Regisaur Alpha

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Regisaur Alpha

Creature — Dinosaur

Other Dinosaurs you control have haste.

When Regisaur Alpha enters the battlefield, create a 3/3 green Dinosaur creature token with trample.

Valengeta on Triassic Trample

11 months ago

wallisface and jdogz32 the deck feels much smoother now, with consistent dinosaurs by turn 3-4. Regisaur Alpha provides board presence with disposable dinos and valuable Haste. The tokens contribute to Quartzwood Crasher's ability to produce more powerful tokens and can even Convoke for Ancient Imperiosaur.

I've brought back Birds of Paradise to the mainboard

I predict good synergy in Domri, Anarch of Bolas with this deck, might give him a try

Thanks for all your help so far!

jdogz32 on Triassic Trample

11 months ago

I'd keep birds of paradise. Having something to drop on turn one can't be understated especially with this deck. He's also an additional flyer. I'd take out Regisaur Alpha your deck is already heavy we don't need an unnecessary 5 drop. I'd consider adding Domri, Anarch of Bolas he's a form of ramp and interaction if you need it. I'm also not sold on Quartzwood Crasher I just think he's more of a casual card IMO. I also think it might be worth looking into Is Klothys, God of Destiny for your sideboard as some graveyard hate. Hope this helps.

wallisface on Triassic Trample

11 months ago

it does look a lot better, though doing some playtesting it feels a little slow - the fastest you can realistically get a big dino into play is turn 4, and I think you want to be trying to be able to present a threat on turn 3. I'd drop the Regisaur Alpha to bring the Birds of Paradise back into the deck.

Valengeta on Triassic Trample

11 months ago

wallisface and jdogz32 I've decided it's best to drop White for more land consistency, and then made a few changes:

I'm hoping to have made the deck better. What do you think?

jdogz32 on Triassic Trample

11 months ago

If your looking to draw more cards Ripjaw Raptor or Runic Armasaur are good places to start. I'm not sold on some of your choices like Regisaur Alpha or Giant Cindermaw if you want early pressure from a dino you'd be better off with Rotting Regisaur or something of that ilk. I think this deck would benefit from adding Cryptolith Rite can turn those early game dino Mana dorks into even more Mana. And wallisface is right you definitely need some form of Interaction or you'll lose every game to decks faster than yours.

Licecolony on NayaDinos

1 year ago

I'd add 6 or so lands. There's just not near enough there. It also seems you're expecting a really long game with cards to reshuffle stuff into your library and gain life. You start at 40 health. If you're taking that much damage, the extra 5 here or there aren't saving you. And reshuffling cards from the graveyard into the library is only going to be useful if you're playing against a mill deck or you somehow draw your entire deck. Both somewhat uncommon situations.

Cards under $3 that you might consider:
Nature's Lore
Rishkar's Expertise
Rampant Growth
Kodama's Reach
Colossal Majesty
Return of the Wildspeaker
Beast Within
Nature's Claim
Thunderfoot Baloth
Rootweaver Druid
Reclamation Sage
Cathar Commando
Knight of Autumn
Qasali Pridemage
Thrashing Brontodon
Ranging Raptors
Regisaur Alpha
Shifting Ceratops
Territorial Hammerskull
Territorial Allosaurus
Topiary Stomper
Atzocan Seer
Tribal Forcemage
Naya Charm
Road of Return
Boros Charm

Cards that I would call easily expendable:
Looming Altisaur
Imperial Ceratops
Wilderness Reclamation
Verdant Haven
Gift of Paradise
Fertile Ground
Oketra's Last Mercy
Rolling Thunder
Serene Remembrance
Elixir of Immortality
Oketra's Monument
Alhammarret's Archive
Sanguine Sacrament
Slice in Twain
Enter the Unknown
Boros Signet
Gruul Signet
Selesnya Signet

lhetrick13 on

1 year ago

zigail - Creature cheat is something excels in...casting big stompy creatures for less or for free is a solid plan so your concept is not bad. All wallisface and I are saying is that this deck is not optimized for this strategy specifically for for Modern play because Modern is just such a harsh and angry format.

Essentially your whole deck hinges on your opening MUST have at least 2-3 lands in your opening hand, hope you draw 1-2 more in the next few turns, and hope you either start with or draw Treefolk Harbinger, Bosk Banneret, and Leaf-Crowned Elder within the first few turns...which wallisface has pointed out even if all that works out, Leaf-Crowned Elder has no built in protection and you have no ability to provide any. So this crucial lynchpin and all the setup can be complete undone by a simple removal spell, likely staling your deck entirely.

I run a deck that is "similar" to this concept of building around a single creature (Beyond the Grave (Abzan)) as it is built around Haakon, Stromgald Scourge's ability to reanimate knight creatures. Excluding the lands, the other creatures, and 4x copies of Haakon, the rest of the cards are usually focused around finding Haakon and getting him into play as soon as possible. This is done via cards like Collected Company, Eldritch Evolution, Finale of Devastation, Pyre of Heroes, Aether Vial, etc...The point I am making is that the deck has so many ways to fetch Haakon or any knight I may need really. Adding additional ways to "force" your strategy will help your deck be much more consistent. As it is right now, the ideal combo you mentioned in your comment will be pretty rare and most times, this deck will struggle to find a board presence.

Other than adding cards to help fetch Leaf-Crowned Elder more consistently, I think adding some ramp to help cast those big treefolk earlier or adding in additional ways to accelerate the deck by lowering the mana cost of those treefolk would go a long ways. An example of accelerating a deck built around big stompy creatures with mild ramp or lowering creature cost that I can provide is my dino themed deck Spared No Expense!!!. 8 cards lower the cost of dinosaurs and then I have 7 others that provide me some ramp making it so I can cast things like Regisaur Alpha or Trapjaw Tyrant on turn 3. This makes it so that despite having a >3.5 CMC, the deck is very consistent and fast. I know you mentioned you want to hit more on the creature cheat ability of Leaf-Crowned Elder but just food for thought on ways I feel the deck could potentially be improved.

Good luck and happy brewing, hope some of the material I mentioned was helpful!

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