Vision Skeins

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Vision Skeins


Each player draws two cards.

Caerwyn on Prosperity or Vision Skeins?

2 years ago

Nekusar likes to go big and flashy, rather than small and consistent. The card advantage for something like Vision Skeins just does not work out in your favour - you get two cards but your collective opponents get six and only take a paltry amount of damage in exchange (Words of Wisdom to a lesser extent - but two for you, three for them still isn’t great, and its damage is quite insignificant and a waste of a card slot).

It is the same reason something like Howling Mine is bad in Nekusar - you are feeding your opponents cards they can use to stop you, while not putting a significant dent in their life.

Prosperity, like large, flashy wheel effects, can do enough damage to an opponent to be a significant threat - even giving you the option of closing out the game if X is high enough (especially if you toss some infect on Nekusar). That makes it the vastly superior option - Prosperity can win you games, while Vision Skeins is very likely to lose them for you.

DemonDragonJ on Prosperity or Vision Skeins?

2 years ago

I have a copy of Prosperity in my Nekusar, the Mindrazer EDH deck, but I am considering replacing it with Vision Skeins, mainly because the latter card is an instant; it is true that the latter card cannot draw as many card as does the former, but it is more mana-efficient than is the former, so I am contemplating using it.

Actually, what about Words of Wisdom (why has that card not yet been reprinted)? Should I use that one, instead? What does everyone else say about this subject?

Madcookie on Jori "Nothing To See Here" En

2 years ago

Ravenrose Gotta admit I haven't played it in quite awhile, but when I did it performed decent mostly due to being "low profile", being friendly (I played Kami of the Crescent Moon, Vision Skeins and similar stuff in the previous version) and from drawing the occasional token maker.

Hybrow on Snakes on a Planeswalker - Xyris EDH swarm

4 years ago

Hello Pikobyte. Thanks for the view,

My group generally plays 3-4 player games. I have found that Teferi's Puzzle Box was phenomenal in the games I have played. It generates snakes every round.

Although I only have a few cards that so a classic wheel, there are a lot of cards that make players draw. Temple Bell, Howling Mine, Dictate of Kruphix, Fevered Visions, Rites of Flourishing, Standstill, Arcane Denial, Dream Fracture, Minds Aglow, Molten Psyche, Windfall, Vision Skeins, Words of Wisdom, Jace's Archivist, Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist. Most of these end up generating snakes on other players turns, so that on my turn they do not have sickness.

I do have one Wheel of Fortune, but its currently in another deck. May end up adding a proxy into this one and swapping it back and forth. I do also want to get a Windfall. Those two will definately find a place in this deck, probably replacing Lhurgoyf and Frantic Search

Are there any in particular you would suggest?

hungry000 on owling mine help

4 years ago

If you're playing kitchen table magic, an old Modernn Owling Mine deck will work great. I would splash red for Runeflare Trap and Fevered Visions and play 4 Howling Mine, 2-4 Temple Bell, 2 Dictate of Kruphix alongside the 4 Fevered Visions for your draw engine. Then play the usual bounce spells (Boomerang/Eye of Nowhere/maybe Wipe Away), Unsubstantiate in place of Remand, Exhaustion, and Gigadrowse. Vision Skeins is a useful card as well.

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