Seek the Horizon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Seek the Horizon


Search your library for up to three basic land cards, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your library.

Icaruskid on Azusa, Lost but Seeking Cthulu [Primer]

1 year ago

Thank you Profet93!

Fierce Empath replaces Time of Need. I like the early blocker and the classic synergy with Woodland Bellower.

Seek the Horizon replaces Kodama's Reach. Three lands per card is better than two.

Gaea's Cradle and Itlimoc, Cradle of the Sun are pretty good here. But this deck goes tall with a few creatures rather than wide as you said about Eldrazi Monument. Even though I have the card and there is no budget technically, I can play this deck in more pods when not running the more competitive card that is not at its best here anyway. Leaving it out for now but mostly because I want to play this deck as often as I can.

I'm keeping Shared Summons in for now as well because I like the cast triggers of Kozilek and Ulamog which are my most tutored Eldrazi. I'll try to find a spot for Tooth and Nail too as it helps with velocity even if I don't get the cast trigger.

Harrow and Springbloom Druid effectively give Azusa extra lands, just from the graveyard. They help with consistency when I don't hit Lotus Vale, Lotus Field, or the fetch lands and help justify Ramunap Excavator, Crucible of Worlds, and Perennial Behemoth. Speaking of, Perennial Behemoth's unearth ability is handy when Eldrazi Monument is out and even when I don't have it on the battlefield there are usually some other fodder like Tireless Tracker, Springbloom Druid, or Ramunap Excavator to buy three or more turns of indestructible flying Eldrazi which make the monument more than just a flavor win. If I cut the monument I would still need some protection from boardwipes in that spot. This is why Planar Bridge is so useful as I can grab Eldrazi Monument or Akroma's Memorial to get damage through. And using Planar Bridge to get Mana Reflection is also a near game winning play too. These cards are imperfect but they are hard to replace with single cards. Like Heroic Intervention or Asceticism or even Wrap in Vigor don't give multiple turns of indestructibility and evasion (flying).

I hear you on Desolation Twin. It does do work after a boardwipe though and I don't want to diminish organic threat density too much. Maybe this is where Tooth and Nail belongs. I'll try it out.

I really appreciate your ideas!!

OmniDreamer on Forest for the Wicked (Kamahl & Kodama EDH)

3 years ago

Something else I just realized that I like about Springbloom Druid in this deck is that it provides 3 triggers for Kodama in addition to the two landfall triggers for other permanents with landfall effects. Also forgot to mention Elvish Reclaimer as a nice land tutor that can be activated during an opponent's turn to start the Ghost Town chain with landfall token generators.

Because of how quickly Kodama can chain lands onto the field I feel like you could add more cards that help put lots of land into your hand like:

I mean if you drastically shifted the playstyle of the deck it would be fun to run Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant  Flip in the 99 for the exponential basic forest mana. I'd still use your partners as the commanders and have more basic forest in the deck with more effects to drop lands into play like Burgeoning

Also if you just want to really annoy your opponents.

  • Collector Ouphe great if you don't have many artifact abilities.
  • Hall of Gemstone green decks tend to just play stuff on their own turn so locking others down to a single color doesn't usually affect you.
  • City of Solitude this can be good for you if you usually need people to leave you alone on your turn, but detrimental if you need to respond on an opponents turn. Note: this does not even allow people to tap for mana on an opponent's turn.

Profet93 on Azusa, Lost but Woke

3 years ago


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my deck. You are correct, this deck prioritizes big mana over interaction. I decided to capitalize on green's strengths for a strong mid-late game rather than focus on super early ramp and interaction. I've found these types of builds more to my liking, even if they aren't 100% optimized so to speak.

Nature's Claim - Very good card, in this build, I'm allowing my opponents to hurt each other while I ramp. Not the best as discussed, but what I prefer.

Scute Swarm - 100% going on, as we discussed prior :)

Allosaurus Shepherd - Blue isn't a huge issue in the meta, but I have Cavern and Boseju with work as land slots to deal with blue. Should blue become more prevalent, shepherd is coming in, hands down!

Worldly Tutor - I just recently added Finale and Green Suns which have been more than enough. Eye of Ugin is my main land target as I use it to continuously tutor for eldrazi despite the interaction in the meta. I might revisit it at a later point as several people have recommended it.

Scapeshift - I've had my eye on this card for a while for all the reasons mentioned, I want to add this in.

Castle Garenbrig - Similar to above, I've been hesitant about adding it due to drawing it without another forest given my low forest count, but I think you're right, the risk of it coming in tapped should be outweighed by the extra mana it can produce. It shall come in the deck soon :)

Idk why but cards like Dryad Arbor and Craterhoof never felt right to me in green (blasphemy, I know!). Dryad doesnt make mana the turn it comes down and is susceptible to removal/wipes which are prevalent in the meta. Moreover, while the interaction between Dryad and GSZ is cool, I would much rather use GSZ on Ramunap, Avenger, Ulvenwald, etc....

Temple of the False God - I wouldn't cut a forest for it, the only nonbasic worth cutting is scavenger grounds but I dont feel the potential extra mana is worth it for the risk it provides in the early game. While I have almost half my deck as lands, I still sometimes have trouble getting lands (crazy no?)

Petrified Field - I already run it, it's a great card for the reasons you listed!

Wasteland - I've tried not to go the LD route unless I really need to, as such, have avoided adding wasteland. I would rather have interaction for the GY decks in my meta, but this will be revisited at a later time.

