Scab-Clan Berserker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scab-Clan Berserker

Creature — Human Berserker


Renown 1 (When this creature deals combat damage to a player, if it isn't renowned, put a +1/+1 counter on it and it becomes renowned.)

Whenever an opponent casts a noncreature spell, if Scab-Clan Berserker is renowned, Scab-Clan Berserker deals 2 damage to that player.

Fluggleshmuggits on Cube Eternal

1 year ago

Changelog 12/10/22

Original Dual lands are in
2 color man lands are in
upgrades in every color and almost every guild pair



B33lz3bub on Kaervek, the Merciless

2 years ago

Taking something out of a deck is the most headache inducing activity ever with which I'll probably be of little help, however I can point you to some additions that you can make. (although, I would probably take out the spellbombs as well as stalking vengeance and nettlevine blight, because of their big mana cost) I have created a Kaervek deck of my own recently, and although I'm still in the process of perfecting it, it seems that a healthy diversity of creatures and enchantments is the way to go. Damage doubling creatures such as Angrath's Marauders and Sower of Discord are a must, as well as small but efficient pingers like Immolation Shaman and Scab-Clan Berserker, but arguably the most leg work goes to enchantments such as Furnace of Rath, Manabarbs, Citadel of Pain, Spellshock, Pestilence and most especially Havoc Festival. If you have the budget Master of Cruelties, Wound Reflection and Painful Quandary completely lock the game, with or without Kaervek being on the board. Toralf, God of Fury  Flip would be great addition as well. Hope this helps

Meachman on Gisela

3 years ago

Let's crank that damage!

Flamescroll Celebrant  Flip, Immolation Shaman , and Scab-Clan Berserker can all come down early and start to chip in damage, and become mana-sinks in the late game if you're not doing anything else. They also bring your mana curve down versus cards like Magma Giant or Emeria Shepherd. If you're punching everyone, Arbiter of Knollridge is going to gain them all life. Why not Sulfuric Vortex to punch them more and prevent life gain?

As for removal, Boros Charm and Abrade feel like auto-includes over Shock or Inescapable Blaze. And since each activation of Pyrohemia is separate damage, you'll kill everyone else's creatures while leaving yours unscathed!

Flame Blitz is great against planeswalkers and replaces itself if no one's playing planeswalkers.

Gisela's going to have a big target on her, so Sejiri Shelter  Flip and the new Blacksmith's Skill could be handy to help keep her safe.

thinkoriginal on Ulasht's Harvest 2.0

4 years ago

Yarok WarSpaniel

Thank you! I've had a lot of fun building this deck.

The main goal of this deck is to ramp, throw out many tokens, mana dorks, and strong utility creatures like Scavenging Ooze, Runic Armasaur and Scab-Clan Berserker, then either use Green Sun's Zenith/Finale of Devastation to bring in, or cast, Craterhoof Behemoth, in order to win the game. Alternatively, Garruk Wildspeaker can use his ultimate to Overrun the board, and Chandra's Ignition targeting a massive Ulasht is devastating. As a tertiary method, smashing face with a Kessig Wolf Run is always an option.

Krenko, Mob Boss + Impact Tremors and/or Purphoros, God of the Forge is equally brutal.

The final alternate combo, which can be assembled via Gamble, GSZ, and Finale, consists of a few roles, filled by various cards, and executes as such:

1) The first piece we need is Ulasht, the Hate Seed, our Commander,

2) Ivy Lane Denizen, which allows the combo to go infinite,

3) a source of reoccurring mana in Ashnod's Altar or Phyrexian Altar, and

4) either Purphoros, God of the Forge, Impact Tremors, or Goblin Sharpshooter for the kill-condition.

The way it works is when Ulasht removes a +1/+1 counter to make a Saproling token, Ivy Lane Denizen puts the counter back onto Ulasht. You then sacrifice the token to one of the Altars, use that mana to make another token, and repeat the process. Each time you complete this loop, either Impact Tremors or Purphoros will deal damage to each opponent, or Goblin Sharpshooter will untap and you can ping an enemy for 1 damage. Repeat this loop until you win!

