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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Incarnation


As long as Anger is in your graveyard and you control a Mountain, creatures you control have haste.

plakjekaas on Is Staff of Completion a …

1 day ago

The only reason I remember Temple Bell as a card is because I saw a Zurzoth, Chaos Rider player activate it trying to sneak in some extra devil tokens precombat (Anger in the graveyard, it made sense to try) while saying "What's the worst that could happen?" hinting at the disadvantage of giving your opponents extra cards. But by doing so, miracled an opponent into Devastation Tide, answering their own question while they took at least 20 devil tokens back to hand without the death trigger.

Very memorable game, horrible advertisement for the use of Temple Bell.

Master_J on Attack Attack!

1 month ago

OUT: Faithless Looting, Thrill of Possibility, Anger

IN: Brave the Sands, Chivalric Alliance, Aurelia, the Law Above

Making a few minor changes. I generally don't like throwing cards away with no way to Reanimate them, so taking those out for other small enchantments that will hopefully help me longer term.

Then trading or haste with Anger for some evasive draw enabler.

UltimateRoxas40 on Kakariko Graveyard Tour™️[Primer]

1 month ago

Since you've retired your Lord Windgrace, you could potentially include him in this deck. Not only would he also put cards into the graveyard that Coram can then play, but he can also pseudo-ramp you by allowing you to play lands out of your graveyard that may have been self-milled away.

Also, since you've got both Anger and Brawn, you could also run Filth just to continue the cycle. If you do, maybe swap out a land for Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth.

Overall, looks fun! I ended up rebuilding my own Lord Windgrace, but with the release of The Necrobloom, he might end up getting shelved again haha.

KayneMarco on Yuma, Shepherd of the West (Desert Primer)

2 months ago

Anger for Need for Speed since part of your goal is getting lands into the yard. I’ld pull Sand Scout since it only triggers once per turn. Drop Elemental Bond, shouldn’t hurt any since you have a number of others with the same effect or better. These are bout the only things I can suggest right now till you get a little more of an idea bout which way you wanna take the deck. Also, I wasn’t suggesting you make your deck like my Hazezon deck. Was just using that deck as an example of how many lands you could possibly be playing per turn. I get wanting to make unique decks.

Quickspell on Build a Deck with Me …

2 months ago

If I may add a few other notes to your thought process.

At this point, you are already on the track of using known combos and putting them into a Naya shell. There are many other combos that can go with this, you just need to tutor for them.

Note that haste is an important aspect to this. Zealous Conscripts is much better than Hyrax Tower Scout or Sparring Mummy for this reason, even though both have cheaper mana value. Without haste, your million tokens will just be board-wiped. You could argue for redundancy, but the truth is that tutors and recursion such as Eternal Witness and Skullwinder are much better, because they add to your strategy with more flexibility.

Most creature tutors are green non-creature spells that search for green creatures. However, you want to keep the amount of non-creature spells low, because Ghired's ability doesn't apply to them. But there are some great tutors that can help you find your pieces:

Most of these cards use ETBs. If you can give them haste - ideally with creatures - you can cast them, make use of their ETB, and directly tap them with Ghired for value. Anger comes to mind, Hellraiser Goblin is great (you won't be attacking, because you are going to tap your creatures with Ghired), Yarus, Roar of the Old Gods can be okay. As for non-creature spells, you have Mass Hysteria, Concordant Crossroads, Fervor, Rising of the Day. Though I would probably only consider Hammer of Purphoros as it can create tokens.

As for the token doublers, I'm not sure if they really fit the deck. Sure, they are staples for token strategies. But what's the point of making infinite tokens go double? Mondrak, Glory Dominus and Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation  Flip will put a bounty on your head which is not a good thing in a combo-deck. You want to stay under the radar until you can go off.
Mondrak only doubles creature tokens, so you are not making more treasures. And the other doublers like Anointed Procession, Parallel Lives etc. will not tap with Ghired. Since you also want to put in all the other Naya-staple enchantments like Smothering Tithe and Guardian Project etc., you will just fill your deck with non-creatures that don't synergize with your commander.

Some cards worth mentioning are:
- Illusionist's Bracers - Cloudstone Curio (create a creature token, return a creature with an ETB to your hand). - Helm of the Host

SufferFromEDHD on Ooooxxxx Bomb Ox Bomb

3 months ago

Hidden Retreat and Penance would allow you to streamline your mana base and make the deck less clunky. Also Dust Bowl.

Harsh Mercy tribal destruction.

This deck desperately needs haste. I see your creatures are streamlined so no Anger but an artifact, enchantment and/or land seems crucial.

SufferFromEDHD on Kaalia of the Funk

3 months ago

All 3 commander instants have been in here at some point and all will return once I figure out the correct balance of utility.

General's Kabuto is doing what I need better than Dolmen Gate. Cut.

Mudslide is just tech. Every single creature in the list has flying. I doubt my opponents will have a similar percentage.

Bedlam is grossly underutilized. Not quite Moat but still something. Perfectly captures the Mardu spirit: anarchy. That'd what Kaalia represents to me so I tried to use it.

Insidious Dreams was for late game stacking. Discard 2 or 3 to guarantee finding the right finishers. Might leave the deck too vulnerable.

Isshin, Two Heavens as One clearly has a useful trigger but doesn't have flying.

I'm running Flamekin Village over Hall of the Bandit Lord because it makes mana. Footfall Crater is a solid card. Haste when you need it or cycle away. Perhaps Anger instead?

euqinU on Improve my Magus Lucea Kane …

4 months ago

I like the recommendation but I want to stick with mana ramping so I can put in a lot of creatures as quickly as possible, the players that I've played with recommended that I should add more mana dorks, mana rocks and tutors to my deck so I don't pass on the turn without doing anything. I like the Tuktuk Rubblefort and Anger but I don't know which one I've got to remove in case I have to get those.

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