Arcane Signet

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Arcane Signet


: Add one mana of any colour in your commander's colour identity.

DreadKhan on Uril Test Deck jtneal92

1 day ago

I'm not sure how fast you usually end games, but I love Field of the Dead in my Voltron decks, it's ability to generate blockers is usually very relevant by the time it's active. It's best in a Green deck, where you often run land ramp effects over stuff like Arcane Signet, but technically if you fetch Jetmir's Garden it'll still enter tapped, and Signet doesn't, I just hate stuff like Vandalblast wiping me out, they price the effect so low. Anyways, if you wanted to run Field of the Dead, you would probably switch out 1 of each Basic for a Snow-Covered version (you'd only need 3, so it's not a big investment), these have a different name and can help turn on Field! Other things that might help Field work are Crop Rotation, since you run Ancient Tomb (and Sanctum!) I think this is a must anyways, Open the Way is a truly great ramp effect, Farseek is another spell that can find a typed dual or tri, the only thing it can't find is a Basic forest, which is usually fine when you've already got Green in my experience. Considering you're using some pretty strong lands I would consider Hour of Promise, it's a Primeval Titan trigger for less mana, but you just get the one. With lands this good getting two of them should give you a pretty big edge. Into the North can find a Snow land, which would help in a Field of the Dead deck. I suspect with a 5 mana Commander your deck will run smoother if you could find space for a few more lands, up to you obviously but I do suggest a few lands you could consider. At the same time I'd also toss in a few more ramp effects, Green has some good ones, ones that survive the board wipes people will be tutoring up vs a deck like this!

If you're on Serra Sanctum, I feel like mentioning a few cards I like to use with it, to eek out a bit more value. Ruin Ghost can flicker it and generate a bunch of mana, as can Nature's Chosen (which is even an Enchantment!), you might even look at Deserted Temple (probably the worst option all told). Kessig Wolf Run is a card I don't run with Sanctum (I don't have Red i that deck), but plays very well with large amounts of mana, and if you're stuck playing vs a guy that keeps wiping your board. I'm always impressed by it's ability to generate a threat from a weenie, I imagine it'll be more effective with your Commander. Normally I run Wolf Run as much for Trample as the buff, but you do have a lot of Trample sources in here.

Oh yeah, I just remembered a weird trick I like to use in a Boros deck (it was desperate for card draw and I didn't want to spend even more), I settled on using Crown of Flames and Flickering Ward as auras that I could recast over and over. You could also use Whip Silk if you wanted, but the only one of those that seems worth the include in a deck this competitive is Ward, which can make you very hard to block vs some boards, but I think you'd mostly have it to trigger your Enchantress cards.

DarkKiridon on Is Staff of Completion a …

1 week ago

Just replace them with a mana rock or something. By glancing at your Atraxa deck you could use an Arcane Signet.

Also just spitballing here but... Otherworld Atlas is terrible.

Azoth2099 on Disa the restless [high power]

1 week ago

Nice base! But if you want to consistently get a 3-pip 5-drop commander on the board in a reasonable time frame, you're going to need more rocks for sure. Arcane Signet, Fellwar Stone, and your guild Talismans like Talisman of Indulgence will go a long way here. I'd also recommend more rituals like Dark Ritual, Culling the Weak, Burnt Offering & Sacrifice. Tons of value!

AstroAA on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem

2 weeks ago

RiotRunner789 you are 100% in the right and I am an idiot for completely forgetting about Arcane Signet over Marble Diamond, haha. This is why I get other people to look at the deck for me; so they can see things I've missed!

RiotRunner789 on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem

2 weeks ago

Land Tax would be the best addition. You could also consider Deep Gnome Terramancer since he can potentially get you multiple lands per turn cycle (or potentially nothing but same if you have the most lands for a ton of white cards).

You could consider swapping out Marble Diamond with any other 2 cost rock that doesn't enter tapped. There's Arcane Signet and Fellwar Stone for white or Everflowing Chalice if you end up having more than 2 mana you can spend.

TheOfficialCreator on Plus one counters

2 weeks ago

This is a good first deck! If I may suggest some budget additions:

  • Arcane Signet and Sol Ring are must-haves for any commander deck. Once you have them, they'll probably go in every deck you have or will ever make.

  • Horseshoe Crab is weird to have in this deck, especially since there aren't any combo enablers with it in the deck. Something like Experiment One would be a lot cooler and fit the synergy of the deck a bit.

Looking forward to seeing how this evolves (pun intended)

DemonDragonJ on Selesnya's Voice

3 weeks ago

Please forgive the triple post, but there is no logical reason to choose Selesnya Signet over Arcane Signet, unless you wish to avoid using such a cliched and common card.

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