Pure Reflection

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pure Reflection


Whenever a player casts a creature spell, destroy all Reflections. Then that player creates an X/X white Reflection creature token, where X is the mana value of that spell.

Suns_Champion on Your Cheap Obscure Overperformers?

10 months ago

Hmm obscure and cheap. Yeah I'm always finding new (old) stuff. Good thread.

I recently tried Pure Reflection in my Elenda deck and it is sick. Just a bunch of death triggers. And people have never heard of it. Gruesome Fate is another cheap card I use as a wincon. No one ever expects it.

In other decks I like to use Vicious Rumors and Arterial Flow as cheap 3-for-1 or 6-for-1 discard effects.

Tsukimi on Tsukimi, Moon's Mirror (UPDATED)

2 years ago

Tsukimi, Moon's Mirror

Here is the updated/corrected version with a few small changes.

I cleaned up the card and eliminated the extra spaces in between rules text.

I changed the rules text to include the much needed "ANOTHER target creature"

The creatured type is now Reflected instead of Reflection because someone brought it to my attention that Spirit Mirror and Pure Reflection exist, and though I doubt anyone would run these cards, they do kinda shut down my commander.

Lastly I changed the power to 2/4 for testing.

legendofa Thanks for your thoughts! So far I have only gotten to play one game but Tsukimi performed really well. A touch slow, and a beacon for removal so I was really feeling the 5 mana cost- but I think if the mana cost were any cheaper they'd be too strong.

Ideally I had planned for Tsukimi to have a convoke ability but it felt too strong while generating a free copy of any creature, so I landed on lifegain focused only on tokens instead.

Gidgetimer on How Does Pure Reflection Work?

2 years ago

It only works on cast. The current oracle text of Pure Reflection is:

"Whenever a player casts a creature spell, destroy all Reflections. Then that player creates an X/X white Reflection creature token, where X is the mana value of that spell."

They used to refer to casting a spell as "playing a spell".

darkmage2003 on How Does Pure Reflection Work?

2 years ago

Does Pure Reflection work when creatures ETB or when creatures are cast?

For instance: I cast a Rattleblaze Scarecrow (and create a 6/6 Reflection token), then sac Rattleblaze to Ashnod's Altar. Due to its persist ability, Rattleblaze dies and immediately returns with a -1/-1 counter. Would I then destroy the previously made 6/6 reflection token and create a new one or does it only work on cast?

PrinceJehuty on Temmet, the Token Juggernaut

7 years ago

Nice, I'm building this guy as well - you've given me some great ideas. I'd maybe suggest Flickering Ward or Spirit Loop so when Temmet dies you can keep equipping him or his token. Griffin Guideseems to have some synergy with Temmet too. Wake the Reflections can populate your best token.

Super Secret tech - Spirit Mirror. You're already running Pure Reflection, so destroy your opponents reflections, and create your own tokens. It acts like a weaker bitterblossom too, and you can block with the Reflection tokens since you get a new one each turn

I'm thinking of running the counterspells Geist Snatch and Summoner's Bane to give some protection against huge bomby creatures

VesuvanDoppelbanger on Mr. Changeling, Mr. Whatever-you-need-me-to-be

7 years ago

Pure Reflection would be another way to abuse your combo. +1 from me.

Boza on Eldritch Moon Spoiler Thread

8 years ago

It is not a new type. Pure Reflection and Spirit Mirror both use it.