Talisman of Conviction

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Talisman of Conviction


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: Add or . Talisman of Conviction deals 1 damage to you.

Gbickel on Aurelia, the Warleader

1 month ago

Auerlia is one of my favorite commanders. So glad that you are building her. Boros has historically been terrible with ramp and draw, but there's a lot of things you can to now to shore up those problems in these colors.

I'm not sure your budget, but here are some of my recommendation. Ramp: Fellwar Stone, Oketra's Monument, Pearl Medallion or Ruby Medallion, Talisman of Conviction, Land Tax, $Smothering Tithe, and Curse of Opulence. Curse of Opulence is such a fun card to get gold token and insentivize your opponents to attack someone else.

Draw: Aurelia, the Law Above, Geier Reach Sanitarium, Mikokoro, Center of the Sea, Mask of Memory, Faithless Looting. I love running Palantir of Orthanc. Its fun messing with opponents to get the draw or hitting them for lots of damage. I enjoy running wheel cards, but the Aurelia I play is a reanimator deck. So I have no problems with my creatures in the graveyard.

But a big weakness I see is spot removal. You do have boardwipes. They are okay, but sometimes you need to remove one problem permanent instead of resetting the board. I would encourage adding removal for different types of permanents. This is something that Boros excels in.

EquivocalVision on Barren Glory RWB - EDH

4 months ago

First of all, this deck looks super fun! I love a good Mardu strategy!

How has your mana curve been treating you? I run the original duals and every possible best dual land, but even after that I recently increased my mana rocks to include the talismans just to ensure I can mana fix earlier.

Have you considered including: Talisman of Conviction Talisman of Hierarchy Talisman of Indulgence

If there isn't room in the deck, that's totally legit. I get it. I've got a lot going on in mine as well. Just thought I'd leave the suggestion, but otherwise good job man! This deck again looks really fun to play!

Crow_Umbra on Battle Buddies

4 months ago

Hi there, I saw your comment on the feed and thought I'd offer some suggestions on potential cuts. Some thoughts from looking over your deck:

  • First off, I think it's great that you have something like Insurrection as a top end finisher. Having played against some goad decks in my play groups ( mostly Kardur, Doomscourge), they can have trouble closing out games.

  • Your 4 drop slot seems pretty crowded and I think where you could focus some of your cuts. I think some of the cuts can eventually get turned into a couple more 2cmc rocks to help you ramp. If anything, you could probably swap 2-3 of your land slots for a couple more rocks like Talisman of Conviction, Boros Signet, Mind Stone, and maybe Cursed Mirror to copy a valuable creature.

  • Speaking of lands, I think if you stay heavy on the Enchantments, it'd be worth it to run Hall of Heliod's Generosity and maybe a few other utility lands like War Room, Minas Tirith, Scavenger Grounds, and Volatile Fault. Land destruction beyond Generous Gift/Beast Within isn't super common in most play groups. You could probably swap a few of your basics for some of these.

  • Goblin Diplomats might be more trouble than its worth, since your opponents can still attack you. This could maybe get swapped with Grenzo, Havoc Raiser

  • I think Fumiko can be a potential cut, mostly because she forces your opponents to attack, but not necessarily to attack each other like Goad might.

  • Firemane Commando as a removal option seems kinda clunky. You could maybe swap her for something like Soul Partition, which can be a protective effect or removal.

  • Mangara might be a potential cut, but I think this is more of a meta dependent call. I played him in a really early iteration of my Isshin deck, and oftentimes my opponents would remove him or play around his abilities by sending their 1 biggest and/or most evasive creature at me.

  • You can maybe swap Agitator Ant with Nils, Discipline Enforcer, since you have control over the counter distribution, and he also punishes the utilization of any counters on your opponents' creatures.

  • Assemble the Legion could be a potential cut, as it seems kinda slow for the payoff.

If you're interested, I theory-crafted a Nelly Borca deck that is trying to do what you want to do with this deck. I doubt I'll ever put it together, but it could be helpful to compare notes with. We definitely have some core similarities, but I think I lean a bit more into aggro elements for the deck to fall back to as a finisher, or if the Goad options aren't online. Check out The Slander Commander if you'd like.

