Rest in Peace

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rest in Peace


When Rest in Peace enters the battlefield, exile all cards from all graveyards.

If a card or token would be put into a graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.

hootsnag on Oloro White Blue Black Creatureless Control V2

1 week ago

I am moving away from counterspells that can't target creatures. I left in Dovin's Veto only because it can't be countered. If there were more counterspells that countered all spells and only cost 2 or less, I would add them. I own an original Legends Mana Drain and it's in my Oloro deck now. I had to make a choice with Rest in Peace. I decided to cut it because I wanted to be able to return cards out of my graveyard. I didn't like the graveyard exiling version of this deck so I reverted it and improved the win conditions. I don't currently run enough enchantments for Hall of Heliod's Generosity to be useful. As long as I am able to keep Soldevi Digger and Planar Portal in play, I can return ANY type of card from my graveyard back to my hand. Academy Ruins makes sure that can happen as often as needed. We will always disagree with Reflecting Pool. I cannot afford to draw it in my opening hand as my only land in this deck. It's an instant mulligan. I considered every single land currently printed in magic that can tap for any color. I decided against Glimmervoid and a few others a long time ago. I don't want artifact removal also destroying my land. It's not a good plan. Archway of Innovation is a great land for heavy artifact decks but not for this deck. Most of my artifacts tap for more mana than I would get from using it or have other abilities and need to be untapped to use. The only other card I'm still debating on adding is Isochron Scepter. I may still cut something for it. Run a few playtests with this so you can really see why I made the choices I did. You'll understand more then. Also, I'm preparing to make a different version of this deck with Sivitri, Dragon Master as the commander.

SufferFromEDHD on Oloro White Blue Black Creatureless Control V2

1 week ago

Ok, what's the thinking behind Deprive? Big fan of this card but I'm not seeing how it fits into this specific strategy. Lands don't matter and you can't ramp. Do you own Mana Drain? Made for ramping into artifacts.

Energy Field this card is oozing with nostalgia for me but with Rest in Peace cut you have no way of turning off the bad trigger. Perhaps Hall of Heliod's Generosity for easy recursion of it and your other scary stax pieces that will be major targets?

Those two rainbow lands still stand out like a sore thumb. We will agree to disagree on Reflecting Pool. What about Glimmervoid?

Archway of Innovation potential new toy. Turn your stax pieces into mana rocks.

Last_Laugh on Marchesa the Black Rose - Sacrifices must be made!

1 month ago

Not a bad start, but I do have several suggestions for you. I'll keep things budget friendly and break it down by category.

Finisher: Gray Merchant of Asphodel will end games. With alternate sources of +1+1 counters the lifegain doesn't matter at all. Even with an expensive Marchesa build, this is my #1 go-to finisher.

Alternate +1+1 Counter Sources: Vigean Graftmage is really good here. It comes down before and immediately protects Marchesa and it's 2 free sacs on each player's turn (itself plus 1 other). Sage of Fables likewise immediately protects Marchesa and allows you to abuse any wizard etb/death triggers every turn. Unspeakable Symbol is one you use in response to removal targeting anything without a counter (don't proactively put counters on everyone).

Card Draw: Grim Haruspex is easily your 2nd best draw engine here behind Danny Pink. Liliana's Standard Bearer will draw cards for everything that died the turn Marchesa returns it. Plumb the Forbidden helps you dodge non-destroy wraths (instant speed and pseudo dodging counterspells makes this card). Lethal Scheme helps you surprise protect up to 4 creatures without counters without tapping lands and to remove a creature while drawing some cards.

Enchantment Removal: Cards like Solemnity and Rest in Peace are the bane of Marchesa. Don't get caught with your pants down... Chaos Warp, Feed the Swarm, and Canoptek Tomb Sentinel are your only 3 realistic options and ALL 3 deserve spots.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas, I've had her built for about 9 years straight now so if you have any question, shoot. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated (especially Marchesa since it'd be upvote #200 lol). Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

Last_Laugh on Marchesa, the Black Rose

1 month ago

This is a good start, but I have several suggestions for you. I'll keep things budget friendly, break it down by card function, and if you'd like I can help suggest some cuts too.

