Lifecrafter's Bestiary

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Lifecrafter's Bestiary


At the beginning of your upkeep, scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put it on the top or bottom of your library.)

Whenever you cast a creature spell, you may pay . If you do, draw a card.

NV_1980 on It's Bug Season

9 months ago

This looks awesome; +1! I'd really recommend Aura Shards though; it's such a great control-tool in a deck like this. In its current form the deck also contains few draw-resources. Some ideas on this front would be Idol of Oblivion, Lifecrafter's Bestiary, Halo Fountain, Slate of Ancestry and Shamanic Revelation.

YorkshireSamurai on There’s only one Sliver Overlord

10 months ago


Greetings good sir! Thank you for the idea.

Guardian Project is a very good suggestion. The reason I run Lifecrafter's Bestiary is for the scry as it works with things like Herald's Horn.

Rhystic Study (along with Guardian Project) are somethings I run in other decks so I'm keen to diversify. Black Market Connections also ramps with the treasure and makes shapeshifting Slivers so I do like it.

Obilterate is a card I've always had a affinity for so that's why it's in over another wrath effect. Plus it's foil and can't be countered.

Virulent Sliver is there for the incidental poison and also because I need cheap early Slivers to turn into mana dorks(same with Muscle Sliver).

Intruder Alarm is something a few people have suggested and may just have to be added. I keep Chromatic Lantern out (it was in before) because the mana base is already good and I don't like rocks that can be easily destroyed. Harmonic Sliver can be a double-edged sword.

Coat of Arms is something I've recently thought about taking out for sure. It stays because it came with the original box and is easy to cast. (Call it nostalgia).

Sedge Sliver is an excellent suggestion. I'll be making space for that (might be Coat of Arms tbh).

Thank you for the suggestions. I'll take them on board and go check out your deck.

Doombeard1984 on There’s only one Sliver Overlord

10 months ago

Hi there...

So logged onto Tapped Out, and another Sliver Overlord deck (your's in case you didnt guess) caught my eye. This pleases the Hive.

So firstly, will alway be a +1 for Sliver decks.

If I may, a couple of suggestions.

Hope you dont mind me putting my 2 pence/cents/whatever currency. If you would like to look at my deck, please just head over to my hive: Sliver Overlord - Predatory Super-Organisms

Doombeard1984 on There’s only one Sliver Overlord

10 months ago

Hi there...

So logged onto Tapped Out, and another Sliver Overlord deck (your's in case you didnt guess) caught my eye. This pleases the Hive.

So firstly, will alway be a +1 for Sliver decks.

If I may, a couple of suggestions.

Hope you dont mind me putting my 2 pence/cents/whatever currency. If you would like to look at my deck, please just head over to my hive: Sliver Overlord - Predatory Super-Organisms

MrHighscore on Dehydrated Hydras

11 months ago

It's been a couple of years, and the Hydra horde have matured!

Thanks for all your great suggestions while I've been away. I can see that the deck could need an overhaul with all the wonderful new cards

The following are now under consideration

New Hydras to make room for:

xram666 on EDH Karona, Fals God (Kithkin Tribal)

11 months ago

I count only 2 draw option:

So I would add at least another 5 draw options. Maybe:

Also I count only 2 ramp spells. Maybe also 5 other ones:

Also I would include Mirror Entity: Nice synergy and a good win option.

With the high number of tappers I would also include Siren's Call

Also the number of Mass Removal is to low. Some options:

J0TheG3ntleG14nt on

1 year ago

A few updates just from playtesting. Some of the cards were neat to see but not necessarily needed so I made some adjustments.

IN : Lifecrafter's Bestiary we need more card draw. This should help since most of the creatures are low CMC.

OUT: Descendants' Path Nice in thought but just really terrible in practice. Not enough creatures to make it worth while.

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