Triumph of the Hordes

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Triumph of the Hordes


Until end of turn, creatures you control get +1/+1 and gain trample and infect.

HerrDexter on Infection Proliferation Extravaganza

1 month ago

Moved Triumph of the Hordes to my Elfball deck, in this one here there rarely is enough stuff on my end of the table for this card to shine. The idea of this deck here revolves around "get all 3 opponents at least one poison counter each, ASAP, no matter what - then: proliferate... proliferate... proliferate... proliferate... proliferate..." ;)

leovolt884_ on Rotpriest Infection

1 month ago

Definitely Does not need as many pump spells. Keep the Vines of Vastwood for protection and maybe a Snakeskin Veil or two if you want to argue for that. Heroic Intervention is a good alternative as always but doesn't have pump capabilities. I think it would be decent as mass removal is pretty common especially with -x/-x to all creatures being a common effect on black cards and your deck is very susceptible to that kind of removal. Most mass removal doesn't target so you wont even get Venerated Rotpriest triggers so some board wide protection seems necessary. Might of the Masses seems like a good cut because only 16 creatures with very limited card draw won't end up pumping more than other spells too often. Groundswell and Might of Old Krosa seem pretty redundant so picking one or the other would be best.

Depending on how you feel about splashing, maybe consider red for something like Rhythm of the Wild for protection and better aggro. Something to provide trample can be found here as well. Temur Battle Rage is an okay option and can be deadly but requires an additional pump spell to be at full potential. Can't think of any other cards like it off the top of my head but they definitely exist. If staying in two colors, consider 3-4 Vexing Shusher to simulate Rhythm and serve as removal bait in which case Triumph of the Hordes can maybe be justified as a boardwide buff and trample enabler, also giving shusher infect. In terms of creatures, running a few more may perform well, possibly a few copies of Flensermite and I would highly recommend Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon to close out games if you can't take them early. It would be a good idea to at least sideboard it against control or burn. Some of your current sideboard cards should be run mainboard like Dismember, a Force of Despair, and some Thoughtseize to disable your opponent.

I understand running Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth especially with the Inkmoth Nexus but it feels a bit pricey and could be replaced with an Overgrown Tombfoil since your mana ratio is already pretty good. A few lands may also be cut, considering 1.4 average cmc is very low and with limited card draw you really don't want to get mana flooded.

The deck feels almost like a "one trick" kind of deal and would be pretty easy to work around. You have to play really well to force your opponent into numerous combat tricks so maybe take it easier on yourself by running more removal and card draw. Dumping your hand then drawing 1 to 2 combat tricks per turn may not work against control decks or even aggro decks that can afford to chump block. Unearth is a good idea, consider running 1 less in favor of a mass recursion effect or something that lets you access multiple cards from the graveyard later in the game when you've run out of resources.

TheOfficialCreator on Ixhel

2 months ago

Skrelv's Hive, Skrelv, Defector Mite, Hand of the Praetors, Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider, Triumph of the Hordes (last two are definitely not budget)

Some cards for your consideration c:

GameofFame on Carrion, My Wayward Swarm (Grist Insects + Song)

4 months ago

Hey man I love the deck. I wanna build something like this to be a fun way to get around my friends decks, which are mostly big creature/control decks. What do you think about Virus Beetle/Blightbeetle for some control, or maybe even Giant Ankheg/Crash of Rhino Beetles/Vorapede for some damage? I know Grist Ult is the main win con, but I was thinking it would be a nice challenge to get 100% insect tribal deck with some win cons of their own. Circuit Mender and Triumph of the Hordes might also be fun. Awesome build tho, you've definitely given me some ideas!

KibaAlpha on Favorite EDH Cards

4 months ago

I like Darksteel Monolith but more mostly for its flavour text.

Triumph of the Hordes is another card I’m fond of.

austintayshus on

5 months ago

Love the infect deck! I remember playing during scars of mirrodin block when infect was first introduced. Though a lot of people dislike infect, it holds a special place in my heart.

Triumph of the Hordes is a good infect enabler if you plan to go wide, but most of your creatures already have infect.

Phyresis would be a good card to combine with Malignus

since you're in green, i would cut Thought Vessel and Thran Dynamo and Chromatic Lantern because there are better green ramp effects you could utilize. I'd recommend Farseek and Nature's Lore can get your shocklands and dual lands as well

Keep up the good work!

legendofa on Fun Deck/Builds to try

5 months ago

Niko9 My thought here, as a very non-competitive Commander player, is that the deck building and game play rules lend themselves to early ramp -> drawing a bunch of cards -> jockeying for board advantage and resources -> combo win. It's a lot harder to deal 120 damage or mill 240 cards than it is to deal 20/mill 50. A Craterhoof Behemoth + Triumph of the Hordes or Demonic Consultation into Thassa's Oracle ends the game on the spot. They're relatively low-risk ways to win a match without too much calculation or preparation. And the best way to get to those game-winning spells is to draw, tutor, and ramp. So when cards are designed for or expected to be used in Commander, they're going to hit one of those facets.

It's really hard (for me, at least) to just bring in a deck and start playing, and I consider a pre-match discussion pretty much essential for casual play now. "About a 7, no tutors" is almost meaningless if nobody agrees on how the numerical standards work or whether Sylvan Scrying counts as a tutor. When I'm playing casually with different people, I outline my deck in broad strokes and ask for everyone to do the same.

"Off-meta" is meaningless in non-competitive play, but too many people (and I expand this to pretty much every competitive activity) are in a camp of "meta or bust." And I get it, the meta exists for a reason, many strategies are more effective than others, and winning is the goal of a competitive game. The side effect of that mindset is that they can end up seeing winning as the only possible priority, and assume that everyone else is trying to use the best strategies perfectly as much as they are. The other side is that casual brewers can end up more focused on innovation than on success, and insist that they're just ahead of the curve because they're trying things that haven't been shown to work, or have been shown to not work. I'm not suggesting anyone here is like that, but these people are out there.

Basically, people have different priorities and approaches to gameplay, and when two people don't agree on goals and desires, conflict happens. The problem comes when people start claiming their viewpoint is the only correct viewpoint.

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