
Enchantment (1)



This list is outdated, you can find the new list on Moxfield:

Hello monks and welcome to the cEDH primer of Narset, Enlightened Master!

This deck has a pretty straight forward proactive gameplan, which works a bit like Godo, Bandit Warlord. Like in Godo, your commander is your key to victory. The deck is filled with extra turn/combat-spell, stax/hatepieces and counterspells to survive long enough to attack with Narset. When Narset, Enlightened Master is online, you're winning a lot with your first attack or your opponents surrender, because you're playing extra turn after extra turn.

Most of you will probably have played or lost against a Narset-deck before. Most people don't like Narset, because of the hexproof she's difficult to remove and she can do obnoxious things, like chaining extra combats and turns, staxing or destroying all lands. Most of the time you win with your first attack.

I'm playing since the release of "Onslaught" back in the days and Narset was my second commanderdeck which I build in january 2014. Since then I played a lot of games, tested different cards and since the last 2 years I pushed the deck togehter with my friends and the players from the Narset-Discord-Server the max. With this list, we want to prove that this Narset-list can compete on almost every cEDH table with her unique playstyle.

The idea of this deck is pretty simple:

  1. At first ramp as hard as you can, to play Narset before your table can answer her
  2. Give Narset haste and protect her with stax or hatepieces, counterspells or cards like: Silence/Cavern of Souls/Teferi, Time Raveler/Grand Abolisher
  3. Attack with Narset and play your strong/expensive spells for free
  4. Try to hit Cataclysm/Tragic Arrogance or Armageddon to make sure that you're not getting interrupted by something.
  5. Try to chain extra turns and extra combats to finally close out the game with one of your combos mentioned bellow
  6. The royal discipline of this deck is, to learn to pilot this deck. You have to learn how to fly under the radar, when to play Narset and win with a good timed swing.

Mulligan for 2-3 different colored sources, your best ramp and cards like:

A good hand could be looking like: - Dockside Extortionist - best ramp in the deck - Chain of Vapor - instant speed interaction which can also bounce your dockside, to generate an insane amount of mana - Mana Crypt/Sol Ring - Cavern of Souls - best land in the deck because of the protection - Volcanic Island - Cursed Totem - shuts down all the mana dorks and a lot of stategies like Yisan, Trasios etc. - Mystic Remora - feed the fish!

In RUW-colores there are other very good commanders like Kykar or Elsha, but this deck deck has his very unique playstyle and if you like that (or if you like Godo, Rhoon/Kefnet Turns, Najeela or Edric), you'll have a lot of fun with this deck.

  • Because you love big splashy plays and everything or nothing gambles!
  • If you can identify yourself with this cool jeskai monk and you like extra turns, you're right here.
  • If you enjoy playing big spells for free and if you have godlike topdecking skills, this deck is something for you!
  • If you like playing more reactive and disruptive you should play another deck.
  • If you have fun gambling and playing solitaire.

The main issue with the deck is that it relies very heavily on Narset and being a 3 colour 6 drop commander makes it rough sometimes. However, once you land a Narset, she's quite difficult to remove and often times a single swing means game.

  1. Narset's Secret Liar Art is incredible awesome, haha ;D
  2. Narset's main strength is that she bores / annoys her opponents to death, while you're playing solitaire :D
  3. Narset is really difficult to remove, because of her hexproof-ability which makes her really resilient.
  4. As soon as she hits the board, the game is usually over, because she works like a combo in your commandzone
  5. A big advantage of narset is that you don't really need one or more specific combo parts, you just need some kind of ramp, protection and preferably a haste enabler
  6. You're in Jeskai colors, which means you have acces to the best counterspells, best stax/hatepieces and the best carddraw in the game
  7. The cool thing with this deck, is that you can have a way higher manacurve/average CMC compared to other competetive decks in the format, because you can easily cast the biggest noncreature spells for free in this deck
  8. Narset is a really unique commander with a pretty proactive straight forward gameplan
  1. EVERYTHING IS BASED ON NARSET! If she's getting countered or destroyed, you're in a bad spot then.
  2. Assembling 3 different colors and 6 mana isn't that easy. That's why so much ramp is needed in the deck.
  3. This deck is pretty straight forward and really proactive. Because of that sometimes you can struggle against really disruptive strategies like stax- and control-heavy decks. Use your meta slots and learn to play Narset at the right time, to make sure she's resolving.
  4. Topdecking casual counterspells with Narset, Enlightened Master-ability is really bad and that's why the deck is running counterspells like Pyroblast, Unsubstantiate or Narset's Reversal and just a few of the other cEDH-counterspells. Use your counterspells only to stop people from winning or to protect Narset.
  5. Boardwipes like Supreme Verdict, Pyroclasm or Toxic Deluge are the easiest way to kill Narset.
  6. Lacking ... your deck is lacking all the fast green mana and all the insane tutors without any condition, which makes many other decks more consistent.But since you won't be the only deck at the table that lacks black or green, that's no problem at all.
  7. Big creatures... I mean, just bigger creatures than Narset are really annoying. But this is only a problem if there's no other player which you could attack.
  8. Bad luck. I've won a lot of games with a single attack, but it's also possible sometimes to fail, that you really suck topecking.