ZendikariWol on Dalakos, Crafter of Wonders

4 years ago

First and most importantly, have you considered naming this deck "Dalakos's Artifact Stack Attack," because I think that would be wonderful.

Beyond that, though, have you considered the following:

Balefire Dragon (because it's fantastic), Captain Lannery Storm (because she's a warm body that ramps), Cephalid Constable (because it's a criminally underrated masterpiece), Daring Saboteur (because it loots and is evasive af), Fervent Champion (because it's an excellent voltron), Flameblast Dragon (because removal is nice), Grenzo, Havoc Raiser (because stealing spells is fun), Hellkite Tyrant (because 20 artifacts, with this deck? Sure, you'll need help, but that's what your opponents are for!), Hero of Oxid Ridge (in case you have any pesky token strats in your meta), Legion Loyalist (because why not just give your creatures all the keywords at that point), Markov Blademaster (because double strike is just really strong), Niv-Mizzet, Parun (in case storm exists in your meta), Prophetic Flamespeaker (because it's got double strike, trample, and card draw), Rapacious One (because INFINITE BLOCKERS), Scab-Clan Berserker (in case, once again, of Storm), Scourge of the Throne (because it's real good), Tandem Lookout (because drawing two cards per turn is nice), Tyrant's Familiar (because, once again, removal is wonderful to have), Varchild, Betrayer of Kjeldor (because it basically creates tokens for you), Windreader Sphinx (because it's a LOT of card draw), Basilisk Collar (because lifelink is super good), Batterskull (see prior), Champion's Helm (because hexproof is important), Embercleave (for obvious reasons), Golem-Skin Gauntlets (because more power is better), Heirloom Blade (because it's a steep stat boost and a death trigger, maybe), Loxodon Warhammer (because lifelink is basically super-vigilance anyway), Prowler's Helm (because evasion is nice), Rogue's Gloves (because card draw is good to have), Shadowspear (because it's nuts), The Sword Cycle (because you feel like droppin 16,000,000,000$), Sword of Vengeance (because holy keywords, Batman!)

SideBae on float like a gruul, stangg like a stangg twin

4 years ago

So there're a lot of different directions you can take RG decks. I'll suggest some basic, universal additions first, and then suggest some win conditions:


  1. The best part of green in EDH is the dorks. You should definitely run at least Llanowar Elves , but there're some other cards you should consider: Fyndhorn Elves , Elvish Mystic , Birds of Paradise , Arbor Elf , Shaman of Forgotten Ways , Somberwald Sage , Joraga Treespeaker ... If you end up having a lot of elves, running something like Priest of Titania is worth including. Depending on your meta, Carpet of Flowers can get a lot of mana. Finally, Orcish Lumberjack is a card I have been very impressed with... turning a forest into effectively a better Black Lotus is a good thing. (Note that Arbor Elf is especially good if it untaps lands enchanted with Utopia Sprawl , Elvish Guidance or Wild Growth ).

  2. Red-green decks tend to poop out a lot of creatures and go lightly on the spells. Slate of Ancestry is an EXCELLENT way to recoup card advantage, provided you have a critical mass of creatures on the table. Commune with Lava is another excellent pseudo-card-draw thingy. If your games are usually four player games, Decimate is frequently a four-for-one, meaning that it's another good source of permanent-count advantage. Shamanic Revelation is another good draw-spell. If you have fat enough creatures, Rishkar's Expertise may merit an include. Hull Breach is a great two-for-one.

  3. Green-red decks, which tend to be creature-heavy, can be soft to boardwipes. Heroic Intervention is a good way to protect your duders; Grim Flowering and Nature's Resurgence are good ways to recoup cards after losing a bunch of guys.

  4. Tutors are good. Gamble is cheap these days, due to the recent reprint. Green Sun's Zenith , Tooth and Nail and Chord of Calling can all grab powerful creatures to play -- note that GSZ for X = 0 can grab Dryad Arbor , if you run it. Worldly Tutor or Sylvan Tutor are also good.

Win Conditions

Oftentimes, green-red decks win through a combination of Stax pieces and aggro cards.

