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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Your opponents can't search libraries.

If an opponent would begin an extra turn, that player skips that turn instead.

Unlife on Kess Combos

3 months ago

legendofa I hadn't considered a cruel control option, I'll have to look into it a bit more. I'll probably stick with grixis and Kess for the wizard deck, my cleric deck in the set is esper, and I;ve been trying ti keep from repeating color pairings.

RiotRunner789 Both are interesting combos, I think I like Stranglehold + Maralen of the Mornsong over greanzo and timestream. With that sort of restrictive effect, it makes me consider add more stax elements vs infinite combo's to the deck.

Gidgetimer I've considered the the combo before, but I'm trying to move away from pinging for this deck, even with a combo wincon attached.

RiotRunner789 on Kess Combos

3 months ago

Stranglehold + Maralen of the Mornsong for a lockout out combo. Stranglehold is good on its own bit Maralen can be tricky if you play her first (at least without having counters for the answers your opponents grab). Not sure how wizard-y but it's fun.

Grenzo, Dungeon Warden + Timestream Navigator + Ascend and at least 6 mana for infinite turns: Grenzo works alright if you have creature support but he works better putting your spells in the yard. I like this one for your deck because either piece works fine on its own and it's a more 'fair' two card combo.

Not sure I know of any really flavorful ones but I'll probably look around for some.

RiotRunner789 on All the combos

5 months ago

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Pestermite or Zealous Conscripts for infinite attackers. Also. Kiki can copy other combo pieces and each piece is useful on its own.

Grenzo, Dungeon Warden + Timestream Navigator + Ascend and at least 6 mana for infinite turns.

Stranglehold + Maralen of the Mornsong locks opponents out of card draw and tutoring. Maralen can also tutor for the other piece or other combo piece but opponents will probably tutor for answers.

Demonic Consultation + Thassa's Oracle for instant win. Demonic can also just be used to grab another combo piece.

Smothering Tithe + Stasis for a lockout.

Teferi's Protection or some indestructible spell + Jokulhaups for a hard opponent reset. Teferi and Apocalypse or some other degenerate red board wipe also works.

Mana Vortex or some other land destruction like Armageddon + ability to play lands from grave like Crucible of Worlds for a combo people will hate you for.

There are a million combos, so it's probably best to pick ones that work with your commander or contain pieces that work on their own. Or, at least have a few defensive pieces (board wipes, stax, Propaganda, counters, etc.) to hold off your opponents.

halanvaina on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

5 months ago

Look dude, I'm really trying my best here to make a somewhat competitive mono red deck that's not one of the three deck archetypes. It really feels that I'm never going to win you over with this deck. I did take out Avatar of Fury, but I know even with all of the attempts at mana reductions and technically ramp it's still going to be slow. There's no ritual effects since that's not in the card pool, and we all know mono red can't do land ramp. Mono red can't draw cards good either, yet I feel like your acting like there's infinity better options in the card pool. Instead, can you suggest new cards instead of saying every change I make doesn't matter and is way too slow? Mono red is a difficult color to work with outside of aggro. There is a couple control cards, like Stranglehold(which is not even in the card pool), but it's not much. I know you're trying to help, but at this point it feels irritating and not really helping. Also I'll admit that Kamahl, Pit Fighter is kind of a pet card. But I could switch it out with a different card.

I know that I could put Gamble in the deck, but I feel that the list is tight enough. What I find odd about your arguments is that you note the use of sac lands, yet say that using Feldons Cane is no use. The point of Devastating Dreams is to draw cards to use it well. You also say that opponents will typically never get to seven lands, yet say it will hurt me more somehow. It does damage to each creature, and makes the both of us sac ideally all of our lands. Its also two red, which doesn't mess with the mana curve much. There is also a combo with that card and Mogg Maniac, but i already know you're going to say its not significant enough to do anything since theres no winning with you. It really feels like I'm talking to a brick wall. I know it's a flawed deck and I'm trying to do my best with it. With no ritual effects for red, no ramp, no decent card draw most of the time, I'm doing what I can. But I don't see you helping much other than saying how the mana curve sucks (which I know and trying to fix, yet you don't like it anyway.)

RiotRunner789 on Favorite EDH Cards

7 months ago

My favorite card is Grave Pact but that isn't quite niche. I don't seem to have as many oddball fun cards that I tend to play but there are a few oddball or less played ones at least.

Black: Koskun Falls is a favorite of mine. I prefer decks that do not attack, so the tapping is not a big downside. Tainted Remedy because it makes opponent's creatures with lifelink funny. Gift of Doom which doesn't use the stack when morphing which has come in handy more than once. Pestilence is one of my favorite black board wipes which typically is on my board with an indestructible creature. Dystopia since at least someone is playing Selesnya.

White: Peacekeeper because no means no. Aura of Silence use to be more niche but has seen some prominent reprints. Solid removal with a tax effect has tripped up more than one opponent. Mandate of Peace is a great fog and a counter spell in some situations. Underplayed.

Green: Hall of Gemstone for any monogreen deck. Had a blue player try to win on my endstep and about 5 minutes into their combo, I asked where there blue mana was coming from.

Orzhov: Batwing Brume has killed a few Kranko players for me and saved me several times.

Colorless: Null Brooch is just Isochron Scepter with Negate already attached. Arena of the Ancients is great for when my commander doesn't need to tap, or attack, or is played after this and has vigilance. Great card no one expects.