Why Expedition Map? Show

Let's enter the Hall of our Dreams! Show

Why Seething Song? Show

Tutoring cards: Show

Brain Freeze + Lion's Eye Diamond + Underworld Breach = very good combo which can be faster than Enter the Infinite + Omniscience , but it doesn't work as soon as Underworld Breach is getting exiled with Narset before you have Lion's Eye Diamond or Brain Freeze in your hand or in your graveyard, otherwise you would also have to play Argivian Find, which in turn consumes a deck slot and then you would have Argivian Find and Brain Freeze as dead cards in the deck, which don't do much outside of the combo.

Lion's Eye Diamond + Underworld Breach + Wheel of Fortune = another playable combo but in a lot of scenarios I hadn't enough mana or cards in my graveyard to abuse breach.

Fierce Guardianship/Deflecting Swat = very good spells, but in this deck your main priority is to protect Narset when you cast her, because when she enters the battlefield the game is over pretty quick and in that scenario counterspells like Spell Pierce, Miscast & Dispel are just better.

Flawless Maneuver = Free protection for Narset, but sadly does "indestructible" not protect against sacrifice effects or the boardwipe staples Toxic Deluge/Cyclonic Rift

Teferi's Protection = this is one of the only spells which can protect you and your Narset against our archenemy Toxic Deluge but, when I played this card I often exiled it with narset or didn't have it in hand at the right moment and later it was just a dead card

The card I'm currently playtesting is Dream Halls, because Dream Halls is a really good alternative for Narset. Most of the time, you generate more value with this card than your opponents because most cEDH-decks didn't have as much expensive spells and much lower average cmc. BUUT you have to be careful with this card because your opponents can play all their expensive stuff (like Razaketh or Ad Nauseum) or their counterspells for free. When you play Dream Halls you should win the game on the spot or you should have atleast some protection going on like Grand Abolisher or Teferi, Time Raveler.

Thousand-Year Storm = most people will say, that this is a win more card and it isn't doing anything by itself. For you guys, just play Mind's Desire or another meta-choice. I love everything on this card, from the artwork to the effect, because you'll have insane chain reactions with this card and most of the time this card means game.

Strionic Resonator = this card feels bad for a lot of people because it doesn't do anything without your commander (just see this card as combo piece to win the game or just to make it a lot easier to win from that point). BUT if you're combining those two, you'll see/cast 100% more cards with every Narset trigger!!!

Austere Command/Catastrophe = I really love the versatility of those cards but a lot of people just told me, that for cEDH those cards are too slow... I mean, most of the time, I don't pay the mana for them and because of that they are in the maybeboard, but could be replaced if needed.

Cards to consider:

  • Cards like Reverberate / Fork / Twincast are really versatile cards, because you can use them to copy enemy tutors, copy counterspells or copy your own extra turn spells

  • Bribery = depending on your opponents/meta this card can be really cool and is always a lot of fun. If you're playing this card in your 99 and when you now Enter the Infinite you can Bribery one of your opponents, because in a 4 player pod, somebody will play Thassa's Oracle, so you can steal their wincon and use it against them. There are so many ways to abuse this card. Steal their wincons! Like Protean Hulk or versus a Gitrog deck, just steal their shuffle Eldrazi :D

  • Need for Speed/Generator Servant = really good haste enablers for Narset (I don't like Mass Hysteria because Tymna decks will benefit immensely from this)

  • World at War = reusable extra combat = increase the chances for a better chain! (Or just another extra turn spell: Part the Waterveil)

  • Volcanic Vision/Divine Reckoning (I cutted this card, because my playgroup was playing a lot less creatures) = If your're playing games against creature heavy decks like Najeela, Edric, some form of farm/pod decks... this card can be good, but in most competetive metas, you always have an opponent to attack into

  • Not Forgotten = reuse a spell of your choice

  • Piracy or just another land = to add more consistency to our landbase/ramppackage


  1. Cast Omniscience + Enter the Infinite and put a card on the top of your library.

  2. Now you have your whole deck in your hand and you can play everything for free

  3. With Nexus of Fate/Beacon of Tomorrows you can now take infinite turns and kill everybody with Narset. (If you play play Bribery in your deck, you can also steal a Thassa's Oracle from someone to win the game.) If you already used your removals and a player has a bigger creature than Narset, you have to play Timetwister to shuffle your graveyard back into your deck.


Sometimes you're hitting Enter the Infinite with Narset before Omniscience. For this specific scenario I figured out an alternative route to take infinite turns:

  1. You hit Enter the Infinite draw your entire deck.

  2. In that case, put Omniscience on the top of your library and cast Fury of the Horde for its alternative cost from your hand by exiling two red cards, to get another combat with Narset.

  3. With your extra combat you'll exile Omniscience from the top of your library. From that point you you have your deck in your hand and you can play everything for free. I think you'll find a way to win from here... :D

Strategy 1: SEE THE SECOND SUN Show




Strategy 5: TIMETRAVEL Show


Strategy 7: FINAL FORTUNE Show

Strategy 8: REST IN PEACE Show

+1 Upvote

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  1. Play with me on XMage, Spelltable or Discord to test your cEDH-lists vs Narset
  2. Do you have any recommendations for this deck?
  3. Please rate and share this list.


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I have not found an overly effective card for the deck from the new sets.




Top Ranked
Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

32 - 0 Mythic Rares

46 - 1 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 3.17
Tokens Angel Warrior 4/4 W, Bird 2/2 U, Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C, Treasure
Folders Interesting decks, Commander, EDH, cEDH, Narset's Way of Jeskai a Monk, "Sit down, stay humble", First, Others' Deck Ideas
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