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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Exile target artifact or creature. Its controller creates a 1/1 blue Bird creature token with flying.

Foretell (During your turn, you may pay and exile this card from your hand face down. Cast it on a later turn for its foretell cost.)

DemonDragonJ on Is Wild Magic Surge a …

1 year ago

WotC has acknowledged that Chaos Warp breaks the color pie, because that card allows red to remove enchantments from the battlefield, which red is not supposed to be able to do (and I personally believe that red also should not be able to deal with creatures or planeswalkers without dealing damage, as well), but the supposed replacement for that card, Wild Magic Surge, has its own problems, in my mind.

Wild Magic Surge destroys any permanent, which red also is not supposed to be able to do, as I stated in my previous paragraph, so I cannot understand how it was printed. The fact that WMS gives a player another permanent does not matter, since, WotC has acknowledged that cards such as Pongify and Ravenform are breaks, since blue is not supposed to be able to destroy permanents, even if it gives the player a new permanent in exchange, so I am very displeased that they broke their own rule with WMS; if Wild Magic Surge shuffled a permanent into its owner's library, I would have no problem with it, but I feel that it is a break, as it currently is.

What does everyone else say about this subject? Is Wild Magic Surge a color pie break?

carpecanum on Riku of two reflections budget

1 year ago

Ravenform and a couple more Foretell cards maybe. Cheaper to cast = cheaper for Riku to copy.

Infinite Reflection is a wincon with Biovisionary

Mimic Vat maybe

Triton on Advertise your COMMANDER deck!

1 year ago

Would appreciate some feedback on my Aegar burn deck:

Thunder Dome

Commander / EDH Triton


At the moment it’s a bit hard finding cuts for cards. I want to add in Rapid Hybridization/Ravenform effects to provide bodies for drawing off of Aegar. If any cards seem lackluster I’d happily consider swapping them out!

DreadKhan on Grimgrin - Needs your Help

1 year ago

When I was testing out your deck, I definitely noticed mana issues, you probably want a mix of a couple more lands and some mana rocks. There is the odd mana dork you could use, none generally as good as a Green one. I always like Dreamscape Artist in a Dimir deck that makes use of the graveyard, it's actual Harrow so the lands are entering untapped, making the ramp a bit better than it might usually be. With a 5 mana Commander I think I would run Sol Ring, especially without Green, there is also Talisman of Dominance and Dimir Signet that are solid. A really solid 3 mana rock is Skyclave Relic, it can be a 3 drop or a big (and versatile) efficient 6 drop. Not sure if you need all of those, but I think you want some of those ramp options. TBH, you might also lower your average Mana Value, you're well over 3, which might be a tad high for 33 lands in a reasonably competitive deck. A couple handy utility lands that are nice with Voltron decks include Witch's Clinic, Shizo, Death's Storehouse, and Tyrite Sanctum. Sanctum is a bit weird, but getting Indestructible on your Commander will probably feel pretty good. There are also some MDFCs that aren't bad in Black, you could replace one of your 2 mana Black removal creature removal with Hagra Mauling  Flip, risking 4 mana to remove something (with no restriction though) is harsh, but it's also a land which feels incredible in a lower land count deck. I hear Malakir Rebirth  Flip is also very good, especially with a Voltron Commander.

I also noticed that the deck seemed to not excel at clearing the board of threats/problems, this can include combo pieces or Voltron creatures. From a competitive standpoint, if you expect to play against decks that are 7s or above you probably want at least a couple more solid counters, it's hard to know which to run because actual Counterspell costs UU, which is hard to hold up obviously, but Swan Song and Negate might not be versatile enough, but I think any or all of those would make the deck more functional. Niche removal like Ravenform, Resculpt and Feed the Swarm are also worth a look, you never know when you'll need to tutor up an answer for either of those types, and being able to hit a creature is also useful, fwiw Black isn't great at exiling creatures. I see you only have 1 Planeswalker in here, have you thought about Liliana, Death's Majesty? She's got some synergy with Zombies for sure, and offers a potential wipe.

A tutor that might fit in here that you're not running is Final Parting, which is clunky at 5 mana but it also offers a two for 1 tutor, so even if it's a lot of mana it does a lot of work. I'm not sure how many cards you're that desperate to get into the graveyard, but Final Parting finds 2 of 3 pieces for Gravecrawler combos in my Meren deck, very handy if I have one in hand already.

