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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Alchemy | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Highlander | Legal |
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Historic Brawl | Legal |
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Leviathan | Legal |
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Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Pre-release | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Standard | Legal |
Standard Brawl | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Tribute to the World Tree
Whenever a creature enters the battlefield under your control, draw a card if its power is 3 or greater. Otherwise, put two +1/+1 counters on it.

kamarupa on
Trample Tribal
1 day ago
Very solid deck. I playtested it a few times and it seems perfectly tuned.
The only suggestion I have is to cut Elven Farsight and add Harmonize in it's place. The only advantage Elven Farsight offers over Harmonize is when you have an opening hand without any ramp, as you can cast it on T1. To me, that's not enough to outweigh the drawback of not generating any card advantage. Since you have 11 ramp spells, the deck is more likely to be top-decking early than it is to not have mana to cast your trample creatures. Additionally, at only 2 copies, the likelihood that both conditions are met for it to be useful are low - you both have to have Elven Farsight in your opening hand AND need a mana dork. Alternatively, if you draw Elven Farsight mid-game with 5 mana available, it would have been cheaper mana-wise not to have drawn it and instead to have drawn a creature (admittedly, some gamble there, as there's no guarantee you draw a creature) and cast it. That is, Elven Farsight is at least sometimes just adding a 1MV tax to casting a card you'd have drawn anyway. On the other hand, with Harmonize, you actually gain card advantage when you need it. In fact, generally, in the modern format, Harmonize is one of the best single-instance draw card spells out there because it draws more cards and for less per card. IE the classic spell Divination works out to each drawn card costing 1.5MV where as with Harmonize, each card only costs 1.33MV.
Tribute to the World Tree would be a very good alternative to Harmonize. The only downside to Tribute to the World Tree, IMO, is that it's slower than Harmonize to replace cards in your hand and therefore incentivizes you to cast it before your trample creatures. After all, it won't help you if you top deck it, while Harmonize will. Along those same lines, while it's nice to add 2x +1/+1 counters to your Arbor Elves and Heirarchs, since you really don't want or need to swing with those creatures, that ability is not only moot, but incentivizes the bad play of waiting to cast them until after Tribute to the World Tree is in play. And finally, Tribute to the World Tree's triple green MV isn't ideal in any deck that's not mono-green. Still you could do worse.
Craeter on
EDH Jorn, God of Winter
3 weeks ago
Your list looks very well optimized, nice work! Do you own it in paper? I'd love to play against it with my Isu deck via Spelltable. That would be a Snowy battle for the ages.
Isu works best with as many Snow permanents as possible for his top deck dig ability, but I also built mine for Control and Landfall. I'm going to see if I can tweak it a bit though to get a few more Snow permanents in it.
Jorn seems more flexible since he's not as locked to the number of Snow permanents in the deck. He doesn't have the built in Draw that Isu has, so I see you're getting that elsewhere.
Since you're concerned about Jorn getting his attacks through, I could recommend Curious Obsession / Curiosity / Aqueous Form. Not Snow cards, since TBH the Snow card pool is pretty limited. But those are highly useful Dimir style Unblockable / Draw Auras. And I'd imagine you're keen for as much Draw as possible since Jorn lacks that.
The Great Henge is also a possibility, it's not hard to get a Snow creature with 7+ power. Then it provides mana, life, buff, draw, seems like it could be great for both our lists. My deck is based off Icewind Dale so it could represent the great tree of Kuldahar. I know you've got Tribute to the World Tree which is also a great card, but perhaps this one is even better?
hybridv21 on
Magus X
1 month ago
Considerations: Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner Tribute to the World Tree Invigorating Hot Spring Rhythm of the Wild Garruk's Uprising Temur Ascendancy The Swarmlord Birds of Paradise The Goose Mother Animar, Soul of Elements Voracious Hydra
hybridv21 on
2 months ago
Other than advice I've given elsewhere considering removal, ramp and card draw, this looks really good and just needs a little bit more of the usual stuff to help it sing.
if you can get lots of green consistently maybe try Tribute to the World Tree
hybridv21 on
Ezuri and Squirrels
2 months ago
LANDS: Cut the temple of the false gods, add more forests and less islands, cus you seen to want more green than you currently need than blue, looks fine otherwise, Guildless Commons could replace temple of the false gods if you want a quick fix, but could just be cut for another ramp spells, 37 lands is fine.
