Garruk, Primal Hunter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Garruk, Primal Hunter

Planeswalker — Garruk

+1: Create a 3/3 green Beast creature token.

-3: Draw cards equal to the greatest power among creatures you control.

-6: Create a 6/6 green Wurm creature token for each land you control.

Profet93 on Thrun Voltron-His Silence is Violence

3 months ago

MysticSnake, thank you for your patience. Since you didn't mention budget, I just put what I thought could work regardless of price point. You should add some non-basics to provide utility, also, add maybe 1-2 more lands just to ensure you don't miss land drops.

Rishkar's Expertise - Draw, either as a replacement or in addition to soul's majesty. Same with Garruk, Primal Hunter

Nylea's Colossus - Big Guy

Bear Umbra - Works well since they can't 2 for 1 u in response to cast. Nice buff and the "ramp" aspect is good, all while being an enchantment

Song of the Dryads - Removal!

Nyxbloom Ancient - Supe ramp!

Herald of the Pantheon/Cloud Key - Ramp

Season of Renewal - Recursion

Composer of Spring and Weaver of Harmony - Potentially worth considering

Rofellos's Gift - I actually don't like this card but worth mentioning.

Creeping Renaissance - Crystal chimes #2 but can be used twice and is more flexible

Overgrowth - Ramp

Sylvan Library - Draw/utility

Greater Good - Draw that is also a sac outlet to prevent theft and exile.

wallisface on Leyline of the Land

10 months ago

I like this concept a lot, and from the look of the list it feels very easy to assemble.

My only thought is that there has to be more obnoxious permanents to cast for 5 mana… you’re not restricted by colour so you can just put any egregious nonsense into play pretty easily. Imo Titania, Protector of Argoth is only really any good in a deck running fetchlands.

I had a quick look through gatherer and the following might be worth considering:

eliakimras on Dinosaurs go Rawr!

11 months ago

Great build! Dinosaurs are such a fun experience for newcomers.

Some points you might want to consider regarding your ramp package:

1: Ramping with creatures or artifacts is riskier than with lands (boardwipes usually leave lands alone). Also, has many mana doublers that benefit from land ramp:

2: If you're willing to include Cinder Glade and Canopy Vista (or their expensive siblings Stomping Ground, Temple Garden and Sacred Foundry), you open up some more options for you:

3: Then you might want to increase your land count. 33 is too few for Temple of the False God to realiably function.

I recommend swapping out your mana dorks for lands that ramp you (you can never have too much mana with kill-on-sight Gishath, Sun's Avatar):

4: Some card draw:

5: Better combat tricks

6: Broader utility

I'd suggest removing Reliquary Tower. If you have more than seven cards in hand as Gishath, you're already winning hard. In its place, consider one or more of the following:

jdogz32 on Mono green beasts

1 year ago

I don't see much purpose for the Roaring Primadox + Thragtusk combo. It's too slow to be any efficient at all. As for cards I'd add I'd add Leatherback Baloth is still a beast but has high power and only a 3 converted Mana cost. I'd also add Garruk Wildspeaker over Garruk, Primal Hunter unless you shift your focus away from big creatures and straight to beast tokens. If that's the case you could add Feral Incarnation instead and cards like Pulse of the Tangle hope this helps.

eliakimras on Naya Plus Counters

1 year ago

Great build! +1/+1 Counters is probably the most open-ended theme to build around, so you have plenty of options to choose from. Here are some suggestions:

To increase card draw in your build, consider Harmonize, Blessing of Frost, Garruk, Primal Hunter, Return of the Wildspeaker, Rishkar's Expertise, Shamanic Revelation, Hunter's Insight, Hunter's Prowess, Soul's Majesty.

If you want to bolster 's presence on your deck, consider Halana and Alena, Partners, All Will Be One, Grumgully, the Generous, Taurean Mauler, Boros Charm (another defensive spell), Naya Charm, Invigorating Hot Spring and Kessig Wolf Run.

eliakimras on B.F.D.

1 year ago

Glancing through your cards, your deck's problem might be because you're building it based on best-case scenario, with tons of clones and blink synergies. (In my playgroup, Miirym always gets removed before her untap step, so the Miirym player does not rely on her sticking to the board.)

I'll suggest some upgrades for your deck based on making it more consistent and less dependant on Miirym:

1st. Ramp

Explosive turns with lots of cost reducers sound nice... if people don't blow up your dorks before you get any value from them.

2nd. You need more lands (36 lands + 13 ramp cards is a good starting point)

3rd. Better counterspells

4th. Better removal

5th. Better boardwipes

6th. More card draw

7th. Better win conditions

eliakimras on Jund Dragons

1 year ago

Forgot to say what to take out for the three cards above: Green Sun's Twilight, Hull Breach, Lukka, Bound to Ruin. The Twilight is unrealiable until you spend a lot of mana into it. The Breach is sorcery-speed. The planeswalker does not do much here.

Now some small upgrades you can make:

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