Red: Apocalypse or Jokulhaups for the hard reset. Stranglehold because blue players are the worst and tutoring takes too long.

Blue: Mana Vortex for the slow decent into hell.

capwner on

11 months ago

Cool Dorfs

Hall of the Bandit Lord seems like a fit both on flavor and mechanically! I also like Stranglehold a lot in mono red. Reiterate is reusable interaction since you're making loads of treasures hopefully. Heat Shimmer seems like it maaaaayyy be good based on some of the creatures I am seeing... oh yeah what's that treasure cascade cards... Rain of Riches!! :) Most of the other cards I'd play in mono red you're already running :) Nice!

trey12321 on Lathliss, the Hungry Queen

1 year ago

Azoth2099 thanks for the suggestions!

I think I'm more inclined to include rocks than rituals, I am a green player at heart and always prefer continual rather than burst ramp! Thran Dynamo is definitely one I'll be looking at, but I've also considered Heraldic Banner and Throne of Eldraine as solid options. The biggest issue I'm having is generally what to cut for them, the same issue I have for most of these options. Any suggestions there?

Treasonous Ogre isn't one I'd seen before, I'm definitely interested in that. Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip seems more relevant if I'm trying to cast more than 2 spells in a turn, which in most cases I'm not and even then, the payoff seems too small for what the deck does generally speaking, I.E. ramp into Lathliss, then overwhelm the field with every dragon dropped after. Even most of the artifacts and enchantments currently tend to have pretty immediate effect.

I do tend to prefer to have my lands hit the field, though, so Tectonic Reformation seems mostly situationally useful. I tend to need more land draws than action draws with my current high curve, as I'm usually only doing 1 or 2 spells a turn and they're 5-8 CMC. Gamble for sure I'll be looking into, but to be honest I don't regularly find myself looking for any specific cards in the deck, my Sarkhan's Triumph is usually just finding my Utvara Hellkite, so a "win-more" situation generally, but I could see using it particularly for something like Sol Ring early to ramp more consistently. For those same reasons I couldn't really see justifying Fervent Mastery or Reckless Handling. I like being able to plan, and the random discard would be bad enough with Gamble. And yeah, Imperial Recruiter is fantastic but not so much here.

Molten Echoes 100%, I totally spaced that one. Sneak Attack seems good as well but I'd been running in mostly casual circles so I hadn't seriously considered including it before. Mana Echoes=better Birgi? Absolutely interested in this one now, I'd forgotten it existed as well! I'll be honest though, the Underworld Breach+draw spells/wheels is definitely outside of my desired playstyle with the deck, I don't tend to need anything differently than what I have in hand other than making sure I have a good mix of mana/spells in practice. I am running the Blood Moon, mostly because I happened to open the fancy foil one! My playgroups don't tend to justify a Price of Glory and all of my cards tend to be about equal in value, so I don't mind a few getting countered here and there. It tends to be board wipes that are the most impactful to me, or repeated removal of Lathliss, Dragon Queen. Stranglehold does seem good though, I may pick one up.

As far as Universal Automaton, I avoid changelings where possible mostly due to personal preference. I play a lot of tribal decks and it always feels a bit like cheating haha. I use it in decks that want multiple tribes though, like Rin and Seri, Inseparable. I assume you suggest Wandering Archaic  Flip in monocolored to specifically cover what the chosen color can't do? I.E. a red deck and Naturalize? I could see it being good, but also giving my opponents the ability to choose doesn't tend to work out too well for me, they tend to focus fire me no matter the game because I play politics whether I'm ahead or behind.

Thanks again for the suggestions, and if you have ideas for what to take out please let me know!

Azoth2099 on Lathliss, the Hungry Queen

1 year ago


You need way more ramp in this list if you want it to be consistent with it's curve. Pyretic Ritual, Desperate Ritual, Seething Song & Battle Hymn are all great here. A few more rocks would do you some good as well, like Thran Dynamo & Basalt Monolith. The ones that you usually see in multicolor decks like Arcane Signet & Fellwar Stone are still pretty solid in monocolor builds that aren't .

Treasonous Ogre & Birgi, God of Storytelling  Flip are classic bangers that can help ramp you out, with the added benefit of pseudo card-draw on Birgi's flip side.

More card draw and tutors never hurts, either. Tectonic Reformation is pretty nice here since you're running so many lands, & Gamble is one of the best tutors in the game. Fervent Mastery is worth considering, but can obviously be especially punishing for non-graveyard decks. Reckless Handling is pretty nice if you're running some dank artifacts, which you are! Imperial Recruiter is another classic that I wouldn't necessarily recommend for this iteration of your list, but may come in handy later.

Other enchantments to consider here in my opinion are Molten Echoes, Sneak Attack & Mana Echoes as grease for your deck engine. Running Underworld Breach would allow you to more comfortably run draw pieces like Faithless Looting, Thrill of Possibility, Cathartic Reunion, Tormenting Voice, Wheel of Fortune, Magus of the Wheel & Wheel of Misfortune. Also certain stax pieces like Blood Moon, Price of Glory & Stranglehold to help shut down whatever your opponents are trying to do.

Universal Automaton seems like great value here as well, but I could understand not including it. Wandering Archaic  Flip on the other hand I would 100% recommend for any & all monocolor decks.

Good luck refining your list!

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