Arcane Denial

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Arcane Denial


Counter target spell. Its controller may draw up to two cards at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep.

You draw a card at the beginning of the next turn's upkeep.

builderboy7 on Priority Rules

2 weeks ago

In a commander game, player A casts Opt and player B casts Arcane Denial targeting Opt, player A then responds by casting An Offer You Can't Refuse to counter the Arcane Denial, could the stack begin resolving the spell An Offer You Can't Refuse to counter Arcane Denial giving player B two treasures to then cast a Counterspell? From my current comprehension of how priority works in a commander, there is no time to interact with the stack after the stack begins resolving but am I wrong?

DreadKhan on Sisay- CEDH Build

2 months ago

I'm not sure if you should be running that many guild Signets, why not just run more Green ramp that is better at fixing your mana? Artifacts do better in cEDH than more casual games, but you'll be feeding Dockside. I'd even run Talismans over Signets if you feel desperate for 2 mana rocks, Talisman of Indulgence is a more useful card in most situations than Rakdos Signet. Also Fellwar Stone exists fwiw.

Similarly, I'm not sure if you should run ETB tapped Fetches in a cEDH deck, but I will admit the fixing is nice. Stuff like Rocky Tar Pit belong in more casual games, at least in my experience.

I can see you have tons of combos in here, but I can't help but mention Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, she synergizes incredibly well with Sisay, Emiel and a Haste source (like Samut), usually netting you infinite mana and as many cards as you want (by flickering your Sisay, who should be the strongest creature). I only mention it because I think you've got everything Selvala needs to work, and she's a Legendary mana dork that can make any colours of mana.

If you're hoping to play cEDH I would recommend you run at least a couple Counters, some relatively affordable ones (that still hit relevant stuff reliably) are Swan Song, An Offer You Can't Refuse, and maybe Pact of Negation or even Flusterstorm. If these are too pricey you can also try Arcane Denial or Dispel. I would definitely run Dispel over Lightning Greaves in a deck like this, people don't run Sorcery speed answers very often in cEDH, so they'll just wait until you're going to equip the Greaves and then Swords you.

Do you have a plan for Opposition Agent? I feel like if people resolve one you're going to be having a very bad time, unless I'm missing a bunch of removal, and people love Oppo in cEDH. You might consider some of the more versatile removal options, stuff like Generous Gift, Stroke of Midnight, and Beast Within can hit pretty near anything you need gone.

eyes2sky on Lose Your Illusion (Minn EDH)

3 months ago

Like you said maybe you have too much ramp...I would replace some of it with more control and removal spells like Arcane Denial and Pongify. (It looks like you currently have about 4 of those kind of spells). Cyclonic Rift or similar effects would be huge for this deck.

Profet93 on Azami, Lady of Sudden Victory

6 months ago


Sadly, cEDH is not my scene. From what little I know, Concentrate is not good for cEDH given you're paying 4 mana to draw 3 cards when your commander already draws cards at instant speed rather than sorcery speed.

Ancient Tomb > Temple of false

Fierce Guardianship/Force of Will/Misdirection - Free counterspell

Mana Crypt/Jeweled Lotus - Ramp

What is the purpose of Perpetual Timepiece?

Counterspell, Arcane Denial, Mana Drain > Desertion

Mind Stone > Chromatic lantern. Lantern's benefit is for multi-color decks, not mono. Coalition Relic also fits the 3cmc slot and is colored mana if you really want something similar yet better. But mindstone comes down more quickly and can be draw when you don't need it so it usually sees more play

Your avg cmc is relatively high for cEDH. Might want to bring it closer to 3.20. I can give you ideas for more cuts should you wish.

DreadKhan on Chun Li, Countless Kicks and …

7 months ago

Unfortunately they must be cast immediately upon resolution of her attack trigger. Kinda annoying if you want to abuse something like Arcane Denial, but they were pretty careful about these Drop Commanders.

wolfhead on Modern Horizons 3 Predictions/Wishlist

11 months ago

I've been hoping for fireblast for a few horizons now,

With all the free spells in modern now, why the hell not.

Would Goblin Welder be too far?

I think another free creature like one of the kobolds or Phyrexian Walker would be interesting.

The Fiery Confluence cycle would be cool and I don't think would affect much,

(I'm basically using that as a placeholder because there's been a couple commander-product cards printed over the last few years I've thought would be cool in modern but I can't remember any of them right now)

I would love to see pyroblast but I don't know if they'll feel obligated to print hydro too,

Personally, I would also love to see an interesting combo piece like Helm of Obedience,

And maybe something weird for combo/control like Arcane Denial.

I think a second Gravecrawler might be interesting and hopefully wouldn't lead to superlong turns,

I would LOVE a two-mana Doran, the Siege Tower more than any other card,

I think a strictly-better Wild Nacatl / Kird Ape wouldn't hurt nobody,

And I think Chain Lightning would be sweet.

I KIND of want that legacy infect spell that gains the opponent life, but that might be too far. Maybe Berserk? Deaths shadow wouldn't mind

I think there's design space for a bauble-like enchantment, but unholy heat kind of ruined that.

An electromancer with ward would be sweet, but wizards would never encourage storm gameplay so maybe with the text "you can only cast two spells a turn"?

Also, I think back to basics would be awesome, I don't care what would happen.

jonjonhholt on Jace's Groundhog Day

11 months ago

Arcane Denial is in ur sb right now but it was what immediately came to my mind as a way to make your opponent draw cards as some of the pauper-legal group hug draw effects can be a little underwhelming at times

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