Sorcery (204)

Instant (96)

Artifact (24)

Planeswalker (7)

Creature (94)

Enchantment (40)

Made including only cards that have been printed in multiplayer products.

30 lands 7 artifact ramp 15 cantrips 8 removal (burn) 17 removal (counters) 23 generator/payoff

1 commander 30 lands 7 artifact ramp 14 cantrips 8 spot removal/burn 3 board wipes 14 counters 23 value

23 wincon/value 22 cantrips 30 lands 25 removal/counters

1 commander 22 wincon/value 12 cantrips/card draw 8 burn/spot removal 3 board wipes 14 counters 6 artifact ramp 34 lands


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