Runic Armasaur

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Runic Armasaur

Creature — Dinosaur

Whenever an opponent activates an ability of a creature or land that isn't a mana ability, you may draw a card.

jdogz32 on Triassic Trample

1 year ago

If your looking to draw more cards Ripjaw Raptor or Runic Armasaur are good places to start. I'm not sold on some of your choices like Regisaur Alpha or Giant Cindermaw if you want early pressure from a dino you'd be better off with Rotting Regisaur or something of that ilk. I think this deck would benefit from adding Cryptolith Rite can turn those early game dino Mana dorks into even more Mana. And wallisface is right you definitely need some form of Interaction or you'll lose every game to decks faster than yours.

Azoth2099 on Green/Black toxic/proliferate need recommendations

1 year ago


Blightsteel Colossus, Spinebiter & Phyrexian Swarmlord don't really do much for the mana investment imo. Runic Armasaur on the other hand could potentially draw you a bunch of cards per game!

Also, is there a particular reason you haven't included Flux Channeler? It's a work horse of a card in this deck imo.

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Sekki, Ghost Piñata

1 year ago

This, I like this. First of all, I had no idea you could use Sekki like that. +1 from me

Some suggestions for the two problems you want help with:

Early game: One thing you could do is run a bunch of mana dorks. All the Llanowar Elves variants will help you ramp into Sekki faster, give you early creatures to equip Sword of the Animist and Mask of Memory onto, and will make green draw spells like Shamanic Revelation more useful if you haven't been able to make spirits off Sekki.

Card Draw: Green has some fairly strong card draw options for a go tall strategy that you could still consider in Harmonize, Rishkar's Expertise, Momentous Fall, Runic Armasaur, Ohran Frostfang, Hunter's Insight, Soul's Majesty, and Hunter's Prowess.

SirArevacoso on A Big Box of Chocolates

2 years ago

Hi, thefiresoflurve

True that Growing Ranks seems too slow, I removed it earlier but forgot to save the edit XD

I'm not 100% on board with Runic Armasaur because I have mostly only creatures I would be "happy" to pull almost anytime. But Wolverine Riders seems certainly interesting, because while it doesn't make eggs, I have some mechanisms to turn everything into eggs, so it wouldn't be a bad pull. Plus, I have some cards that generate some value with creature sac. On a different note: an all the deck versions that I have tested and in around 15 games, card draw only served me if I was royally screwed with my commander, if I had egg game going on I almost never played things from hand, so not super worried about card draw for now.

Idol of Oblivion and Pyrohemia seem like fire suggestions, apart from the fact that I wanted to cut artifacts and enchantments to add more removal.


thefiresoflurve on A Big Box of Chocolates

2 years ago

Looks a little bit light on sac outlets:

Pyrohemia would be great as a "sac outlet" to sweep your board clear of eggs, and also do some bonus control against your opponents. It also happens to synergize really well with the Enrage mechanic (which you aren't running a lot of, but it's a bonus still).

Idol of Oblivion was made for Atla Palani, excellent draw card here.

Having played Trostani Populate as an edh deck before, in my opinion Growing Ranks is just too slow to be worth it. Depending on your table, Runic Armasaur or Shapers' Sanctuary might be good cards to up your draw power some more. Wolverine Riders is also another possibility if you want more token generation in that slot (note: each upkeep), but it can't make eggs.

Kaymico on Jurassic Dreadnoughts (Naya dinosaur/ramp)

2 years ago

Heres a list of things that went through my mind looking at the deck. They are not recommended or necessary but should bee seen as different view on your deck. Who knows maybe you'll find something interesting.

Gishath, Sun's Avatar, Etali, Primal Storm and Ghalta, Primal Hunger feel very odd. Those cards only "win more" and dont contribute to the deck the way constructed is playing out. If u can stick Gishath, Sun's Avatar or Carnage Tyrant the game should be over in 2-3 turns anyways. Your damage trigger will best case reduce it to 2 turns consistently. Ghalta, Primal Hunter needs a lot of power already on the board which indicates you're winning already, making it a bit redundant. And Etali, Primal Storm is fun to play with but considering cards commonly played in pioneer wont do much in a duel.

Switch Shifting Ceratops with Zetalpa, Primal Dawn because Zetalpa is the stronger game 1 threat

I would also Remove Otepec Huntmaster and add some protection or land based ramp

if you only use half the amounts of Regisaur Alpha you could include Relentless Raptor if you want more early game

It also would'nt Hurt to include some early Sweepers like Crush the Weak or Cinderclasm against aggro decks

Some very good dinosaurs to consider:

Deathgorge Scavenger;Rampaging Ferocidon;Ripjaw Raptor;Runic Armasaur

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