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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Land — Mountain Plains

(: Gain or .)

Balaam__ on Boros Angel Lifegain

2 months ago

A lot of this will depend on the budget you’ve allotted the deck, but off the top of my head here are some simple fixes for your mana problems.

1) Replace stuff like Stone Quarry and Kabira Crossroads with Fetchlands or Shocklands. Since you’re in Legacy, true Duals like Plateau are the obvious suggestion, but they’re ludicrously expensive and out of reach for most. So things like Arid Mesa or Sacred Foundryfoil are much more affordable and the next best thing. If that’s still out of reach, try fastlands or other less common mana producers like Inspiring Vantage or Clifftop Retreat. In other words, any land that says ‘Enters Tapped’ is slow as molasses and to be avoided.

•Another neat little trick is to run stuff like Flagstones of Trokair. A full set will let you thin your own deck with no drawback. You plop one down and have ready to go, and each subsequent one you play after that will heave the previous one into the graveyard and replace it while also fetching a Plains from your deck for free.

Be sure to check for the cheapest version of each card as well, since prices can vary drastically.

Felipix on How Cheap Can I Get It

1 year ago

you have consider Plateau? I think it's a good one

ThassaUpYo@ssa on Expensive dinosaur stampede

1 year ago

Love the list, CrashBreakdown! Have you considered the fast lands (i.e., Copperline Gorge, Razorverge Thicket, and Battlefield Forge)? Also, I personally like the pain lands Karplusan Forest, Brushland, and Battlefield Forge especially since you have multiple ways of gaining life. I would also get proxies of the original dual lands Taiga, Savannah, and Plateau.

Triumph of the Hordes may be worth an add as well given how powerful the Dinosaur tribe is and would give you another wincon.

Mortlocke on DemonDragonJ

1 year ago

DemonDragonJ, Interesting I've found that in the online forums I do post this opinion it's always met with fairly the same response. But, stick with me here - maybe i'm crazy but please let me try and share my perspective.

Lets go back to the days of original Zendikar - the first time Wizards has packaged Reserved List product as a "prize" or "treasure" card. Sales go through the roof - and boxes on the secondary market go for hundreds - as of now, it's about $1,200USD. Wizards takes note - there is money left on the table here.

Now, lets fast forward to 2019 the year Throne of Eldrane drops and the year Wizards announced The Elimination of MSRP. This year is huge - the introduction of the $200 Collector's booster box, and when Wizards starts partnering up with big box companies like Wal Mart and Amazon. According to MTG Goldfish Collector's Throne boxes currently go for $357 USD. Wizards is effectively selling directly to consumers and now has justification for selling for higher prices without that pesky MSRP getting in the way.

Now, lets go to 2020 - the year of the infamous Double Masters, and more importantly Double Masters VIP edition. The introduction of the $100 USD booster pack. Currently going for $169 (giggity) USD again, according to MTG Goldfish. Now lets leap to 2022 - Double Masters 2022 currently going for $304. Finally lets go to today, we have Dominaria Remastered Collectors going for $285 USD and the upcoming Lord of the Rings going for $200 USD for non Collector and $500 USD for Collector. Additionally, Commander Masters will be going for $400USD at release.

It is painfully obvious here that Wizards wants the prices of their product to trend upward. We have seen that wizards has used "limited edition" cards as justification for raising prices to obscene heights. I infer that Wizards will absolutely use the promise of Reserved List product to sell us a box that will cost well beyond the price point of the average player. I don't care what RL cards are in that box - I don't want to see the day where I'm literally priced out of my hobby. I think that every person who is advocating for the RL to be dismantled isn't thinking about the consequences and only about blind want - Wizards is NOT your friend. They will release predatory products and at the end of the day those coveted cards will still be out of the reach of an average player. They will be treated like serialized cards. Do you honestly think that they will print a Plateau or a Black Lotus at common or uncommon?

The answer was spelled out for us during Magic: 30th - use Proxies. Wizards did it, why can't we? Removing Wizards from the equation will grant everyone's wants - people get access to the utility of the card at a reasonable price. Additionally, Wizards doesn't get a greedy justification to continue to raise prices for exciting new products. I understand people want to collect and covet - but at some point I think they need to be realistic and understand that Wizards is a business at the end of the day. Our voices and spending habits have consequences - and I absolutely do not want to face the consequences of a group of individuals who can't or absolutely refuse see the big picture.


Fluggleshmuggits on Cube Eternal

2 years ago

Changelog 12/10/22

Original Dual lands are in
2 color man lands are in
upgrades in every color and almost every guild pair



amarthaler on EDH Vampiric Bloodlust (C17 Precon Upgrade)

2 years ago


In: Phyrexian TowerSkullclampScapegoatVisions of PhyrexiaRead the Bones

Out: Drana, the Last BloodchiefDamnable PactPlateauStinging StudyKindred Boon

Phyrexian Tower will pair well with Phyrexian Reclamation for recursion. Skullclamp and Read the Bones are amazing card draw and part of the pre-con's original 99. Visions of Phyrexia comes out 18 Nov and looks awesome.

DawnsRayofLight on Isshin, Two Heavens as One

3 years ago

DreadKhan makes valid points.

I prefer to run shocks, Core set, and filter lands (like Godless Shrine, Isolated Chapel and Fetid Heath respectively) as well as the flip lands (Brightclimb Pathway  Flip for example). I wish I could justify getting cards like Plateau

There are other ways of making a good land base as DreadKhan mentions. The recent Innistrad set Dual lands are pretty good and hopefully the commander lands will drop in price once Baldur's Gate hits. Shock lands aren't too pricey these days, save for a couple of them. They have been reprinted several times. The Strixhaven lands are also pretty good.

I have recently updated my Isshin list if it helps give you some ideas: Obi-Wan Can Blow Me. I went more midrange with it and it runs amazingly.

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