Carnage Tyrant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Carnage Tyrant

Creature — Dinosaur

This spell can't be countered.

Trample (This creature can deal excess combat damage to the player, planeswalker or battle this is attacking if lethal combat damage would be dealt to all blocking creatures.)

Hexproof (It can't be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control.)

wallisface on How Are Red, Black, and …

1 month ago

In addition to the excellent points legendofa already made, anti-countermagic cards exist like Veil of Summer, Carnage Tyrant, Cavern of Souls etc.

Of course playing smartly/strategically, as already mentioned above, gives countermagic a rough time - but failing that there are these cards available for a blunter-approach.

wallisface on Why is Squad a Cast …

5 months ago

DemonDragonJ to reply:

  • I used Carnage Tyrant as a example of when a card is too hard to interact with and turns the game into a "who ramps first" format. If you had seen this in Standard at the time, it was a menace. To my knowledge Zacama, Primal Calamity never made any dent in Standard. And, while Zacama, Primal Calamity might be strong in commander, it is a bad example for this conversation because it both dies to countermagic and to most other forms of board-interaction - so doesn't apply to what we're actually discussing here - which is that interaction needs to remain relevant/powerful to maintain game balance.

  • Your comment on "I feel that no singular card should ever be so powerful as to win a game on its own" - firstly, games of magic have to end, and this card has a ton of ways to get disrupted, so is by no means a silver-bullet. Secondly, the rules changes you're advocating above would certainly turn a bunch of Squad cards into "singular cards that win games on their own". So I think you need to pick a side of the fence here.

DemonDragonJ on Why is Squad a Cast …

5 months ago

wallisface, Carnage Tyrant is simply a beater, but Zacama has three very powerful abilities that can be used repeatedly; I was playing an EDH game against a player who had a deck with Zacama as their general, and the game was fairly even until that player summoned Zacama, after which, they proceeded to dominate, and then win, the game, so I feel that no singular card should ever be so powerful as to win a game on its own.

wallisface on Why is Squad a Cast …

5 months ago

DemonDragonJ firstly it should be noted that some cards provide exceptions to the rules -but that doesn’t mean that they’re setting a precedence. Secondly, Zacama, Primal Calamity is not a very good example for this, as you still lose all your mana to the opponent using a Counterspell. A better example would be Carnage Tyrant, which at the time of printing caused all-manor of havoc to standard when it was printed - and made numerous archetypes unplayable… it was an issue design-wise (there’s a reason we haven’t seen anything printed this egregious since), and not something that Wotc would want to print en-masse (they’d especially want to avoid stapling such a game warping effect to an ability)

TheoryCrafter on Mill

6 months ago

From the looks of this deck you've done a good job with mana efficiency.

Also, its important to remember the color identity rule. I'm a little spotty on multi-colored lands, but Nihil Spellbomb and Simic Locket could be seen as a violation of the rule.

With Bruvac as your commander, redundancy in instant win plays is important. Which is why I recommend adding Cut Your Losses and Fleet Swallower.

You've done good putting in cards that mill each opponent. This will help get around spells and abilities that give your opponents hexproof. With all the draw spells, may I recommend adding Psychic Corrosion? This will mill each opponent as you draw. In fact, if you add Jace's Archivist it will not only feed into Psychic Corrosion, but Fraying Sanity as well. In which case you may also want to consider adding Mystic Redaction to your deck.

Also, with your desire for Counter spells, you may want to look for spots for Countermand, Didn't Say Please, and Thought Collapse. While you cannot counter a card like Carnage Tyrant, you can still target the spell and force the spell's controller to mill.

At this stage keep Into the Roil in your deck for as long as you can. Outside of counter spells, this will be your best defense against Wheel of Sun and Moon. May I also suggest Nevinyrral's Disk? Not only is it another way to deal with Wheel of Sun and Moon, but also serves as a board wipe.

Also, I'd highly recommend Drowned Secrets since you're running a mono blue deck.

If at some point you choose to shift some of your deck towards more creatures, may I recommend Persistent Petitioners? With Bruvac also being an advisor, you can give him something to do other than sit around and be a target. And at 3 toughness, each copy can buy you some time against a battlefield of 4/4 tramplers. It would also give you the added bonus of giving your commander some protection from spells that would cause it to goad.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

Valengeta on Triassic Trample

11 months ago

wallisface and jdogz32 I've decided it's best to drop White for more land consistency, and then made a few changes:

I'm hoping to have made the deck better. What do you think?

Valengeta on Triassic Trample

11 months ago

wallisface and jdogz32 I've decided it's best to drop White for more land consistency, and then made a few changes:

I'm hoping to have made the deck better. What do you think?

wallisface on Triassic Trample

11 months ago

jdogz32 yeah your playtesting looks like its aligned with all my previous suspicions.


  • deck needs 24 lands.

  • Hunter's Insight and Cryptolith Rite are bad cards.

  • i hadn’t mentioned it before now cause i hadn’t done the math, but sounds like better ramp is needed to consistently & quickly reach 6 mana. Maybe (probably) Carnage Tyrant should only be a 2-of

On Ripjaw Raptor, it does have s way yo damage itself, via Tail Swipe

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