Crow_Umbra on Director Isshin's Cut

5 months ago

So in taking another look at your deck, and the upgrades mentioned:

  • I'd swap Agrus Kos for Nelly Borca, especially if you're trying to get more draw in the deck. I've tried her a bit, especially after seeing her in different gameplay videos around YouTube. She can be pretty impactful. This Spike Feeders video was one of the ones that I thought show-cased her best. Agrus needs Haste to potentially remove a creature the same turn he drops, whereas Nelly can at least sit there & people can start swinging at each other to draw.

  • I think you could swap out Moraug for either Breena, Firemane Commando, or Skyhunter Strike Force (in that order, prioritizing draw). I think that since you only have a handful of means of playing multiple lands in 1 turn (Fabled Passage & co), Moraug might not be as good here without the Green land shenanigans. With all the other extra combat effects you have, I think you can afford to leave Moraug out & put a little more value in your 3-4 cmc range.

  • Personally, I've moved on from some of the pillow effects like Revenge of Ravens & Kazuul, mostly because they weren't big deterrents in my meta. I prefer more proactive effects, or ones that "reward" opponents to attack each other, rather than more openly discourage attacking me. These could be meta-dependent swaps. If you swap out either of these, it could be another landing spot for some of the draw effects mentioned in your upgrade.

  • Although it's not one of your mentioned upgrades, I'd recommend swapping Shiny Impetus with a 2cmc rock like Talisman of Conviction, or any of the others in Mardu colors. I played it in early versions of my Isshin deck, & it felt bad to have a ramp source removed when the creature enchanted by Impetus eventually ate removal.

  • If you want to run Hanweir Battlements & Garrison, I'd recommend swapping 1 Basic land & Phyrexian Dragon Engine. Hanweir Garrison is a generally better fit than Dragon Engine, & the meld requirement for Mishra is a bit trickier than the one for the Hanweir duo. Mostly suggesting this because Isshin doesn't do much with the graveyard, so Discard based draw is kinda awkward.

Just my quick thoughts, hope they're to your liking. My primary meta leans more aggro, so some of the recent changes I've made are pretty similar to the changes you're contemplating, in terms of the draw effects you're looking to incorporate. My meta likes drawing from stuff like Breena, & isn't bothered too much by Goad effects. I think those kind of effects that reward attacking around, rather than just discouraging attacks at you can be a bit more fun for everyone. People like carrots more than sticks lol

Crow_Umbra on Alesha, Who Blinks at Death EDH

5 months ago

Hi there, I saw your comment on the front page feed that you were looking for some help with your deck. Alesha was one of my first favorites, but I recycled her a couple of years ago to build Isshin.

In looking at your deck and some of the stuff in your Maybe Board, I have a few suggestions:

  • Generally speaking, I think you can trim down your creature base a bit more to give you a bit more room for lands, another mana rock or two, and other spells that can help your overall strategy.

  • Some of the creatures I think you can safely cut are: Ponyback Brigade (you have other token creators that aren't 3 color intensive, also kinda underwhelming), Vulturous Aven (there are other similar effects on cheaper spells, at cost of not being repeatable), and Mirkwood Bats (mostly because you currently have ~10 or fewer token creating effects in deck, so not a lot of support).

  • As mentioned for the Vulturous Aven swap, but Deadly Dispute, Costly Plunder, & Plumb the Forbidden are all excellent options. Plumb the Forbidden is one I've enjoyed in my aggro decks as a response to board wipes.

  • Fanatical Devotion is a budget option that pulls some weight in Alesha as a protection effect & repeatable "free" sac outlet.

  • Scapegoat can also be a cheap board protection effect, & means for you to return ETB creatures to hand for reuse.

  • Reconnaissance - I first started playing this card in Alesha before using it in some of my current aggro decks. Helps with pulling Alesha or other creatures out of combat after they've dealt damage, since creatures are considered attacking until combat ends. This EDHREc article goes in more detail.

  • Snarling Gorehound - Is a newer card & can help Alesha get some repeated Surveil to sculpt her graveyard.

  • I'd recommend replacing Coldsteel Heart with something like Talisman of Conviction or Fellwar Stone. I see you recently swapped out Fellwar Stone for Coldsteel Heart, but you're losing a bit of mana velocity with that ETB tapped on Coldsteel.

  • In looking at your mana, I think you can probably swap Castle Embereth with another Mountain, mostly because 6 of your 33 lands have the Mountain type. On that note, I think you could safely replace some of your lands that enter tapped with more Basics until you can your hands on something like Luxury Suite or Spectator Seating. Exotic Orchard can also be helpful.