Enchantment Removal: So you don't get caught with your pants down against effects like Solemnity/Rest in Peace. Feed the Swarm, Chaos Warp, and Canoptek Tomb Sentinel all deserve spots.

Alternate +1+1 Counter Sources: Sage of Fables/Vigean Graftmage come down before and immediately protect Marchesa. Sage let's you abuse any other wizard etb/death triggers every turn and Vigean allows you to abuse any 1 etb/death trigger (itself plus 1 other). Spark Double either copies Marchesa so they protect your board better and give double Dethrone triggers or it copies your best etb/death trigger every turn. Thran Vigil only works on your turn but works wonders here. Anduril, Narsil Reforged/Metallic Mimic are also great options but aren't as budget friendly (just sac Mimic to rename a creature type to whatever is most abuseable the time).

Card Draw: Danny Pink is a little more expensive but is absolutely nuts here. Lethal Scheme is card draw and surprise protection for anything without counters. Plumb the Forbidden in response to most non-destroy wraths will win games.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. I run the same etb/death trigger abuse strat and have had Marchesa built for about 9 years now so if you have any questions, shoot. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated (especially since it'd be upvote #200!). Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

DMFF on Black and White Soul Sisters - MODERN

1 month ago

Firstly, welcome to the MTG community! Modern is definitely a more hostile format, but Soul Sisters can hold their own, especially in Orzhov. One of my close friends in my "close friends playgroup" built his own rendition of Orzhov Soul Sisters as well and it can certainly give any aggro deck a run for its money. Since Lifegain is more of a Control-esque strategy, I do have a few suggestions for your main and side:

Main: - Fatal Push, Solitude (ik a little more expensive, but so so good), or Path to Exile for cheap/"free" removal of onboard threats. I would cut 2-3 copies of March of Otherworldly Light since it requires more resources, but can be great in the mid/late game.

  • Guide of Souls, the new Soul Brother! (It could be called Soul Siblings!) This card is a more powerful version of the Soul Sisters, so I definitely recommend running 4x of this card once it drops in MH3. I would drop the 4x Auriok Champion for this due to the lower mana cost and higher power level.

  • Thoughtseize is a great handrip card and the -2 life is barely noticeable in your build. Until you pick up any copies, I would move Inquisition of Kozilek into your main board for better control and knowledge of your opponent's gameplan right from game 1. I would also suggest a combination of both of these cards in your mainboard to equal 6 total. My wife runs 3 of each in her own rendition of the meta Yawgmoth deck.

  • I would cut the Ghost Quarters for Field of Ruin, reduce them to 2 or 3 copies and move them to your mainboard, cutting some basic lands. My wife actually runs this in her mainboard to mess with greedy manabases to great success.

Side: - Having both Sanctifier en-Vec & Rest in Peace is a bit redundant. I would personally cut them both and replace with 3 or 4 Leyline of the Void to have a good chance of hurting Graveyard strategies before turn 1 even starts. Keep all the Surgical Extractions in though because it is great targeted GY removal that can outright cripple decks.

Hopefully this will be helpful for you, let me know if you have any questions!

wallisface on Black and White Soul Sisters - MODERN

2 months ago

With the upcoming Mh3, there’s two cards you may want to consider fitting into this brew: Sorin of House Markov  Flip, and Guide of Souls.

I really strongly feel like your mainboard needs 22 (maybe even 23?) lands instead of 21.

As far as your sideboard goes, it feels like you are particularly weak to the opponents interaction and/or combo strategies. In that vein i’d run something like:


In relation to some of the cards already in your sideboard selection, i’d suggest against them for the following reasons:

  • Stony Silence doesn’t do enough to artifacts decks, as many don’t use activated abilities too often - namely this hurts Scales, but not-really Affinity.

