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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Telling Time
Look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand, one on top of your library, and one on the bottom of your library.

TheCardPool on
11 months ago
Rasaru I understand what you mean with the tutors if your play group doesn’t use them. In the event you do add them, they really help with getting Quiet Speculation and combo-ing with Temporal Mastery. As for overloading rift, it is actually hard to do in this deck. Most games will end with me having 6-7 lands in play because you need very little mana in your opening hand to get the deck to work. A 1 or 2 land hand is still viable with my build. Consuming Tide is still a must though because it does so much work.
I’m not the biggest fan of the equipments but feel free to run them if you like them. I get why they’re in the deck.
I haven’t had to worry about decking but I can see an issue if an opponent is using a mill or wheels deck. You could always tech in a Thassa's Oracle.
As for your tutor targets for Intuition, it depends on the board state and timing of the game. If there’s an archenemy the player you pick could give you the card you want while filling your grave. More often than not you’ll be able to choose 3 of a similar card to get a version to your hand. If Demilich hasn’t been a part of the game yet I will usually select it as 1 of the 3.
Also, kuddos on Curate, I’m removing Telling Time for it right now!
wozislightning on
Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign
1 year ago
I currently run Yennett as well. A few cards that have overperformed for me: Crystal Ball Aminatou, the Fateshifter Haunted Crossroads Baneful Omen and Telling Time. Good luck and happy brewing!
obi_ivan_kenobi on
Zethi, blade of spells
1 year ago
Update 1:
Leadership Vacuum -> You Come to a River
Arcane Melee -> Heliod, the Radiant Dawn
Telling Time -> Steel of the Godhead
Unbreakable Formation -> Akroma's Will
NV_1980 on
Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That
2 years ago
This looks like fun but it also looks a bit (too) slow as most cards in your deck have an average CMC of 5+ and it will take on average five turns to summon your commander in order to cheat your creatures into play. I think there are ways to keep your deck budget, while still increasing its speed. First off, I think adding the talismans (Talisman of Dominance, Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Progress) would help.
Second, a few cheap scrying/draw resources like Portent, Esper Charm, Index, Telling Time, Otherworldly Gaze, Opt, Dream Cache, Serum Visions and Sphinx's Revelation can really help you find the cards you need a bit quicker.
Hope this helps.
mx439 on
Volo's Legion
3 years ago
Update 10/29/21:
Major changes have been made.
Out: Snow-Covered Island, Beast Whisperer, Crash of Rhino Beetles, Dungrove Elder, Neverwinter Hydra, Omnath, Locus of Mana, Reclamation Sage, Seedborn Muse, Deepglow Skate, Icebreaker Kraken, Rite of Replication.
In: Halimar Depths, Rampant Growth, Migratory Greathorn, Majestic Myriarch, Gemrazer, Sky Diamond, Simic Signet, Clone, Serum Visions, Telling Time, Whelming Wave.
multimedia on
Processing Throat Pain with Yuriko
3 years ago
Hey, you're welcome.
The first cuts to consider are Temple of the Dragon Queen and 3 other lands since 40 lands is too much. In place of some lands add some lower CMC scry/draw such as Brainstorm, Augury Owl, Preordain, Telling Time. The idea is these cards can replace lands because they're one or two mana, easy to cast, that can help to find lands if you need a land, find/draw other cards or most important help to setup the top card of your library for Yuriko. The scry 3 of Augury Owl is nice since it's a flying creature to return to your hand to cast again.
The more lower CMC creatures who have evasion or can give itself or another creature evasion you add the better the creature base will be for Yuriko. There's a large amount of budget creatures to choose from therefore there's really no reason to play many nonNinja creatures who don't have evasion.
Some other cards to consider cutting:
- Pharika's Cure
- Wall of Frost
- Bone to Ash
- Vampire Spawn
- Calcite Snapper
- Shipbreaker Kraken
- Inkwell Leviathan
- Shambling Ghast
- Hoard Robber
- Death-Priest of Myrkul
- Zombie Ogre
- Gravedigger
- Scion of the Swarm
- Thassa's Intervention
A more complex budget interaction is Cunning Evasion or Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar with Yuriko and other Ninjutsu. You keep bouncing Ninjas who are blocked and then Ninjutsu them while still in combat. This is helpful with Yuriko and other Ninjas because they will not always have evasion. Any Ninja who has a trigger when it does combat damage to a player such as Ingenious Infiltrator benefits from being able to be blocked then bounced and then Ninjutsu while still in combat, before combat damage step.
Some other cards to consider adding later on that are a little more expensive price, but still budget:
- Arcane Adaptation: this makes all creatures you control a Ninja as well as a Rogue. This is a powerful effect because then each creature who does combat damage to an opponent triggers Yuriko.
- Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire: it's a Rogue who's boast ability can tutor for any card and put that card on top of your library. You can activate boast at any time after Varragoth is declared as an attacker thus you can set up the top card of your library in combat before Varragoth dies if that is what is going to happen and before you do combat damage to a player.
- Fallen Shinobi: Ninja with a potentially busted trigger when you do combat damage to an opponent, but the power of it depends on what cards you exile from the top of your opponent's library.
multimedia on
Processing Throat Pain with Yuriko
3 years ago
Hey, well done so far on a budget for your first Commander deck.
Command Tower, Sol Ring, Arcane Signet are some budget staples to consider adding. Some budget Rogues to consider adding:
Budget cards that have high CMC, but can be cast for much less mana then their CMC are good with Yuriko. They can do lots of damage by revealing them with Yuriko and then cast them later on for less mana.
Dig and Cruise have Delve which lets you exile cards from your graveyard to reduce the colorless mana of the casting cost. Discovery/ Dispersal is a Split card and the CMC of it is the combined cost of both sides. It has a CMC of 7 and you can choose to cast either side, but only one side. The other two cards have Aftermath and just like Split cards the CMC is the combined cost of both sides. Commit / Memory has a CMC of 10. You first cast Commit, then if you want to can cast Memory from your graveyard, but then exile the card.
More budget cards that can let you manipulate the top card of your library give more control over what card you can reveal with Yuriko.
Brainstorm is powerful for one mana instant because if you have a high CMC card in your hand you can draw three cards and then put that card on top of your library before you attack.
Walk the Aeons and Notorious Throng are budget extra turn spells to have another turn to attack again. Throng works with Rogues when any Rogue does damage to a player you can cast Throng for it's Prowl cost to create Faerie Rogues and take an extra turn.
If interested in any of these suggestions I offer more advice including cuts to consider. Good luck with your deck.
zapyourtumor on
3 years ago
Honestly not having Brainstorm hurts modern miracles a lot but I've always wanted to make it work. My first comment is having 8 miracle boardwipes seems really overkill. I'd probably cut most of the devastation tides. Also, I don't think 4 Entreat the Angels are needed since its a finisher.
Counterbalance might work but usually requires instant speed deck top manipulation. We have Brainstone and Telling Time which might just be good enough.
Maybe Crystal Ball? I'm not sure. I've tried this one a few times as like a terrible version of divining top but it might be too slow for the current meta.
If you decide to go the blink version mainboard, there could be some value in using Riverwise Augur. And maybe replacing momentary blink with Ephemerate. You could maybe combine the two plans this way to make up for not having Brainstorm.
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