  • You can also maybe swap out Junkyard Genius for something like Goblin War Drums, if you're looking for a more reliable Menace anthem.

  • I know she's in your Maybe Board, but I think Loran of the Third Path can be a potential swap with Boneshredder. The political draw she has can be really helpful.

Hope these suggestions were helpful. I'd be down to chat about additional swaps if you're up for it. Best of luck, Alesha is a lot of fun


Crow_Umbra on

6 months ago

Pretty solid deck! Have you had a chance to play this deck irl? I have a few suggestions for potential edits:

  • I think it might be worth swapping out some of your creature slots at the 5-8 cmc range for stuff that's lower in the 1-4 range. From having played Isshin for almost 2 years, I don't think the deck needs many top-end bombs.

  • If you do trim off the top-end, I'd recommend swapping out: Witch-King of Angmar (might not deter boards that go-wide), the Ancient Dragons can probably be swapped since they're combat-damage based, and either of your 8 drops could probably be cut.

  • Ogre Battledriver is a cool haste & power anthem. Could be helpful for giving you another haste option if you keep some of your higher end creatures.

  • Breena, the Demagogue and Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant are both excellent draw for Isshin, & can compliment the Firemane Commando & Aurelia, the Law Above that you already have in mainboard.

  • Taunt from the Rampart could replace one of your board wipes, maybe Cleansing Nova, & compliment the cards from the previous bullet.

-Legion Loyalist, Signal Pest, & Reconnaissance are all excellent 1 drops for Isshin. Reconnaissance can essentially be a pseud0-vigilance anthem that saves your creatures from combat; this EDHREC artcle explains how the timing works.

I hope these suggestions were helpful. Down to chat through additional suggestions if you're up for it, if not, no worries. Best of luck with the deck


7 months ago

Hi there, happy to see another Isshin player. I've been playing Isshin since he debuted, but more so as a tokens go-wide deck. Regardless, I do have a few suggestions, based off your primer description and to try to fit your theme:

  • Conjurer's Mantle could be a decent fit to both your equipment and Samurai subthemes, and also works with Isshin's attack trigger.

  • Goblin War Drums or Rising of the Day could be potential replacements for Crash Through. War Drums will help give you some evasion for your attacker(s), and Rising can add a bit more speed to which you can attack.

  • Since you already have them in your Maybe Board, you could maybe replace Sword of the Animist with another mana rock like Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Conviction, Talisman of Indulgence, or Fellwar Stone. I played Sword of the Animist quite a bit, but it felt slow for what it can do with Isshin, since you have to pay 4 total mana to cast and equip it, then attack. It requires more set up than a straight up mana rock, if you're looking for more early game velocity.

  • Similarly, I think you could probably replace Commander's Sphere and/or Boros Locket with some of the mana rocks I mentioned in my bullet above. The activation cost on Boros Locket is kinda color-intensive for a 3 color deck, and at that point is essentially 7 total mana to draw 3 cards.

  • I'd recommend checking out Soul Partition as a potential replacement to Dispatch. Soul Partition can hit a variety of targets, and also double as protection for one of your creatures.

  • I think Carmen, Cruel Skymarcher or Sun Titan could be potential swaps for the Rakshasa, mostly because they open up your options for Recursion, and both work with Isshin.

  • It's a newer card and pricier card, but Roaming Throne could be an option to get even more triggers out of Isshin and your other Samurai.

  • Captain's Claws, Inquisitorial Rosette, Anduril, Flame of the West, and Anduril, Narsil Reforged are all excellent equipment options for Isshin.

  • Although they are a bit group-huggy in certain regards, Breena, the Demagogue and Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant are both pretty fun draw options for Isshin. Karazikar would also be helpful to turn some attention away from you, and Breena can help grow your board.

  • Lastly, Dolmen Gate and Reconnaissance are both awesome board protection effects, especially for a deck ore reliant on single attackers. Reconnaissance can protect your attacking board from unfavorable blocks, and act as a pseudo-vigilance anthem. This EDHREC article dives into a bit more detail into how the timing works for removing your creatures from combat. Reconnaissance is also discussed in a recent episode of EDHRECast.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. I'm down to discuss more suggestions if you're up to it. Best of luck with your deck and its future games.

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