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Damping Matrix
Activated abilities of artifacts and creatures can't be played unless they're mana abilities.
sergiodelrio on No sacrifice
10 months ago
Your best bet imho is to try and prevent activations with cards like Pithing Needle Cursed Totem Interdict Null Rod Phyrexian Revoker Sorcerous Spyglass Damping Matrix or Karn, the Great Creator
Some things will still fly under the radar tho and does not really help your Sauron I guess.
SufferFromEDHD on Land, ho!
11 months ago
Overburden > Crystal Shard
Do you need the equipment? Damping Matrix, Null Rod and Collector Ouphe would do serious work in this strategy.
Floodbringer and Oboro Breezecaller value.
Tur on People's Thoughts on Mommy Norn?
2 years ago
Combo players, in semi-competitive, do not care about this card. It will never be a road block to their combo decks. It will die right away or be countered. Boom and that's all they wrote. Counterspell cards would be more effective against combo players.
Again, I do not care about the Yarok, the Desecrated part of the card. That really doesn't matter too much.
The problem which I have with Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines is the very large amount of judge rulings, player errors, and misrepresentation which will occur.
It is inevitable these will occur.
How many times have you seen someone in your play group do any of the following actions:
- Use a fetch land or Rampant Growth while Stranglehold is in play
- Use a "Pact" card, such as Pact of Negation, and forget to pay the cost on the next upkeep
- Use Force of Vigor on their turn by exiling a green card
- Resolve a spell of X CMC into Chalice of the Void
- Forget about taking damage from City of Brass
- Forget to about cumulative upkeep abilities on Mystic Remora or Elephant Grass
- Forget to draw two cards after their spell got an Arcane Denial or add the X mana from Mana Drain
- Equip Lightning Greaves while Damping Matrix is in play
- Forget the "Ward" cost to target
- Play Swords to Plowshares for one mana into Trinisphere
- Draw before using Wild Evocation
In a casual meta takebacks are generally acceptable. Assuming not too much time or actions have past.
Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines is a engine for these kind of effects. Unless you're a very sticker for the rules, half the time you'll have to deal with so many takebacks. It's a headache.
I'd probably just scoop to this card if I don't have an out in-hand.
At least Winter Orb isn't going to cause massive takebacks.
Polaris on Damping matrix vs. Mishras Bauble
2 years ago
No. If your opponent is casting Damping Matrix in response via flash, Damping Matrix enters the battlefield before Mishra's Bauble does. You can't activate Mishra's Bauble while it's still on the stack, because it's not a permanent yet.
Wbg1415 on Damping matrix vs. Mishras Bauble
2 years ago
I cast Mishra's Bauble and an opponent flashes in a Damping Matrix in response to the Bauble cast using Leyline of Anticipation. In response to that Matrix cast can I tap and sacrifice Mishra's Bauble?
cyeRunner on T-1000 Saheeli Rai
2 years ago
It can be a chump blocker too, also since you have a good amount of artifacts you can use them offensively.
The big Problem of your deck is that it does nothing if Saheeli Rai gets removed from the deck with cards like Necromentia, Surgical Extraction or even "blocked out" with cards like Damping Matrix if you don't have an answer to that.
I recommend cutting 1x Mountain and 1x Sacred Foundry and test with 2x Urza's Saga and see if it works out for you.
lagotripha on The Curse of Erayo
3 years ago
Sure, but the situations where it falls down should be similar to where this falls down - A set of Suppression Field or Damping Matrix in the side (or similar matchup golden bullets) and you're good to go.
Flipping Erayo is only super important if you're all in on the plan - which this list isn't. Law/Draw/Counterspell is a pretty solid lock. Definitely worth testing.
darkmus on Serra's Descendants, competitive Angel Tribal
3 years ago
K0rt Thanks for the in depth suggestions. Yes, is actually working quite well in the new meta, there aren't that many combo decks around now, which are our main "weakness". The Anguished Unmaking vs Vindicate thing, as said before, there are no many Heliod, Sun-Crowned around lately, so yeah, they are pretty interchangeable depending on your local meta. Urza's Saga doesn't tend to be a big problem anyway.
I play Emeria's Call Flip in the mono white version. In tens if not hundreds of matches I think I casted it like 3 times, and it resolved 1. The thing is we rarely get to 7 lands, and when we do its against control, and by that point they always have counter spells because we have been casting our things with Aether Vial and Cavern of Souls . In the other hand I ended needing to pay 3 life for basically a plain many times. In mono white for sure put 1 in there. But in BW we have enough lands that hurt us. Archangel of Thune is a beast, she steals games out of nowhere. She's a huge finisher. Next to Righteous Valkyrie the reason we are able to win matches. She rarely ETBs and doesn't put at leas 2 +1/+1s on all our other stuff that can attack(if not 4+), that's huge immediate value. Yeah, if she's killed in that exact moment with the trigger on the stack you don't get it. But it happens like 1% of the time, and you can easily play around that playing her with vial or protecting her with Giver of Runes and Shalai, Voice of Plenty . I don't think Angel of Invention is even in the same league as her (in this deck at least).
I've tried Serra the Benevolent and is more or less the same thing as with Emeria's Call Flip seems great but it ends up adding nothing. the +2 is worthless, we don't tend to have a ton of creatures and our early ones don't have flying. The ultimate the very rare time I got to use it was always in a win more situation in which I had a ton of life anyway. She rarely was able to -3 more than once. Easily 9 out of 10 times (if not more) she ended up just being a 4cmc Serra Angel . And by that point the deck rather have other 4cmc angels that add more, and can be made uncountable with cavern or play at instant speed with vial.
About the side yeah, that is more adaptable to everyones local meta. This thing works super well in general against tribes, basically we excel against Aggro and midrange, do well enough against control and tend to be f*** against combo. So most tribes are easy wins, with the life gain they can't race us and we fly. Elves is for sure faster than us but not a lost game by any means, the thing is I don't she them that often. But if it is a common deck in your area I'll suggest to add 2 Settle the Wreckage , if not I wouldn't add a sideboard card just for a deck which is rare and not such a big threat. The hardest tribal decks are combo goblins and the new elemental deck (that can be brutal, not as a tribal deck, but as a deck in general). Non of them are an autolose by any means, but they ere the toughest ones. Stony Silence is a great card. I had Damping Matrix in the side before and I changed it for Linvala, Keeper of Silence . But in the new meta I am totally going back to Damping Matrix which is a bit of the best of two worlds between the silence and Linvala. Selfless Spirit is another great card, I've had it on the side but I don't seem to find many board wipes lately so I took it out. There is not much control in my area ATM. But another one that goes in and out depending on the meta. The control match up is not easy but it can be grinded up with the help of cavern and vial to cast our things and Giver and Shalai to save them from dying. Also don't over commit. Tends to be a 50-50. Thanks for the great suggestions!
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