Potential Stax Pieces:

  1. Blood Moon / Magus of the Moon : If you craft your land base carefully, you can make these into a near asymmetrical effect. A lot of decks benefit from greedy mana bases in EDH, and these are a way to punish that.

  2. Artifact hate is pretty awesome. Collector Ouphe is powerful, since you can get your ramp from creatures while shutting off non-green players' artifact ramp; as an added bonus, you can grab it with Green Sun's Zenith or Chord of Calling . By Force is an excellent card that can nuke a lot of permanents at once, and Nature's Claim is a very efficient removal spell. Krosan Grip may be justified in a heavy-blue meta. Gorilla Shaman is good as a method of artifact-destruction that does not cost you cards. Also Reclamation Sage and Manglehorn .

  3. Gruul has access to a lot of hatebears. Ruric Thar, the Unbowed is a really powerful dude you've already got, as he can club combo players like me really hard. Harsh Mentor is good for punishing all sorts of decks. Eidolon of the Great Revel , and his cousin Pyrostatic Pillar , are both good. Scab-Clan Berserker is similar to Kambal, Consul of Allocation in Orzhov. Runic Armasaur , too.

  4. Cards like Root Maze can shut down combos really quickly, and City of Solitude / Price of Glory can prevent/discourage countermagic. Pyroblast or the Maybeboarded Red Elemental Blast can also be worth running.

Aggro Cards:

Most of the best green decks end the game with an alpha-strike. Craterhoof Behemoth is the best for this, as it can be tutored out with Natural Order or a high-cost Green Sun's Zenith . Similarly, Overrun is good, but I suggest Triumph of the Hordes as a more potent alternative. This does, of course, require creatures on the board, so I suggest some of the following duders:

...and the aforementioned hatebears can also attack.

Good luck! That's all I got.

SideBae on Arms Dealing 101

4 years ago

Ponder and Preordain are worth including in any blue deck. They dig you to whatever you need, and past what you don't. Brainstorm is good, too, but you'd need to run more shuffle effects to make it worth playing. Slow fetches, like Flood Plain or Rocky Tar Pit , are cheaper alternatives to the Onslaught and Zendikar fetches.

You can probably do more in terms of artifact ramp. Talisman of Progress is good in addition to your Talisman of Conviction and Talisman of Creativity . Thought Vessel is also great; I suggest cutting Reliquary Tower for a basic land if you run it, as one of this effect is probably enough, and Thought Vessel can ramp you fast if it comes down turn two. (In other words, it doesn't cost a land drop.)

City of Brass and Mana Confluence are great ETB-untapped lands that produce all your colors. In a format with forty life, they're frequently just redundant Command Tower s.

You should consider Treasure Cruise or Dig Through Time -- both may be difficult, as delving for one means the other is harder to cast. I think in this deck, which appears more control than combo, Treasure Cruise is likely the better choice. It provides slightly more card advantage, and Dig Through Time is good mainly for card selection, rather than advantage.

Windfall is a great card-draw spell, especially if you pair it with your Narset, Parter of Veils .

Enlightened Tutor seems like it'd be kinda a powerhouse in this deck. It's on the pricier side of cards, but being able to tutor for whatever prison effect you need is a really, really good thing.

In terms of planeswalkers, Rowan Kenrith seems real good; needles to say, the +2 ability is especially good if you target an opponent who can't attack you. If you choose to, Will Kenrith is also ok. He tutors for Rowan Kenrith , and vice versa. Note that the partner effect triggers even if you don't have the other half, so if you really wanted, you can search and fail to find, then shuffle. This is useful if you get Brainstorm locked, but I don't advise planning on doing this frequently.

Grand Melee and Disrupt Decorum happen to be... right up your alley.

There're some hate-filled cards you can consider running, in order to pressure opponents' life totals not exclusively through combat. Scab-Clan Berserker , Harsh Mentor , Eidolon of the Great Revel , Pyrostatic Pillar , Sulfuric Vortex and friends are all worth considering.

Supreme Verdict and Wrath of God are good boardwipes to clean up your mess.

Cleansing Meditation can be good in the right meta.

Council's Judgment and Grasp of Fate are both excellent removal.

Good luck man!

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