Pretty tough finding stuff that sticks out for being suboptimal in this list! Here are a few I suspect could be upgraded: Reassembling Skeleton is a Skeleton. The recursion aspect is not particularly good at 2 mana for a non-Zombie body, with a max of one on board at a time. Undead Alchemist might do something sometimes, but I feel like it's a bad interaction with a lot of your deck, it's terrible with Living Death type stuff obviously, and if someone is close to death, this gives them way more life. Call to the Grave seems potentially iffy, you run some very good non-Zombies, and you can't sac a token instead to it, it eats only non-Zombies. Kindred Discovery seems questionable potentially, it negatively interacts with any combo that uses a zombie entering or dying repeatedly since you have to draw, this can also make you unable to swing with a huge zombie army, which seems agonizing without at least throwing in something like Capsize. More curious than certain, but do you often have 1 toughness things to work with Skullclamp? Any Zombie at 1 toughness is buffed by your lords, and the tokens you make are 2/2s iirc? If you ask me, unless you have a source of 1 toughness bodies I'm missing, you could instead run Mask of Griselbrand, it can draw cards too (sometimes way more), both require a sac outlet, and it offers real utility in combo by offering evasion and lifelink. I would run any of the removal I mentioned over Doom Blade and Go for the Throat, I feel like the versatility and some offering exile has an edge. For Tragic Slip, do you get stuck without a sac outlet very often, this seems like an unnecessary complication to have on your removal, but at least it can hit Indestructibles? IMHO if you can afford it run Deadly Rollick, this will also exile stuff without as harsh a requirement (I'd rather have the downside of 4 mana vs removing only x/1s).

DreadKhan on Indestructible Visions

1 year ago

Master of Etherium is a nice good generic Affinity card, as are Thoughtcast and Thought Monitor. Over Buried Ruin you might look at Treasure Vault, it's an artifact land that can make a bunch of artifacts for something like Nettlecyst or Cranial Plating.

I assume the Sol Rings are for THG, because I'm very sure it's banned in Legacy for being completely busted. There really isn't anything else as good you can substitute other than Ancient Tomb, which can kill you, but people definitely run for it's power. There are also Springleaf Drum and Moonsnare Prototype, which can ramp turn 1.

Not sure if it's truly relevant other than as bad 3 mana ramp, but Mirrormade exists. It's harder to cast than Copy Enchantment, but it can copy an Artifact if you want, which is pretty good value sometimes, copying a Land is funny.

In the event of a mirror match, you might like having access to Ravenform to remove opposing bodies that are indestructible or regenerate, it can also hit pesky artifacts, probably worth a look at for a sideboard.

This is going to sound a bit crazy, but you should consider Vault Skirge in here, making a 5/5 flying lifelink is very good vs some decks, and it also plays nice with Cranial Plating. I usually just cast it for the 2 life on turn 1 and try to get a Cranial Plating on it ASAP in my Affinity deck, it has won me plenty of tough games.

I wonder if the Blinkmoth Urns are too slow? I guess THG they make more sense, but if you want to play 1v1 Legacy, you should keep in mind how fast decks tend to be, as this deck packs essentially nothing to spoke an opponent's wheel. I'm not sure you could really fit in counters, but they are great in Legacy if your not going all-in on speed. Of particular interest, cheap/low mana counters can let you protect your indestructible creatures from Exile effects like Swords to Plowshares or edicts like Innocent Blood or Smallpox, these kinds of effects definitely see play in Legacy. I guess in THG you might have a partner packing the protection? I think you either want more creatures or some protection for your bodies. Some counters that are popular include Spell Pierce, Dispel, Swan Song and Flusterstorm, as well as free ones like Force of Will obviously. Good old Counterspell sounds good in theory, but it can be impossible to hold up UU to protect stuff, because getting out a 5/5 is time sensitive, too late and it won't be big enough, too early and the control player can just remove/counter your stuff and win later on.

Cool deck idea!

DreadKhan on Into the Sharknado

1 year ago

My personal gripe with Capture Sphere is that it's too much mana for the effect. If you expect to be able to swing at people, there is Fall from Favor that has seen some play, 3 mana is closer to what you want to pay to remove a serious problem creature (and Monarch can mean lots of extra cards), though Blue has stuff like Pongify, Curse of the Swine and Reality Shift, as well as Ravenform and Resculpt that can also exile an artifact. Another issue Capture Sphere has it that it doesn't remove the creature from the field, so any abilities that just require the creature to exist will still work, which can be a real problem. The final issue is as you note, if you can deal with an enchantment the effect can be removed, in contrast with a Pongify. I think it's a better card for a sideboard, where you bring it in for games 2 or 3 in the games where it'll matter, to avoid having it clog up your hand when it doesn't.

I used to use Slow Motion a fair bit, and while it has very good matchups, it also has lots of them where the opponent doesn't care about 2 mana and can just kill you with the creature your aura didn't kill, and that is a card that the opponent can't deal with as easily, it still doesn't consistently enough matter, or doesn't immediately get the creature off the field. In my Delver deck, which is a bit higher budget but not a lot, I run Counterspell and Psionic Blast to deal with stuff/close out games a smidge quicker, both are instant, both use less than 4 mana and Psionic Blast is almost never a dead card, since I can just bolt my opponent.

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