Cathar Commando

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Cathar Commando

Creature — Human Soldier


, Sacrifice this: Destroy target artifact or enchantment.

king-saproling on enchant me enchant you

4 months ago

It's not a bad list at all, but if you want to go with vampires plus lifegain subtheme there are better choices of commanders (Astarion, the Decadent, Amalia Benavides Aguirre, Vona, Butcher of Magan, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, and Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher are solid options. There are tons of other good options too).

If you're heart-set on Athreos, I would drop the vampire/lifegain themes and go with creatures that have sac effects (e.g. Westfold Rider, Cathar Commando, Bounty Agent, Priest of Fell Rites, Stronghold Assassin, Necrotic Sliver, Burnished Hart, Dauthi Voidwalker) plus cards with reanimation abilities (e.g. Bishop of Rebirth, Celestine, the Living Saint, Custodi Soulcaller, Redemption Choir, Sun Titan, Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher, Athreos, Shroud-Veiled, Breathkeeper Seraph, Court of Ardenvale, Gift of Immortality).

king-saproling on Alesha, Who Blinks at Death EDH

5 months ago

Looks good. Personally I would make these swaps:

Witch's Mark -> Bounty Agent
Savai Crystal -> Custodi Soulcaller
Bitter Reunion -> Gravelighter
Cathartic Reunion -> Priest of Forgotten Gods
Seize the Spoils -> Vulturous Aven
Thrill of Possibility -> Voldaren Bloodcaster  Flip
Faithless Looting -> Cathar Commando
Commander's Sphere -> Goldhound
Mardu Banner -> Pitiless Plunderer
Key to the City -> Lightning Coils

Crow_Umbra on Where in the world is Carmen

8 months ago

No prob! Tombstone Stairwell is def a cool recommendation. I'd recommend checking out Scryfall for updated text on older cards.

In terms of stuff that you could potentially swap out:

  • I'd recommend swapping Feed the Swarm with Generous Gift, Stroke of Midnight, or Cathar Commando. Gift & Midnight each offer more flexibility in what you can answer, but Commando is a recur-able body. I'd mostly recommend Feed the Swarm if you were playing a color combo that didn't have the type of enchantment removal that White has access to.

  • Skrelv's Hive could possibly be a swap out, mostly because the Mites can't block. I get it that they're there mostly for sac fodder and they do have Toxic 1, but you don't really have any other Toxic/poison synergy beyond this & Crawling Chorus. Similarly, Chorus could be another potential swap out.

  • Bone Splinters could be a swap for a removal effect on a creature. I think in some cases some of your non-creature spells can be replaced with creatures that fill a similar role, especially in a deck that wants to recur beneficial bodies.

  • Speaking of beneficial ETB effects, it could help to have some creatures that can also recur bodies when they die or ETB, so 1) it takes some pressure off Carmen being your primary means of recursion 2) you can recur multiple creatures in a turn, and have an extra body for whatever.

  • Sun Titan is kinda like a 2nd Carmen. Karmic Guide and Reveillark can also bring stuff back, and are part of a combo loop when used in tandem (if you're into that sort of thing). This loop can work with basically any free sac outlet.

  • Archon of Cruelty is a card I'm always kinda torn on. Strong effect for ETB and attack, but is so steep at 8 cmc. Def seems like an reanimation target more than a hard-cast.

Andromedus on ▷ "End the Turn"【COMBO】Deck! ◁ NEW!【ONE】

1 year ago

Magic_Aids Excellent advice, thank you! I was looking for something good to replace my two Cathar Commandos in the sideboard. Dusk Legion Duelist is another 1W two-drop that provides an excellent second option when Hushbringer is bad. Generally you'll pair the Duelists with the two Runed Halos when replacing all four Hushbringers (match dependent). I don't think the Duelists need a maindeck but I'm open to being proven wrong :D

UltimateRoxas40 on The Harvesttide Festival [Human Primer]

1 year ago

scotchtapedsleeves Haha, sorry if I bugged you, but I'm glad I convinced you! From the times I've played this deck, it runs pretty well. Not competitive, but it ramps out easily and can get a lot onto the field quickly. Plus, not a lot of people I play with see Emiel the Blessed and hear the warning bells go off. Katilda, Dawnhart Prime performed well, but more importantly it was fun to play :).

I originally built this deck as a lower power deck to have around just in case, but then I never really encountered a chance to play it, so I gave it a big tune up, but still didn't want it to be too powerful. Cards like Cathar Commando can basically be 3 mana for a Naturalize, which definitely isn't a fast or optimal method for removal, but creature based removal works well when you've got cards like Kyler, Sigardian Emissary or Cathars' Crusade that care about creatures/Humans ETBing. I could probably afford to cut a few creatures in favor of more noncreature removal, but until I've played with it for a while, I won't know what's worth keeping/cutting

Sleepysherlock on Spell-Slinging Mardu Copies

1 year ago

Lot of my suggestions are leaning into tokens because Blood Avatar clearly wants that, and if i can find a spell that makes tokens than Extus will be happy too. Thats my idea.

Big Score, Unexpected Windfall, Blood for Bones, Rakdos Charm, Fiery Confluence, Crackle with Power, Storm King's Thunder, Bonus Round, Sram's Expertise, Electrodominance, Jaya Ballard, Liliana, Dreadhorde General, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Assemble the Legion, Secure the Wastes, Call the Coppercoats, Fury Storm, Ashnod's Altar, Prosperous Partnership, Divine Visitation

Let's take a short break here, because you need better creatures. Creatures that have VALUE as you recast them over and over, maybe even discard outlets. I hate to say it (and i'm not going to list them) but Aristocrat creatures are ideal here because they are cheap, and gain life which can then be used to cast wild stuff like Bolas's Citadel.

Dragonmaster Outcast, Viscera Seer, Cathar Commando, Leonin Relic-Warder, Mondrak, Glory Dominus, Lagomos, Hand of Hatred, Pitiless Plunderer, Mahadi, Emporium Master, Woe Strider, Ophiomancer, Mayhem Devil, Children of Korlis, Insolent Neonate, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, Sengir Autocrat, Syr Konrad, the Grim, Sun Titan

Also if this just ins't the direction you wanna go thats ight

Coward_Token on March of the Machine

1 year ago

Minor wall of text for Katilda and Lier Show

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