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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Choose one or more —

  • Exile all artifacts.
  • Exile all creatures.
  • Exile all enchantments.
  • Exile all graveyards.

plakjekaas on How Do I Explain to …

2 weeks ago

That is true, just like a gun makes a better tool for murder than a knife, Strip Mine is a better tool for salt than Murder, but neither will stop someone with bad intentions.

However, touching the lands in casual formats does come across as a bigger a*hole move than removing a creature or an artifact, or even counterspells. Armageddon is generally more hated than Farewell in that context.

Lands make you play the game, you're not removing my permanent with Strip Mine, you're hampering the ability for me to cast my spells and play the game. Most casuals will get more mad for being prohibited to play than to have your plays answered. Mana screw is a feel bad, but external intentional mana screw is rage-inducing.

Last_Laugh on Grixis Marchesa, The Black Rose

1 month ago

Nice deck, I love me some etb/death trigger abuse Marchesa. I do have some suggestions for you though and I'll break it down by card function.


Gray Merchant of Asphodel's lifegain seems counterproductive but with alternate sources of +1+1 counters your life total doesn't matter. In 9 years of running Marchesa, Gary has ended more games than any other card here and it's not remotely close. I personally recommend a clone suite to sac when he enters so they all reenter as Garys (Phantasmal Image, Flesh Duplicate, and Phyrexian Metamorph). Note that Imperial Recruiter abuse will look up Gary, Clones, and Bloodletter of Aclazotz in one go around the table.

Jokulhaups is a bit of a dick move, but it will end games since all your creatures come back to an empty board.

Alternate +1+1 Counters:

Anduril, Narsil Reforged is on attack and even gets counters on your fresh non-attacking stuff.

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed lets you abuse all your non-humans and he enables some infinite combos with Persist creatures.

Vigean Graftmage looks underwhelming but he comes down before and immediately protects Marchesa and he let's you abuse any etb/death trigger on everyone's turn (itself + 1 other).

Thran Vigil is only on your turn but this card still puts in serious work.

Metallic Mimic doesn't need a tribal deck here. When it first comes down you name humans or wizards to immediately protect Marchesa but you sac it to rename the type to your most abuseable etb/death trigger as needed.


Ripples of Potential is a great answer to non-destroy wraths including Farewell.


Canoptek Tomb Sentinel will hit anything non-land but most importantly it's an abuseable effect that hits enchantments.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated (especially since it'd be upvote #200). Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

Apollo_Paladin on Spirit Factory

1 month ago

One of the main weaknesses of any creature-based build is going to be Boardwipe effects. And, especially now that there are exile-based boardwipes floating around in the mainstream (your Sunfalls, your Farewells, etc), you can't even always rely on indestructible effects to get around this like one used to when boardwipes were all just "Destroy all".

That doesn't leave you a ton of options to get around this, but one I would look at for sure is a couple copies of Guardian of Faith. Phasing is the only way tokens can leave the battlefield and not just instantly poof, and he even shares Spirit synergy with the rest of your build. This makes him pretty much the only option for a deck like this to bypass a wipe.

Another one that could be fun here is Divine Visitation with all your token-generating effects, as well as Anointed Procession and/or Mondrak, Glory Dominus for some doubling effects.

Anyway +1 for some neat picks; I hope some of this helps, and good luck either way!

gzusvictory on Halvar, Divine Voltron

2 months ago

Nice! I am very satisfied with your choices. At prerelease, I pulled the Aven Interrupter, Final Showdown, and Claim Jumper and put them in right away trying to guesses what you would have taken out. I replaced the instant Board wipe with Farewell, took out Reprieve for the plot counter, and the Loyal Warhound for the white explosive vegetation. I will more than likely do the same replacements you made based off your explanations.

Last_Laugh on The Black Rose Never Dies

3 months ago

Ripples of Potential and Wave Goodbye are 2 cards I added fairly recently. Ripples is especially nice if you're seeing Farewell ran more as an answer to Marchesa.

Last_Laugh on It's good to be the Queen

3 months ago

Legion Loyalist is amazing in an aggro Marchesa build. First Strike and Tample out of nowhere wins games and the can't be blocked by tokens bit is surprisingly relevant.

Ripples of Potential dodges shitty wraths (including Farewell... hallelujah!) while leaving your counters intact.

Anduril, Narsil Reforged allows you to swing at lower life totals and still get counters on everyone.

Niko9 on Fun Deck/Builds to try

4 months ago

Deckbuilding can be super fun : ) but the weird thing for me, and I don't know if other players get this too, but it's so surprising sometimes what decks I actually like to play. My original EDH deck was a pretty competitive elfball deck for the time because I really like a lot of the cards, but in practice it was awful to play. It was infinite combo win or not do much, and I probably played it for far too long.

After a long time, I've really realized that my favorite decks to brew up and play are ones that have an open-ended approach. I've been in too many EDH games that go turns 1-4 ramp, somebody wraths, and everyone really just starts playing around turn 7. My favorite brew in commander has definitely been Catti-brie of Mithral Hall because I play it as an aggro deck, a low cmc commander and curve, and there is lots of spot removal. I think spot removal is really underrated in commander, just from a fun perspective. Like, I have such a better time looking around and figuring out plays when I have to budget removal rather than sitting there with a wrath in the hand and just waiting to use it.

I don't know, I just find the "meta" commander experience too laid out for you as far as deck design and play. My decks would probably be a ton better if I was doing Sol Ring into more ramp into Farewell into my commander and some combo, but to me the surprise factor of attacking turn 2 is way more fun : )

And fun thing that I've found is that there were a couple players in my group who also made aggro decks, and once you get 2 aggro players it's an entirely different game. Sometimes games might start normal and then people switch decks for game 2 and there are 3 aggro decks and then the person playing Dockside Extortionist and Korvold, Fae-Cursed King is actually so doomed, and I really enjoy that.

Though, to be fair I usually play more 60 card multiplayer jank : )

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