Cut Seek the Horizon for Scapeshift - Field triggers, landfall triggers, tutor for eye, etc..

Cut Thaumatic Compass  Flip for Scute Swarm - Crazy potential, fuel cradle, etc...

Cut Snow-Covered Forest for Castle Garenbrig - "Upgrade"

Regarding life from the loam, I'm unsure. It has saved me in several instances, others it wasn't needed. Given I'm adding ancient greenwaren with 2 tutors (finale + GSZ), that should remove my need for life from the loam. I am probably cutting it per your suggestion, but am going to wait on commander legends to see if I can slot in a new card in place of it.

Also just fun to note since I have not updated the description yet, Rude Awakening + Deserted Temple + Cradle = Fun Times. I think it's one of my favorite cards in the deck (also biased as I played with it when I was 13), ritual and wincon all in 1.

Spells on Azusa, Lost but Woke

3 years ago

Awesome stuff here, man. If my Azusa deck was a small child, this would undoubtedly be it's angrier, bigger brother. What I like most is the confidence this build exudes, you're very clearly stating "I am going to ramp, you won't be able to stop me, and then I'm going to cast massive spells." Green is my favorite color in Magic, and this list is Green to a T.

Personally, I'd like to see a little more interaction here, but it's worth noting that I was scarred by Winter Orb and Static Orb early on in my EDH tenure, so I'm usually over-prepared to blow one up. That said, Nature's Claim is (in my humble opinion) one of Green's best spells, and worth consideration here.

Creature Recommendations:

  • Scute Swarm. We already talked about this little guy, and if you're adamant on the number of lands you run, I'd recommend cutting Seek the Horizon or Thaumatic Compass  Flip (otherwise I'd say cut a Forest).
  • Allosaurus Shepherd. It makes 90% of your spells uncounterable, and that effect is impactful at nearly any stage of the game. It allows you to play greedily and sink a ton of mana into your spells, which seem important in this build. I'd think about it and consider cutting my above suggestions, or Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip.

Spell Recommendations:

  • You can't go wrong with Worldly Tutor. Tutors = consistency.
  • Scapeshift is a wonderful spell that will make your friends hate you. It's dangerous in my deck, and I think it'd be even more dangerous here given the number of lands you're running. Sacrifice any number of lands, go pull the best lands out of your deck, and make sure one of them is Field of the Dead. Suddenly, you've got an army of zombies, Gaea's Cradle, Strip Mine, Deserted Temple, Eye of Ugin, etc. I think you'd be fine to cut Life from the Loam, as you've already got plenty ability to play lands from the grave.

Land Recommendations:

  • Castle Garenbrig is a strictly better Forest in a mono-Green list.
  • Dryad Arbor is surprisingly diverse. You can GSZ where X = 0 and go get Dryad Arbor, it taps for mana, it counts towards Gaea's Cradle, and it gets beefed by Finale of Devastation.
  • Temple of the False God is actually pretty good in Azusa. I know, I know, it's a grossly overplayed card in our format, but as you already know, Azusa has no problem getting to 5 lands, and from that point on, it's a better Ancient Tomb.
  • Petrified Field is neat with Realms Uncharted (if you don't already have the ability to play from the grave) and offers the ability to instant-speed get a land out of your yard. I find it to be pretty versatile.
  • Wasteland isn't as good as Strip Mine, but it punishes multi-color decks. If you're like me and play in a tri-color meta, I think you'll find that it treats you well.

Hopefully I provided some decent food for thought. Either way, I think you have a great build here; I'm sure it's a blast to play!

Beebles on Azusa, Lost but Woke

3 years ago

Hey Profet93,

This is a very interesting deck I think. It’s different in that almost half your deck is lands. Also, you have a lot of different ideas going on here: land matters, power matters, eldrazi aggro, with a sprinkle of going wide. That probably creates a challenging deckbuilding balancing act. You might be spreading yourself too thin by having all those things in one deck. Especially because you have so few spots for supporting themes because your high land count. My main tip is: see if you can reduce the amount of themes for a higher focus and synergy. I've found that taking out one or two of such themes out and use them as the inspiration for a new deck can be very rewarding.

What I also noticed is that your list is quite a “glass cannon” kind of build. If it works, it works well, but I expect it is also relatively susceptible to be blown out by interaction. You also don't run a lot of interaction yourself. That’s not really my thing, as my meta would punish me too hard for trying. This tells me we play in very different environments, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt ;).

There a few cards here I would consider to cut:

  • Zendikar Resurgent, Shamanic Revelation: These don’t synergize with your themes very well. You only run about 20 creatures, so resurgent is not going to draw that many cards. And with only 4 token makers, shamanic revelation is not really ideal either.
  • Mind's Eye: I don’t think this card is worth running in edh anymore. Especially in green. Very slow and expensive.
  • Boundless Realms: You don’t run a lot of landfall pay-offs. Perhaps a card that is a payoff by itself is a better use here.

Cards I would consider adding for better consistency

Lastly, I would make a choice between growing tall and going wide. The power matters theme is probably a better match than the going wide one, as your Eldrazi aggro plan is already matching with that (however, landfall supports the going-wide route very well, so you could really go either way). Here are some contenders to consider if you decide to go for power matters:

Hope there are some ideas here that match with your vision for the deck.

GL & HF!

zobster on Zegana's SPiral

3 years ago

Seek the Horizon is another good card for lands

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