  • Inquisition of Kozilek is good against control and some kinds of combo. But only being able to hit 3-or-less mana makes this awkward against both. Combo decks you should already have answers for with my above suggestions. I don’t see this deck beating control whatever it does, so i don’t think there’s point trying to fight it with this card.

  • Kor Firewalker is only useful versus burn. Your deck should have absolutely no problem beating burn naturally, so this isn’t needed.

  • Sanctifier en-Vec feels like overkill if you’re already running Rest in Peace. Furthermore, it’s more red-hate in a deck already generally positioned well against a lot if red gameplans

  • Ghost Quarter i’m not sure why you’re running this? I assume for tron, but this really won’t slow them down enough to matter, and is more likely to mess with your own tempo.

  • Surgical Extraction is generally only good versus combo, but requires being in a deck with a LOT if ways to force discard/mill so you can reliably exile what you need to.

scottbaker91 on Zur the Enchanter Stax

3 months ago

Some of my favorite Zur Combos are: Teferi, Hero of Dominaria + Stasis // Solitary Confinement + Necropotence // Rest in Peace + Energy Field // Stasis + Azor's Elocutors // Basalt Monolith + Power Artifact // Winter Orb + Mind Over Matter

Sunder, Armageddon, Death Cloud will send your opponents back to the stone age while you fish out more enchants and punch them to death with Zur

Mana Breach, Mana Vortex, Oppression, Overburden are must have stax cards for Zur. The enchantments / creatures that keep your opponents from drawing or casting more than 1 spell per turn are really solid for stax ex: Arcane Laboratory, Spirit of the Labyrinth. Notion Thief + wheels will leave your opponent with 0 cards

Spellskite, Vanishing, Diplomatic Immunity, Steel of the Godhead, Mind Over Matter are all S tier for Zur

Approach of the Second Sun for another easy win con

Have fun crushing your opponents soul

TheoryCrafter on Fuck it, late Outlaw of …

3 months ago

My thoughts:

Wasn't underwhelming. A little disappointed Kellan was still naive even after spending all that time on Ravnica. I get it. Its his father. But when Kellan had to go searching the multiverse for him one would think there'd be enough sense to approach with caution. Jace being the big bad for this one was a nice twist. In reading the story I found it a little odd Vraska was conversing with Ashiok and not Malcolm and Breeches but since Jace was in disguise it makes sense. I liked how all the villains interacted with one another. As much as Rakdos allowing someone to ride him again after telling Gideon it wouldn't was a nice gag, I hope it doesn't become a recurring one. It would only take away from his menacing persona.
The epilogue was awesome for sending Jace and Vraska to Vryn, and explains Jace and Vraska's morality over the course of the story. However I hope whatever they have planned doesn't make him a permanent big bad.

About the cards:

I wanted Kellan to be another adventure card. That would have made a great commander clash. Hoefully the people at mtggoldfish do it anyway.

2 mana Jace. Leyline of Anticipation just made Jace Tribal dangerous. Speaking of Dangerous, Rest in Peace and Torpor Orb are now Standard legal due to The Big Score.

If you run a Flashback deck on Commander, Legacy or Vintage, be sure to find a spot for Forger's Foundrys. Once you cast the spell from the graveyard using the mana from this card, you can activate the non mana ability and turn it on into a combo loop.

You can tell from the art in Smuggler's Surprise someone visited Theros.

I think Vraska Joins Up will eventually provide redundancy for, or replace, Archetype of Finality in a lotta decks. Mainly due to mana costs.

I don't know where Deepmuck Desperado is going, but into at least one of my decks.

When building decks with the desert lands with the etb 1 damage triggers, if yer running black, be sure to consider Piranha Marsh.

If you build a commander deck around the new Eriette card be sure to add Willbreaker for redundancy.

No commander cards giving griffins, horses, pegususes and/or unicorns mount. Why did they even bother with it?

What is the point of having a plot ability that costs more than the spell's mana value?

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