Heroic Reinforcements

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Heroic Reinforcements


Create two 1/1 white Soldier creature tokens. Until the end of turn, creatures you control get +1/+1 and gain haste. (This can attack and this turn.)

_AoxomoxoA_ on Veni, Vidi, Vici

5 months ago

08/11/2024 Revisions

-1 Heroic Reinforcements: Essentially paying 4 mana to generate 2 soldier tokens and buff my board. I already have plenty of better ways to do both things.

-1 Isolated Chapel: Swapped for Vault of Champions which in Commander is going to always enter untapped

-1 Marshal's Anthem: 4 mana to give my creatures +1/+1, and only sometimes is it worth it to return a creature for an extra 2 mana. Other cards already have the secondary ability, but better.

-1 Vault 11: Voter's Dilemma: Burned in the ass too many times by this card. My playgroup typically plays politics against my favor when this is played and I always end up losing a creature without stabilizing the board.

-1 Legate Lanius, Caesar's Ace: 0 support for this card in the rest of the deck

+1 Eldrazi Monument: Ideally, I have tokens to sacrifice without worrying about my board state, and giving creatures +1/+1 and flying to get over big walls

+1 Mana Crypt: No brainer, no explanation needed

+1 Purphoros, God of the Forge: Generating tons of tokens = profit

+1 Roaming Throne: Great for tribal decks, my triggered Caesar + Roaming Throne + Isshin = Machine Gun of Sadness

+1 Vault of Champions: Strictly Better Isolated Chapel in Commander

CheapnFast on Multicolor Magistrate (Budget)

3 years ago

Gotta add Heroic Reinforcements, gives you a 5/5 hasty golem immediately with General Ferrous Rokiric

Nitaisonnenfeld on

3 years ago

That's a really cool idea for a Codie deck! However I think that one way to make it a bit stronger is to just add some counterspells to slow down your opponents while you get there and protect yourself (and most of what you do is cycling and you can do that in instant speed, so there is no problem with leave some mana up). You really need to protect your stuff because if someone destroys your zirda, you are pretty much done for. It will take so much time to cycle it all away without it, I think. So maybe, you can have many 1 instants and sorceries spells to use Codie, and some higher cmc instants and sorceries you can use before you actually use Codie's ability (or maybe, you can use it only as ramp and fixing without actually playing an instant or sorcery. And then, you might play a 1 cmc instant/sorcery to get Living End and another to get haste - which means that you need more haste enablers. There are some permanent ones with abilities that I thought about (namely Samut, Voice of Dissent and Fires of Yavimaya ) but you can also just add instants and sorceries that do that. The ideal one I think is Burst of Speed which just straight up gives everything you control haste for 1 mana - filling up both parts like Heroic Reinforcements . You can also add ramp. Almost all of it is nonpermanent or has activated abilities. And you can also add the cycling lands since most of them can cycle for free with zirda out and will reduce the amount of dead draws. You can also add Tectonic Reformation to once again reduce the amount of dead draws which you cant cycle. Lastly, freeing up the instants about 0 cmc allows you to add some tutors which will essensially act as multiple copies of the instants in this deck. Off the top of my head, Demonic Tutor , Vampiric Tutor , Merchant Scroll , Mystical Tutor and Long-Term Plans all work for this (and probably many many more).

What do you think about those suggestions? Imo, they will allow the deck to do what it wants to do much quicker and more consistently.

pipopular on Teacher asks for deck ideas …

4 years ago

So far I have 6 finished decks and three that I am putting together right now. Almost half-way through!

If you still feel like contributing, this is what I have to get done:

Orzhov, Mono-red, Dimir, Golgari, Boros (I will do this one next myself. I see Heroic Reinforcements incoming) and Rakdos.

I am thinking of also putting together colorless historic jank and gates, possibly. But those are bonus decks. If I can get the 15 done, I feel well prepared.

I thank you very much for help thus far!

Arcaneful on Budget Winota

4 years ago

Immediately I see that some good token instants and sorceries aren't here that may help.

Krenko's Command

Dragon Fodder

Hordeling Outburst

Raise the Alarm

Heroic Reinforcements

Are all solid non human tokens that are cheap to get out.

I love the man land idea, so why not add in Zoetic Cavern? And Odric, Master Tactician is a great wincon for a deck like this.

DankMagicianD on Shattergang Party

4 years ago

I would swap in Pashalik Mons in over Heroic Reinforcements, since that card's addition is obviously a mistake.

FullmetalWes on swiftblade soldiers

5 years ago

I like the deck! Just a heads up though, a creature you put into play with Preeminent Captain won't get any attack triggers that turn (like battalion or mentor). Also if you find yourself not having enough creatures to activate battalion then something like Raise the Alarm or Heroic Reinforcements would be helpful. Good luck!

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