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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Scry 2, then draw a card. (To scry 2, look at the top two cards of your library, then put any number of them on the bottom of your library and the rest on top in any order.)

Paya on Dimir Midrange/Control

3 weeks ago

Hi. Since you have 3x Murktide Regent maybe could be more useful to play Consider instead of Preordain. To get some more utility you can try +1 Archmage's Charm and -1 The One Ring in main and 1 The One Ring can go to sideboard.

In sideboard can be useful to have some anti grave spells like Surgical Extraction or Nihil Spellbomb. Some more Consign to Memory will be good.

JustJohn97 on Mono Blue* Prowess

1 month ago

This is a very neat deck! You've got a nice split in creature types that you might want to consider Of One Mind as additional card draw. I myself am partial to Pieces of the Puzzle, but I understand if that's a bit too high on the curve. Snap is currently my favorite blue removal card, and it might work well in a prowess deck since it allows you to follow up with additional spells.

Have you been able to test this deck out? I'm curious about Brainstorm in this deck. Since your only way to 'clean the top' is Preordain, do you find yourself getting Brainstorm locked?

Thanks for sharing!

GofyTomcat1 on Jeskai Aggro

3 months ago

Preordain is better than Serum Visions most of the time, since it lets you scry before drawing.

You might also consider splitting Path with Prismatic Ending (I personally run 3 Ending, two Path). Ending is super relevant in the modern meta right now.

I really like Geist of Saint Traft, so I would want to see at least 3 copies in here, however that is purely me really liking the card. 4 Boros Charms is a lot for a non-burn deck, so you might consider dropping to 3 and upping Geist by one copy.

Overall, this is a fantastic start. I really like the direction the deck is going!

wallisface on Cloaked Whispers

3 months ago

I’m not sure where the first iteration of this deck ended as it got deleted before I could read any closing comments. So apologies in advance if i’m stating something that’s already been discussed.

Your description has the opening statement of “I know the deck is slow, don't really care about that. These are the type of decks I like to build. So don't comment if you're not interested in helping try and help with the deck” - this commentary is at-odds with itself… in that the absolute-best way to make this deck more playable is to speed it up. It’s going to be very hard to offer suggestions that aren’t just “make the deck faster”, because that’s the primary thing this deck soo sorely needs.

Specifically, your deck needs to be doing something in all-of turns 1, 2, and 3 to progress the game… otherwise you just get left in the dust. Your options for that includes:

  • potentially having a ramp engine. Green has loads of 1-mana options for generating mana which could easily accelerate your win condition by a few turns. Ramp also helps mitigate some of the woes you’ll face with this extremely greedy mana curve.

  • potentially having control elements. If you’re wanting the game to go long enough to do your thing, you need to make sure the opponent isn’t just winning. Counterspell, Fatal Push, Thoughtseize etc all play a part in dragging the game out and allowing you time to assemble your pieces.

  • potentially dig through your deck to assemble all the cards you need. Your combo requires a lot of working pieces, and as said before, those Transmute cards are super clumsy. Cards like Preordain, Serum Visions, Opt, and Consider could all help you dig through your deck to try and get your card pieces asap - to try and make a turn 5 win as reliable as possible.

^ each of those three above options could be viable - the important thing is that your deck needs to be working towards achieving its goal from turn 1, not turn 3-4. At the moment your shell is both super slow and super fragile, which is just going to lead it to not-working.

legendofa on Seeking Advice for Lazav., Dimrir …

4 months ago

Thinking about cantrips, I see Necropotence, Rhystic Study, and Phyrexian Arena in here, so there's some drawing power. Broadly speaking, I agree with the second person you talked to. These enchantments provide more advantage over time than spending a card to draw a single extra card. You can use graveyards as a resource, too. As far as cards like Dimir Doppelganger and Reanimate are concerned, everybody's graveyards are just extensions of your hand. So aside from the Preordain/Ponder/similar stuff in here that's good card fixing in general, cantripping isn't especially necessary. Unless you use massive amounts of cantrips (and some commanders are okay with that), they don't offer that much thinning, and simply playing with good knowledge and fundamentals will give you much more of an advantage. It wouldn't really hurt anything to include a few, but don't rely on them to break the game open in this deck.

wallisface on Azorius Aggro-Control deck

5 months ago

If I were building a deck with your colour and budget restraints, it’d be this. I’d suggest your list look very close to this, if you’re wanting to end up with an ”Azorius Aggro-Control deck”.

If you’re going down the route of specifically wanting to build around Ethersworn Canonist, it’s a completely different deck - neither aggro nor control, but instead some kind of artifact-based tempo build.

wallisface on Azorius Aggro-Control deck

5 months ago
  • Preordain is miles better than Serum Visions

  • yes you can trigger Lion Sash multiple times. You’d presumably always do it in the opponents end step.

  • I should reiterate as I have been this whole thread that your artifact creatures aren’t very-well suited for a control or aggro shell at-all… this is why i’d suggested a bunch of creatures that would actually help you. I know you like Ethersworn Canonist but this is a really bad home for it - trying to force it into this deck is going to make it’s performance bad, and the deck worse.

  • Haughty Djinns 3-mana cost can be a little awkward, but i’ll note Murktide Regent is two mana and survives fine. The trick is to know the matchups well enough to gauge when to ”shields down” to cast it - or wait till you have 4-5 lands so you can also Spell Pierce or Counterspell.

  • Tolarian Terror is 1 mana and wins the game on its own. You’re in no massive rush to dump it down, but tempo-control builds could often get it down by turn 3-4 no problem.

  • Touch the Spirit Realm is fine, but not great. You’re unlikely to ever channel it, but it’ll still be decent-enough.

  • Detention Sphere is decent.

  • of course opponents will be paying 2 mana to crack clues, but only if its the best thing for them to be doing fir their turn. Them gaining clues is an advantage for them.

9-lives on Azorius Aggro-Control deck

5 months ago

Ahhh! Thank you so much for the recommendations!! This is what I'm talking about; getting positing feedback!

Stasis Snare is amazing! I love the art on it as well. This card is perfect!

Which one is better? Preordain or Serum Visions? I don't know in what order is better for scrying and drawing. I like the art for Preordain better.

If I'm running Ethersworn Canonist and stuff, Lion Sash would be good. I really want to play my artifact creatures, especially Ethersworn Canonist. Also, I have a newb question: would I be able to use Lion Sash's activated ability multiple times per turn?? If so, that would be sweet.

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