Sorcery: Surprised to not see Three Visits, Farseek and Nature's Lore here.
everything else looks good, could maybe use more removal cards and card draw, but a solid base thats going to be very powerful, have you considered a Forgotten Ancient , Fertilid , Scurry of Squirrels , Tribute to the World Tree , or Stocking the Pantry
Eilel on
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds
3 months ago
Quirion Ranger (commander untap)
Scryb Ranger (commander untap + flying en prod blue)
Awaken the Woods (mana sink)
Archdruid's Charm (ook removal)
Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma (ook trample enabler)
Nyx Lotus (late game super ramp wss)
Oran-Rief, the Vastwood (ik vind niet super maar ik ken genoeg mensen die m dat wel vinden)
Myriad Landscape (niet te veel tap lands spelen maar denk dat deze wel kan)
Card draw / advantage
Vivien, Monsters' Advocate (buiten de ability ook tutor op de -2)
Garruk's Uprising (ook trample enabler)
Battle Mammoth (creature en soort ward voor alle creatures)
Disciple of Freyalise Flip (kan je als een landslot spelen, dus eigenlijk gratis include. als je niet nodig hebt als land heb je carddraw en lifegain)
Regal Force (creature)
Finale of Devastation (ook haste enabler)
Recursion / Graveyard
Bala Ged Recovery Flip (ook een land)
Long Rest (kan elk type kaart terug pakken, mass recursion)
Concordant Crossroads (haste)
Surrak and Goreclaw (trample + haste)
Temur Sabertooth (combo kaart, alles met etb kan je opnieuw spelen, ook voor meer carddraw etc)
Ulvenwald Oddity Flip (Trample + haste en +1/+1 enabler als die geflipt is)
Thousand-Year Elixir (geeft je commander soort van haste en kan untappen)
Scavenging Ooze (graveyard)
Rampaging Yao Guai (ook mana sink)
Beast Within (raakt practish alles)
Terastodon (super goed)
Khalni Ambush Flip (fight spell die je als land kan spelen)
Bridgeworks Battle Flip (fight spell die je ook als land kan spelen)
Tyvar's Stand (of een mana sink)
Lightning Greaves (haste voor je commander met 0 equip)
Goldvein Hydra (mana sink en eventueel super late game extra ramp)
Ochre Jelly (mana sink + trample + moeilijk vanaf te komen)
Silverback Elder (removal / card draw / lifegain)
Alternative wincons
Triumph of the Hordes (als je een teringlijer wilt zijn)
TheMadRocketeer on
Who's Counting?
4 months ago
Craeter, Great suggestions! Thanks.
I do already have Hardened Scales and Primal Vigor in the deck.
I have Fertilid and considered it for this deck but didn't put it in the Maybe list. I'll add it now and may swap it in. Very useful.
Ozolith, the Shattered Spire and Branching Evolution are exactly the kind of cards I'd like to have more of in the deck.
Heroic Intervention is terrific protection, and I have my eye out for some.
Doubling Season is nutso good and, as you say, super expensive. I've not done proxying and mainly just play kitchen table games, but . . . Yeah. Wow.
Hooded Hydra is great. I don't think I have any, but I'm going to go digging to make sure.
Tribute to the World Tree, Forgotten Ancient, Devoted Druid - You've given me a lot to think about and look for. :-)
Craeter on
Who's Counting?
4 months ago
This is pretty good for cards you just happen to have! If you're looking to upgrade in the future here are some suggestions: Tribute to the World Tree, Hardened Scales, Branching Evolution, Heroic Intervention, Hooded Hydra, Forgotten Ancient, Fertilid, Devoted Druid, Ozolith, the Shattered Spire, Primal Vigor, then there's the staple stupid expensive Doubling Season - I'd recommend just proxying it for a few bucks.
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Want (6) | Kripkenstein , beesaurs , TechNoble , Yahtzee55 , ACrispyTaco , Hak86 |