think I kept it out of this one because of some idea of theme (that it's devils serving demons), but I literally have Orcus in the deck and he's allowed to play with his wand.

You did break my heart a little bit with the Strionic Resonator news, it was there either as an insurance policy (whether I get to deal damage or not, you're going to sacrifice your permanents), or as a way to share the love and have everyone sac things. Now that I know it doesn't work that way, it's kind of a relief, it opens up space for more cards that lean into the deck's main strategies/more protection for the key pieces.

That's kinda the big issue, I have so many demon strategies I want to play, I have two demon decks, and even then a lot of things don't fit in either. It's the issue with every deckbuilding process, cool cards that don't lend to your main strategy. Originally I had the deck full of possibly inefficient cards with flashback costs to synergize with Lord of the Forsaken, because I wanted to do something similar to what your deck does with Treasonous Ogre (not a demon, so I'm iffy about putting it in this one), Doom Whisperer, and Repay in Kind. That enters life manipulation territory, which my other demon deck focuses on more, but then I can't use Cut / Ribbons because that deck is mono black. Similarly, your Hellcarver Demon combos are some of the coolest bits of synergy I've ever seen, but again it feels like it fits better thematically in my other deck, but yours benefit greatly from having access to extra combats and haste. I've been deciding whether a Pestilence Demon + Shriveling Rot play fits better in this deck or the other, currently it's in the other one because that deck was starting to get boring (ramp, ramp, ramp, ramp, cast Razaketh, the Foulblooded, tutor, tutor, you lose half your life, you lose that much life again. I win). It sounds like I'm going to look closely at both decks and do whatever rebuilding I need to do.

I just bought a box of Commander Masters, so I've spent the weekend upgrading 4 other decks. Today can be Daddy Rakdos day, I'll keep this thread updated as I do it

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